Saturday, November 26, 2016

Friday In Abeokuta

The only way to describe the two services at the Ministers Conference Friday is to say, "You should have been there to see it for yourself!"

It was awesome to see God working in lives and to feel Him working in our lives as well. It really was amazing.

I am thankful Bro. Shobanke invited us to be here to be s part of these meetings. It has been a great blessing to us. 

Today will be the final service and then we plan to leave for the airport. We are ready to go but it is sad to leave our friends behind. 

This is Dorcus. 

I have told you about her before. She is the handicapped lady that dragged herself to the altar in the Gospel Crusade in 2009. She has become a special part of our lives and we always look forward to seeing her. 

She gave us a special treat yesterday. She presented each of us with a set of clothes. She even made a set to send to Odie. I will be wearing mine to preach today. God bless her. 

This is Pastor David from Lagos. It is always a treat to see him. 

Evangelist Samuel came yesterday. I have been looking for him. 

Sis. Rachel is the seamstress that made Kelly Jo's new clothes this year. 

Sis. Mary Adelani is our beautiful friend. 

After another great meal with Bro. Shobanke and prepared by Sis. Rebecca, we were back at the hotel befor 5:00. 

We planned to spend the whole evening getting everything packed to leave this afternoon. That is when the drama began. 

If you read the updates to yesterday's post, you already know the story. Our flights were canceled due to a pilot strike at Lufthansa Airlines. We could not find another way to get out of Lagos before midnight Sunday night. And even that looked very doubtful. 

After a few hours of back-and-forth, prayer and confusion Lufthansa finally booked us on an Air France flight leaving tonight about five minutes to midnight. We will know for sure when we sit down in those seats in the big engines take us down the runway.

First we will enjoy the final service and then say goodbye to our friends until next time. Afterward Bro. Shobanke will take us to the airport and we will begin the next leg of our journey. I hope you have enjoyed the pictures. We will have a few more later.

Thank you for reading.
