Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Landress Family

Bro. Larry Landress, his wife Sis. Rosemary, their daughter Sis. Rebecca and son in law Bro. Jeffery Blankenship and their daughters all came down to revival in Keller, Texas Monday night. It was a real treat and blessing to have them. The Landress family have been our very good friends for many years and we don't get to see them near often enough.

Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary have labored as missionaries to Mexico and beyond for over 20 years and Bro. Jeffery, Sis. Rebecca, Madeline and Andrea have recently joined them on the field. They are doing a great job in reaching people in several parts of Mexico for Christ. We believe in their ministry and whole heartedly recommend them for support.

They arrived a little early for church and we really enjoyed visiting with the whole family. As you can see in the pictures my new hat was very popular.

Revival services have been good so far. Keep praying for us.
