Monday, June 20, 2011

The Tent Goes Up In Miami, Oklahoma

The tent went up Saturday in Miami, Oklahoma. Pastor Mike Stephens and his church turned out with a great number and everything came together very smoothly. Kelly Jo and I pulled the tent out of the trailer shortly after 6 AM and spread it out on the ground. It had several small holes in the top and we had them patched by 8. You can see pictures of the tent going up below.

I learned quite a bit from raising this tent two weeks ago and we applied those things this time. I imagine it will be easier each time. Of course having good strong men with a mind to work helps EVERY time. So far we have had that type of men.

The first service Sunday night was great too! Bro. Eugene Davis and the choir from this church sang it down! I will try to post pictures of the services tomorrow. Please continue to pray that the weather cooperates with the meeting.

God Bless,


The first three pictures are from the same angle at different times in the process.

Once we had the tent spread out I had to stake the corners because the wind was blowing so badly.
We had all of the stakes in place when the crew arrived at 10.

"All" they had to do was drive the stakes in the ground!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day 2011

I wrote this many years ago in honor of my Dad, Eugene Boggs. It was published in 2001 in my little book, "When I Fall, Can I Get Up" but has been out of print for several years.  I thought Father's Day would be a great time to revive this so here it is. I hope you enjoy it. You have my permission to print or post this as long as it is used in its entirety, not for profit and proper credit is given.

If you are reading this, Dad, you are still my hero.  God bless you and I love you.

Eugene Boggs at Carter Caves in Kentucky 2009

You Taught Me

Dad, you bought me a bike when I was three and taught me how to ride.
You pushed a while and then let go, I thought you were beside.
You said I picked it up real quick and said I went fast too.
Dad, my only dream when I was young was to go half as fast as you.

You taught me how to bat and how to throw a ball.
While others came to play the game, You said “son, give it your all”.
I loved it Dad when the crowd would scream, “hit it out of here”.
But, Dad, I hit that ball with all my might just to hear you cheer.

You taught me how to swim and dive.  We had so much fun.
You’d bury me up to my neck in the sand and bake me in the sun.
You’d throw us in and jump in too, we’d scream and splash and shout.
When the sun went down and we had to go home, you had to nearly pull us out.

Playing football in the fall, I’d run and push and fight.
I’d work all week and kill myself to play on Friday night.
Every game I’d push the limit trying to do my best.
You were standing at the thirty-yard line, I wanted to pass your test.

You taught me how to work, Dad, although I didn’t like it then.
You taught me the value of a hard days work, when to save and when to spend.
You taught me to respect other people and how to put others first.
To say sir and mam, please and thank-you, to see people at their best and not their worst.

There’s one thing you’ve taught me often, Dad, that I’ve been slow to learn.
“Take care of the name I’ve given you son, It’s something I’ve had to earn.”
There’s been several times, through the years, when my head’s hung in shame.
When I’ve drug the name you’ve given me through the mud. I know it’s caused you pain.

But you’ve been faithful to me, through the good times and the bad.
When you should have left me in defeat, You’ve been there for me Dad.
You were there to pick up the pieces, though I lost when I should have won.
The greatest thing you’ve taught me Dad is how deeply you love your son.

The bats and balls and other things have faded in the past.
I’m trying to trade these temporal things for something that will last.
I’m sure I’ve got a lot to learn.  I’ve only just begun.
But the greatest thing you’ve taught me, Papa, is how deeply The Father Loves His sons.

                                                                                                                        Davy Boggs

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday Bristow 2011

Yesterday was our final day at Bristow Campmeeting 2011. In the morning service Bro. Ronald Hobby and Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft preached. Youth service we heard Bro. J.J. Austin, Bro. Trey Holden and Bro. Caleb Howard. Bro. Bill Preskitt preached the night service.

It was refreshing to feel the presence of the Lord, hear the preaching of His word and see so many friends! Overall we had a great time at Bristow 2011.
