Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Motorcycle Accident

We spent most of the afternoon and evening in Western Baptist Hospital yesterday in Paducah. Pastor Noah Martinez was on his way home from work when a truck turned left across his lane. Bro. Noah hit the truck broadside with his motorcycle and then slammed into the truck with his body. He hit so hard that the shield on his helmet was busted. 

After several hours at the hospital the Doctor said they could see no broken bones and released him to go home. He is scraped up, beat up and banged up but we are thankful it was not worse. The result could have been so different for Sis. Carla, his family, his church and friends. We are praising God for His protection. 

Please pray for Pastor Noah Martinez over the next few days. 


Monday, September 12, 2011

Southside Holiness Church - Paducah, Kentucky

This week we are in Paducah, Kentucky at Southside Holiness Church. We started Sunday morning and plan to be here through Wednesday night. We had great services Sunday and we are expecting more good things this week.

We love being with Pastor Noah Martinez and his folks. Bro. Noah, Sis. Carla and their three boys are a riot to be around and more than a laugh a minute. The first picture below is a great example. They are reenacting us hitting a deer except in this case I am hitting a the whole deer family! Hilarious!

Keep praying for us. God is working in miraculous ways His wonders to perform. I hope to post here on the blog later this week about one of the HUGE things God is doing for us. Praise God!
God bless,


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Patti's Settlement in Grand River, Kentucky

We had heard good things about Patti's Settlement and their specialty, a juicy 2 inch Pork Chop, but we had never been there. Bro. Israel Sanders and his family took care of that! Since revival had to be cut short Bro. Israel and Sis. Sara invited us to go with them Wednesday night and I am so glad we were able to accept.

The food was wonderful. The Pork Chop was definitely 2 inches and was tender and juicy. Patti's is also known for having 17 different Homemade desserts but we were all too full to try one. Note to self... Order dessert first next time!

Patti's Settlement is located in Grand Rivers, Kentucky in the Land Between the Lakes area. It is a beautiful little town surrounded by gorgeous lakes. Throw in good food and great fellowship and you can't go wrong. I highly recommend it.

Thanks Bro. Israel and Sis. Sara.
