Monday, November 10, 2014

Revival In Pictures - Hanford and Fresno, California

First, a prayer request. Please pray for Sis. Carol Martin and her family. She is the wife of Bro. James Martin. They are evangelists and missionaries to the Native Americans. We have mentioned their ministry several times on here. Sis. Martin has been very sick and has been in the hospital this weekend undergoing a long list of tests. They are in desperate need of a miracle. We will update you when we have more details but please go to prayer now.

Sunday was a super day for us. We closed revival Sunday morning in Hanford and started revival Sunday night in Fresno. I will try to post more of the play by play details tomorrow. Today's post is all about Revival In Pictures from both churches. I hope you enjoy.


These first several pictures are from the four services at Victory Holiness Church in Hanford.

Next we have a few pictures from Souls Harbor Holiness Church in Fresno, California.