Saturday, July 21, 2018

Almost Indoor Fellowshipmeeting 2018

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday, this is Odie reporting in from vacation. I hope you are doing well. 

Summer is speeding by once again. It is hard to believe that it is almost campmeeting time again at Dryden Road Pentecostal Church. I wanted to remind you to make your plans to attend the meeting this year. We love to have our friends visit us at our home church. 

Indoor is always incredible every year. We love getting to be home with our Pastor Bro. Bennie Sutherland and our church family at Dryden Road. It is a great chance to recharge our spiritual batteries. We get to have great food and awesome fellowship too. 

I found this information on the Dryden Road Pentecostal Church website about the 2018 meeting. You can click here for more information. 

It all happens on August 21-24 2018 and the first service is at 7pm Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday services are at 10am, 6pm, and 7pm. Reverend Dwain Galiher is the Main speaker in the morning service. Reverend Bill Parks is preaching the evening services. Then 6pm service is a youth service. 

So mark your calendars and plan to attend Indoor 2018. I hope to see you there. Thanks for stopping by to visit us today. 
