Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wrapping Up And Moving On

We wrapped up a great week of tent revival in Elkton, Virginia on Friday night. Bro. Eddie Deane ran the services and the Deanes sang each night and drew the crowds in. We were so privileged to work with them and look forward to working with them again starting on the 31st near Ruckersville, Virginia. The Sandy Bottom church supported the tent revival with their attendance, finance and participation. We could not have done it without them. May God bless Pastor Buzzy Deane and his fine congregation.

We had great services and survived the heat quite nicely. It cooled off some each evening and we are really thankful for that. The tent came down fine last night and we had plenty of help. The tent revivals involve a lot of hard work and we appreciate every body pitching in.

We traveled to Bristow, Virginia today and we plan to start revival here in the morning for Pastor Ken Taylor. We are expecting God to meet with us here as well. Keep us in your prayers.
