Monday, April 16, 2018

Weekend Woundup and Weview. 4/16/2018

When the Blue and White Gospel Tent is in the air our posts are heavy with pictures for two reasons.

1. Tent revival lends itself to pictures. Pictures look so good with the tent in the background.

2. The tent takes a lot of time and any free time is spent resting up for more tent time. That leaves less opportunity to be creative. Therefore, more pictures.

This week is no exception. The Weekend Woundup and Weview post has oodles of pictures!

Tent revival kicked off Friday night with an excellent service. I love being under the tent, but the first service usually sends my nervous meter up a notch. This time was a little different. 

Folks all over the country were praying for me and the tent revival. I approached the pulpit with very little nervous apprehension and a quiet confidence that God was going to show up. AND He Did! Praise God.

This is the first tent revival for many of these church folks but they began to worship right from the beginning. They also helped me preach and responded wonderfully in the altar service. It was great!

Saturday night we had strong storms forecast for the area so we had church inside. It was very cool Sunday evening so we had church inside Sunday night too. Here are pictures from the weekend of services inside.

It was wonderful to have Bro. Joel and Sis. Amber Isham visit us Sunday night. They drove 2+ hours to be here. We were tremendously blessed to have them.

They brought a young lady from their church named Emily.

That wraps up the weekend. It is still going to be cool tonight but we hope to be able to have church under the tent. The rest of the week should be better.

Thanks for reading today.
