Sunday, January 20, 2013

Interesting Picture

Here are a couple of pictures to hold you over until tomorrow. We saw this in 2012 and did a double take when we saw it. After I realized what was in the car I had to snap some pictures.

Some one is super extra precautions or was in the middle of a very bad problem.

I hope you are having a great weekend.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Revival In Pictures - Trinity Holiness, Blair, Oklahoma

We are having a great time at Trinity Holiness Church in Blair, Oklahoma. Pastor Hudson and his folks are treating us well and having church too. Friday night was youth rally so we had all kinds of friends in service with us. It was great! The proof is in the pictures!

God bless you all,


Bro. Boyd and I celebrated our birthdays at Taco Bell after church on Wednesday.

Youth Rally Friday night