Thursday, November 24, 2016

Tuesday And Wednesday of the Gospel Crusade

The final two nights of the Gospel Crusade have been outstanding! We praise God for all that He has done'

Tuesday night I preached a message I have preached in nearly every Tent Revival and nearly every church revival for the last year. I believe it is a word that God has put in my heart for this season and Kelly Jo and Odie have encouraged me to keep preaching it. 

I try to demonstrate that God can heal the wounded in spirit and those with withered hearts by telling the story of Jesus healing "The Man With The Withered Hand" in Luke 6. 

Tuesday night I felt like I was trying to run underwater. I was making a whole lot of effort but not getting very far. 

Thankfully I recognized the problem right from the beginning and I knew it was spiritual opposition. I kept struggling until God broke through. 

The response in the altar was overwhelming, with 100% participation for the second night in a row. I Know God did a work of healing in many hearts and lives. Praise God for His touch!

Wednesday Bro. Shobanke took us to the church at lunch time and we ate a wonderful meal prepared by Sis. Rebecca again. 

Prayer meeting of the local pastors was just ending in the prayer tower and so we went up there and met with those brethren as well.

Kelly has a new set of Nigerian clothes and she is posing in the picture with them and the seamstress that made them.

Wednesday night I began my part of the service passing out candy to the children. This has become a tradition every year we come and do a gospel crusade. I call all the children to the front and then I pray over them and then we pass out candy.

I told Bro. Shobanke several years ago that would kill a service in the US but it does not harm the service at all in Nigeria.

Then it was time for the preaching followed by another great response in the altar and a wonderful prayer line. 

That wrapped up the Gospel Crusade. This morning we will begin the first day of the Ministers Conference. By the time most of you read this I will have already preached twice and I will be spent for the day. I am looking forward to it.

Please pray that God helps us the next few days. Thank you for reading.
