Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sunday Night Tent Revival

Odie took several pictures of Monday night service but she can not keep enough phone signal to post them here or text them to me so we will only post pictures from Sunday night. We have had two really good services so far and we are expecting more great things from God. 

Bro. Jimmy Millikin preached great Sunday night and ministered so well Monday night in song and playing his saxophone. Many of these folks have never been a part of outdoor services like these but they are worshiping God and experiencing His blessings. We are having several folks from town listening in and we are expecting to see them under the tent and in the altar before it is all over.

The weather was so very hot today but late this evening the wind shifted around and began blowing from the northeast. After I worked up a little sweat it was almost chilly. God has blessed us with great weather and we are so thankful for it

Sunday Night-First Night of Tent Revival in Weir, Kansas