Wednesday, May 11, 2016

City Reach Atwater Pictures

Here are a few pictures from the first few nights of City Reach Atwater. We are having a marvelous time and enjoying the blessings of the Lord. We have had several first time visitors each night and we are very thankful!

Please continue to pray for us each night through Sunday. We are anticipating the help of God and we know we must have it.


Visiting before church.

Having Church

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Pictures of The Tent Going Up in Atwater, California

Monday night's service was well attended and graced by God's presence. Several responded immediately to the altar call and God touched and blessed. We are so thrilled with the great response the first two nights and we expect it to get better and better! Praise God for His help!

Both nights we have had visitors from other churches and visitors from the community as well. Many more are stopping by the tent and telling us they are coming and bringing more. Folks in the community seem to be excited and that causes us to be excited too. There is no way to tell you how I feel when we see them actually come and respond. Hallelujah!

The pictures today are from the tent set up on Saturday. The weather was cool and a little rainy but thankfully the heavier rain held off until we could get the tent in the air. We had a great group that came to work and as always, many hands make light work. We even managed to have a little fun along the way!

I hope you enjoy the pictures.


Friday evening

Saturday morning with the trailer in place.

We started a few minutes after 8:00 AM.

The stakes drove into the ground very easy.

Once the tent is on the ground, laced up with the poles and straps attached, I gather every one around and try to describe the rest of the process.

Then we begin!

Here is a picture of the great set up crew.

Kelly always asks everyone to make a funny face for another picture. She really had some great participation this time.

Some closeups for the funny papers!

Finally, here we are washing the top of the tent.