Monday, March 25, 2013

Lambert's Cafe and Friends

Sunday night we posted pictures from our weekend visit to Gospel Lighthouse. You can see those HERE.

We started Monday morning a little earlier than we usually would on a day off but we wanted to eat lunch at Lambert's Cafe in Foley, Alabama. It was so cold overnight that I warmed up the engine coolant with the diesel heater before starting the BoggsMobile. It should not be that cold in LA (Lower Alabama) this late in March. It cranked up fine and we pulled into an RV park between Fairhope and Foley about 10:15. I did not check the mileage yet but it was supposed to be less than 50 miles.

After we did a quick set up we went on over to Foley and met some great friends for lunch. Eddie and Larry Dean and Bro. Charlie from Virginia were down in Florida for Bro. Philip Deane's fellowship meeting over the weekend and they all met us for lunch at Lambert's.

The Deane's are some of the best people in the world.  They are also some of the funniest people in the world. We had a blast. Lambert's is already a fun place to eat but it is even better with a great group of friends. We laughed until we cried a few times.

I know we write a lot about friends on this blog but we really have been blessed with a bunch of wonderful friends. I believe that God has strategically placed people in our paths. They have encouraged us spiritually and steadied us emotionally so many times and at just the right times. I praise God for every one of them. 

I believe we should look for opportunities to invest in other people. It is true that we have tried our best to befriend others but God has returned that investment to us over and over and over. We are absolutely rich in friends. A good friend of mine that is now in heaven used to say, "It is not a shame to be poor, it is just awful unhandy." You know what? A little more money would come in handy at times but being "poor" when it comes to friends would be disastrous  Thank God for his blessings to our family in friends.

God bless you all,


An action shot of Deacon Eddied catching a throwed roll.

My hamburger steak with cheese. This will probably not be the last one of these I eat.

Some of the biggest frog legs I have ever seen.

Dr. Phil, Deacon Eddie, Charlie Chicken, Kelly Jo, HiLarryious and Odie Podie