Saturday, January 25, 2014

Smiles For Saturday

Hi it is Odie again.  I hope you had a wonderful week. I have had a fun week here in Bristow, Oklahoma. I have been able to visit with several friends and I have enjoyed it very much. It is hard to believe the week is already over!  

I want to share a couple of smiles with you today. 

You never know what you will find at the mall. I can guarantee that it will probably be interesting. I usually see lots of blog worthy material walking around the mall without even trying to notice. I am going to make a point to capture more of it to share with you. 

In December while Christmas shopping mom and I saw a giant cookie walking through the mall.  Mom said she was not going to chase a cookie around the crowed mall just for a picture. Sadly I could not get close enough to get a picture. 

Back in November at The Florida Mall in Orlando we spotted a lady with a taco on her head. Yes, you read that correctly, a taco on her head. She was a live advertisement for Taco Bell's Doritos Locos Tacos. I love people with a sense of humor!!  I wanted to say, "Ma'am, do you know there is a taco on your head?"

She was great and quickly posed for a couple of pictures. 

If you need some more smile watch the video linked below. It was recorded last Saturday night in Terrell, Texas. It stars 2 and a half year old Ayden Yeary with his uncle Ben Isaacs. Ayden is a sweetheart!

Have a wonderful weekend!!
