Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Family Fun Times

I promise only one more post mentioning Christmas 2010. Christmas Sunday morning I was in church with most of my Boggs Family. When that rare occasion happens I like to get pics.

Wednesday night before Christmas I was in church with the Morgan crew. Once again I wanted pics.

1. Back row Victor Jonas Luke & Isaac
Front row Lauren Papaw Mamaw Odie & Deidre
2. Deidre Odie & Lauren
3. Papaw
4. Isaac
5. Hunter Papaw Odie Seth Kayla Morgan Gran Wade & Courtney
6. Courtney Odie Morgan & Kayla
7. Morgan Seth Kim & Wade
8. Odie & Kim


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Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas 2010 Recap

I know this post is long over due, please forgive me! Most of 2011 we have been in Louisiana and I did not have cell signal or wifi so that I could blog.

As I said before we had a great Christmas!!!! It was so good to be with our family! Christmas Eve we were with the Morgan side of the family. Christmas Day the Boggs family gathered at the Dodds fellowship hall. As always we enjoyed lots of food, laughter and fellowship at both Christmas gatherings!

Here is pictorial review of our Christmas.

Pictures 1-13 is Christmas Eve at the Morgans

Pictures 14-31 is Christmas Day with the Boggs
1.Kelly Jo & Odie
2. Uncle Danny-practicing is balancing act
3 Gran & Seth
4. Courtney Odie & Kayla
5.Kim Danny & Jeanna
6. Hunter
7. Kayla Odie & Gran–opening gifts
8.Hunter Jeanna & Danny–looking at Hunter’s Scrapbook 9.Odie
10.Kayla Jo & Odie
12 Seth–showing off his new Buzz
13.Odie & Papaaw
14.Lisa made each of us Boggs kids a stocking, she is so thoughtful and creative! Lisa is a cousin from the Isaacs side of the family, but she is an adopted Boggs.

A note of interest: The Boggs grandchildren in order are: Andrea, Deidre, Victor Isaac, Lauren Jonas and Lucas. If you take the first five initials it spells ADVIL. We jokingly say Mamaw and Papaw need an “ADVIL” to put up with Jonas and Luke. LOL

16.Papaw & Theresa
17. Brooklyn Odie & Jacqueline–It’s not a Boggs Christmas until the Coffman girl show up!
19.Dramatic Deidre
20. Mamaw Odie & Papaw 21.Mamaw Odie & Lisa.
22.Lauren Mamaw Odie & Deidre 23.Odie Lauren & Deidre–We love our “Baby Lauren.” Thanks, Theresa, for the pic!!!
24.Uncle Steve & Odie
25.Holly Karen Mamaw Kelly & Jay–Mamaw wanted a pic with he Daughter-n-Laws, Jay jumped in there with them.
26.Mamaw with her Daughter-n-Laws
27. Kelly Odie & Davy–It is rare we get a snapshot of our family. 28.Jonas & Lucas
29.Thersa & Odie–This pic was taken after a GREAT fall while trying to pose for a pic. It was SO FUNNY!!!!
30.Jay & Theresa
31.Tommy & Holly

Well, there you have Christmas 2010. I get emotional and sappy when I think of my family! I am truly blessed beyond measure! I love each of you so very much!!!!


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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Revival in Miami, Oklahoma

We start revival tonight in Miami, Oklahoma with Bro. Mike and Sis. Ruth Stephens.  We are so excited to be back here again this year and we are looking forward to God moving in the services.  We had a real special time in Miami last year and we were just getting good and acquainted with these folks when it was time to move on.  We are expecting more good revival services and folks experiencing God this week.

I really believe revival is imperative in these last critical hours.  We must have revival.  We must have a move of God in our personal lives, our families and in our churches.  We can not afford to be complacent as the world falls apart all around us.  Folks we know are going to hell.  They are bound by sin and cannot break the chains themselves.  We must prepare ourselves to meet with God and we must seek God's presence so that those around us will be drawn to God as well.  We must lift up Christ in our lives and He will draw others to Him.  We must have a move of God's Spirit. Revival is Imperative!

Revival is not only absolutely necessary but it is absolutely possible!  Friends, I believe that this kind of revival is within our reach.  God is able and willing to pour out His Spirit in these last days!  God promised that He would do it and He is not a liar.  I know that there must be a great falling away, but that doesn't mean that we have to be a part of it!  The church does not have to falter.  Christians do not have to live cold, uninspired lives.  We do not have to settle for memories of revival and testimonies of God's goodness in times past.  God is just as real today as He has ever been.  We can be just as saved, sanctified and Holy Ghost filled as the Apostles were.

Let's seek revival.  Let's repent of our sins.  Let's seek God's face.  Let's ask God to save the lost, bind up the brokenhearted, heal the sick and bring victory to the defeated.  Let's shake off complacency and ask God to fill us with hunger for righteousness.  I believe God will answer sincere prayers like that and give us revival in these last days.  While others fall away let's strive to be closer to God. 

Pray for us that we will be an instrument of revival in every church we have opportunity to sing and preach in. That really is our desire.  There is no other valid reason for us to do what we do.

God bless you all.