Monday, July 27, 2015

Revival In Pictures - Castle Rock, Colorado

First, a personal note: I am having a problem with my right jaw and I need a touch from God. It seemed I had a bad tooth so I went to a dentist at home the end of May. He could find nothing at all wrong with the tooth. It has been hurting ever since. 

The last few days we were in Montana I thought I was gaining ground but this week the pain has really turned on. The frequency of the pain and the severity of the pain are now getting worse. It hurts by turns in the tooth, the tooth behind it, the tooth above it and in the jaw bone itself with no rhyme or reason.

It has taken me nearly an hour to type this late Sunday night in between spells of pain. I am willing to admit I am a wimp and that I have a severe allergy to pain but this is really bad. Kelly Jo and Odie have been praying for me and the Lord just came by so sweetly. We are praising God for every moment of relief but I desire to be healed! Please, please pray for me.

Revival In Pictures

We have had a wonderful revival this week at Liberty Holiness Tabernacle near Castle Rock, Colorado. As we mentioned earlier this is a pioneer work and we are very blessed to be a part of trying to get this church off the ground. God has sent them several preachers in the last 1 1/2 years and we are pleased to be added to that list. Please pray that God would continue to help Pastor James McCoy and his family to make an impact on lives for Christ in this part of Colorado.

I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures. Thanks for reading.
