Sunday, May 27, 2012

Class of 2012

Today is Graduation day for some special people in my life. In Waynesville, Ohio Victor Steven Boggs will receive his diploma. Also in Hillsboro, Ohio Courtney Morgan will be getting a diploma.

October 9th, 1993 the Boggs family gained a new member. He came 5 days before my birthday so I consider him an early birthday gift.

Now the baby has grown into a 6ft 6in giant with 39in arms (he's still growing). Victor is a sweetheart and I am so proud of him!!

"V Boy", if you read this, we love you!! I wish I could be at Waynesville High School cheering for you today. Keep God first in all you do!!!

Courtney LeighAnne Morgan was born December 26th, 1993. Courtney is the next grandchild after me on the Morgan side of the family. I was so happy to get a new cousin. Court was my belated Christmas gift.

Now Courtney is a beautiful young lady. I'm so thankful to call her my cousin, sister and friend I can't imagine life without her!!!!

Court, we love you and we are proud of you. Please know that physically I'm in Indiana but I'm cheering the loudest for you!! To me you are the top graduate at Hillsboro High School. God has big plans for you!

Both Victor and Courtney started their college education in high school. They will be attending colleges close to home in the fall. If you can think of them please mention them in prayer.
