Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Isaacs In Haughton, Lousianna 2018

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in today. I hope your weekend is off to a good start. You can see in the Weekend Woundup post from Monday, that we had a great weekend last week. My weekend was capped off with an Isaacs concert.

We visited Haughton, Lousiana to see the Isaacs in 2015. We greatly enjoyed our visit to Central Assembly with the Isaacs. We were thrilled when our unexpected schedule change lined up with their stop in Haughton, Lousiana this year.

We arrived at the church Sunday afternoon. It was wonderful to see the Isaacs again. I love getting a chance to visit with them and getting a pre-concert during their soundcheck.

The service was scheduled to begin at 6 PM. Even before go time the church was full of people anticipating a fabulous evening. It definitely was a super fantastic night of singing and music. I laughed, cried and smiled almost the entire time the Isaacs sang and played.

It is always hard to pick a favorite part of the night!  The Isaacs are truly awesome!!  I am always left speechless by their talent! I am so glad we could be with them Sunday night. It was the perfect end to the weekend. 

Now without further rambling, here are my pictures from the concert. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for dropping by today. It is our pleasure and joy to have you visit our Mile Markers. 

Until next time this is Odie signing off. 
