Saturday, March 19, 2011

Midway Assembly near St. Stephens, Alabama

We have had a wonderful week near St. Stephens, Alabama. Midway Assembly is out in the woods with not much to do besides work, eat, fellowship and have revival and we have been doing plenty of at least three of those things. Each service was very good and the altar services were exceptional. We are praising God for each one that was saved and each one that was filled with the Holy Ghost.

Tonight (I am writing this late Friday night) conviction was so strong in the service. It was unusually strong. Several responded to the altar but the Holy Ghost tarried for quite a long time dealing with lost individuals. I am saddened that some did not respond but I am thankful for conviction and for those that did respond.

Pastor Lamar Chapman and his family have embraced us and treated us so well. It has been a great joy to fellowship with them this week, eat at Sis. Chapman's table and get to know them better. We have had a wonderful time! In fact, it has been so good that we really do hate to leave.

Tomorrow (Saturday) we will move to the other side of Millry, Alabama for a Singing at Flat Branch Assembly and then on to Ellisville, Mississippi to start revival Sunday morning. Please keep us in your prayers.
