Monday, June 30, 2014

Praise Report and Prayer Request - Odie

Here is Odie singing Monday night during the altar service at Anchor of Hope.

Edit: Kettering Hospital called Odie on Tuesday with approval for the MRI the neurologist ordered. She is scheduled to have that on Thursday night.

Odie had her first appointment with the Neuro-Ophthalmologist on Monday morning. She had been seen by an Ophthalmologist in his office in April and this was a follow up appointment. She was there to have all the tests repeated so they could gauge her recovery. The tests in April served as a baseline test and those test were administered about two days after the Lord began to restore her sight so we knew they would reveal a big improvement.

AND THEY DID! The doctor used words like dramatic, impressive and incredible to describe the improvement between April and now. He told Odie her vision was a thousand times better than it was in April. Praise God! As we have said before Odie's vision in her left eye is not 100% but it is close and we are thankful to God for His help. 

We do have more on this that we would like for you to pray about. IF Odie's sudden blindness was caused by Optic Neuritis it is possible it occurred on its own with no underlying cause. There is about a 20% chance that the Optic Neuritis is a symptom of something else and one of those other causes is MS. The MRIs and spinal tap and other tests have been ordered so they can rule out MS and the other causes we are less familiar with and can not pronounce.

We do not have a final answer yet but we are believing God for a clean report. Would you help us pray? Would you rebuke the enemy and ask God to give us complete victory in this. We know He is able and we are trusting Him for this help. 

Odie is scheduled for another round of the tests she had today when we return home for campmeeting in August. We should know more then. Until then we will seek God and serve God.

Thanks for praying.


Revival At Anchor of Hope

Sometimes is is hard to ease into revival inside the church after a super tent revival but there was no need to ease into anything Sunday. It was wide open at Anchor of Hope both services. Sunday morning God was reaching for the hurting and the lost. Sunday night he blessed and helped all through the service and touched several in a prayer line at the end. We plan to be here three more nights and we are expecting three more great services.

Bro. and Sis. Lamb took us to Acapulco for lunch yesterday. They were the ones that introduced us to Acapulco the first time several years ago. What a monumental occasion that turned out to be. I was glad Kelly Jo was blessed to drink some good salsa for our anniversary. That makes the whole day pretty special. Maybe I will take her back for her birthday on Thursday. That would be sweet for both of us.

I appreciate Pastor Bill Lamb swinging the door open wide for us here at Anchor of Hope. The church treats us so well and we love every minute of it. It is also nice to preach close to home where we can see so many folks we know. It is like family reunion every where we go here. The churches, Kroger's, Walmart, Frisch's and Acapulco are full of people we know or are related too. 

This is our third week close to home in revival and it has been great. We plan to leave here Friday or Saturday and point the BoggsMobile toward eastern Kentucky. We will get to be with family and extended family that week so that will be fun too.

Here are a few pictures from our day yesterday. We should have a bunch more to post later in the week. Thanks for reading.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

View Out The Front Window 6/29/2014

Today I celebrate 29 years of happy marriage to my girl friend, Kelly Jo Boggs. She says it may be 29 years but it feels like 15 minutes ... under water! I have waxed eloquent in years past about this precious little lady and I think they are worth reading again. Lol! They brought me to tears!

Most of the posts this week have revolved around tent revival because when the tent is up our life pretty much revolves around tent revival. The first on the list is Odie's post from yesterday. I am not sure she meant all the nice things she said but she sure was sweet.

We really had a great week. I thank God for the opportunity to put the tent up in the Lakeshore Estates community. When Bro. Cornett approached me about tent revival there was no way to squeeze another one in. But the Spirit of God quickened me to do it anyway and I love it when that happens.

I was planning to be in California all summer but when I felt God assuring me several months ago that I needed to set the tent up in Goshen and in Springville, Indiana (where we were a few weeks ago) I started making phone calls and everything came together great. I appreciate Pastor Cornett working with the dates that I gave him. With all the youth camps and summer heat it was not the best time but Bro. Cornett and his church fell right in and worked very hard during tent revival.

The tent came down after service Friday night. Home folks and visitors alike jumped in to get all the work done and then my parents provided pizza for all the folks that stayed and worked. Tent revival is NEVER a one man show and it is never more evident when the tent is going up and coming down. I sure an thankful for all the help.

We are now near Lebanon, Ohio at Anchor of Hope where we begin revival this morning. Here is our view out the front window and from the front door. This is another place that we enjoy parking very much. I hope you have a great Sunday.
