Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Haircuts, Mexican Food and Weather

Haircuts are expensive. Since I have been having my hair cut all one short length the last four summers it really bugged me to pay big bucks for the barber to shave it all off in 3-5 minutes. We finally broke down and bought a good set of clippers so Kelly Jo could try cutting my hair.

I ordered them while we were in Kansas and had them shipped home. The clippers were waiting for us when we arrived at my parent's home last week. Today was the first time we had a chance to try them out.

It only took Kelly Jo a few minutes and she was finished. I think she did pretty good! The clippers will pay for themselves in 4-5 haircuts. Hooray! Now I can buy more diesel!

This evening we met Pastor Meadow and Sis. Carolyn, Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin, Bro. Terry and Sis. Christa Garner and their children at Los Aztecas for Mexican food. The food and fellowship were very good. This place has salsa that almost rivals Acapulco but not quite.

Some way I missed getting a picture of the Millikins but I am sure I will get some before we leave. We love being with these folks so much. They have been our dear friends for so many years.

Would you look at this weather forecast?

And that only tells half of the story. The humidity and heat index is supposed to be really bad this week as well. Because of that Pastor Meadow has decided to move the revival indoors this week. We have had tent revivals with it this hot before but it is really difficult to entice visitors under the tent in this kind of weather. A little Air Conditioning never hurt anybody!

We will still start revival Wednesday night and run through Sunday. We are believing God for a great move of His Spirit in these services. There are several in the church that need to be healed of cancer and I am sure there are various other serious needs as well. Would you pray that God will visit us with a divine move of His presence?

God bless you all.
