Monday, June 30, 2014

Revival At Anchor of Hope

Sometimes is is hard to ease into revival inside the church after a super tent revival but there was no need to ease into anything Sunday. It was wide open at Anchor of Hope both services. Sunday morning God was reaching for the hurting and the lost. Sunday night he blessed and helped all through the service and touched several in a prayer line at the end. We plan to be here three more nights and we are expecting three more great services.

Bro. and Sis. Lamb took us to Acapulco for lunch yesterday. They were the ones that introduced us to Acapulco the first time several years ago. What a monumental occasion that turned out to be. I was glad Kelly Jo was blessed to drink some good salsa for our anniversary. That makes the whole day pretty special. Maybe I will take her back for her birthday on Thursday. That would be sweet for both of us.

I appreciate Pastor Bill Lamb swinging the door open wide for us here at Anchor of Hope. The church treats us so well and we love every minute of it. It is also nice to preach close to home where we can see so many folks we know. It is like family reunion every where we go here. The churches, Kroger's, Walmart, Frisch's and Acapulco are full of people we know or are related too. 

This is our third week close to home in revival and it has been great. We plan to leave here Friday or Saturday and point the BoggsMobile toward eastern Kentucky. We will get to be with family and extended family that week so that will be fun too.

Here are a few pictures from our day yesterday. We should have a bunch more to post later in the week. Thanks for reading.
