Friday, July 15, 2016

City Reach Dayton - Revival In Pictures

This is our second batch of pictures from City Reach Dayton and we have quite a few of them. This has been a wonderful week of tent revival and I am rejoicing in the help God is giving to people right here in Dayton, Ohio. Each night the Lord has been meeting with us and loving on the people in this community. It has been a joy to behold! I am very thankful that God has allowed us to be a small part of it.

The only drawback is that we only have one more night of City Reach Dayton. Momentum is building and I wish we could go on several more nights but the reality is that we can not. I am expecting several more folks to be saved, healed and delivered tonight.

If all goes as planned and the tent is dry after church tonight, we will take it down and pack it all away. Although we have a tent revival in Vermont next month, we will not be using this tent until the last of August or first of September. It is very important that I get it taken down dry. If we get some sun and a little wind today, we might be able to do it.

Now for some pictures from Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of City Reach Dayton.

Thank you for reading.


Lunch on Tuesday under the tent seems like a good place to start!


We had a storm pressing down on us Wednesday night so we had a small section of wall up to protect the sound equipment.

We had a very small amount of rain during the preaching and the storm came in earnest after church Wednesday night.

We had a beautiful day Thursday and then the rain pounded us hard Thursday afternoon not long before church.

We had our own little lake by the time it was over.

The gravel under the tent was a little messy but we were able to have church without much inconvenience. As I mentioned earlier, I am hoping it dries out today.