Friday, November 21, 2014

Revival In Pictures - Avenal, California

Thursday's Post went up pretty late in the day so you morning readers may have missed it. You can follow the link above to see it.

God has been reaching for souls each night at Avenal Assembly and I thank God for the response in the altar every service. The crowds have been very good too. It has been great to see so many people interested in revival.

Pastor Doug and Sis. Terry Spencer

Bro. and Sis. Spencer serve on the staff at Riverdale Assembly and Riverdale Christian Academy and have for many, many years. They came to Avenal several years ago to revive a church that was on its last legs and God has blessed their efforts. God has given them many souls and they have affected many lives.

It is a great pleasure and honor to work along side them this week in Avenal. We love them and their family very much. We have had a wonderful time and we are expecting one more great service tonight. Thank you for praying for us. I hope you enjoy the Revival In Pictures at Avenal Assembly in Avenal, California.
