Monday, May 15, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview

It is crazy to think that I am now writing about the 20th weekend of 2017. Someone put this year on fast forward and we are flying through it. I may have to see if I can hit pause and catch my breath.😁

We started the weekend in Ohio and it involved salsa of course! We only went to Acapulco to eat one time but we may have had a few orders of carryout when I was too busy to go personally.

We had a great time one evening with Steve and Karen and Kelly Jo's parents.

There was quite a bit going on at the house  and we were glad to see the progress. I will have more on that later in the week.

David Butler brought Odie a hard hat so that she could supervise properly! I think she looks pretty good!

My Mother and sister stopped by for a few minutes and Dad was already there. The plumber looked up and saw everyone watching and he said, "This house must be a pretty big deal." I said, "Oh, yeah, my daughter is going to be the first person in our family to live inside." Theresa said, "A plumber? What's a plumber?" It was pretty funny.

Friday evening Odie had dinner with some family at Skyline. She enjoyed spending time with cousins Lisa, Geneva and Geneva's husband Mike. 

Mike wanted to make sure he was blogged. LOL

We had a great day of services in Hodgenville Sunday. 

Evangelist Zane Estes taught Sunday School and it was great!

Youth Pastor Andrew Astor preached a great Mother's Day message Sunday morning. He lifted up the Mothers and encouraged us all!

Sunday night was powerful too. God moved during a testimony of healing and I believe that some more probably were healed as a result!

My two brothers and my sister spent the afternoon eating KFC at Dad's barn for Mother's Day. I was absent but my big Mother's Day card made a grand appearance for me!😂

That wraps up our great weekend. I hope to post some more news about the house tomorrow if all goes as planned. If you are reading this Monday morning, pray that all goes well today. If progress is good today then all should be cleared for the slab to be poured this week. We "think" we need that to happen!

Thank you for reading.


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day - View Out The Front Window May 14, 2017

I would like to start the day by wishing my Mom a very happy Mother's Day. Happy Happy Mother's Day, Martha Boggs. 

I love you, Mother Dearest. I am deeply indebted to you for sharing your love with me. I am only one of four of your children but you have given yourself completely to each of us.

I am thankful that you were raised by a Godly Mother. I am thankful that you gave your heart to Christ when I was three years old. I am thankful that you demonstrated your faith to me all my growing up years. 

Thank you for taking me to church ALL the time.

Thank you for participating in the worship at church and the altar services.

Thank you for encouraging me to participate and to pray in the altar.

Thank you for praying next to my bed every night.

Thank you for encouraging me to seek the Lord, live my convictions and surrender to the Lord's call.

Thank you for a thousand other things that I hold dear to my heart.

May God bless you with health, strength, strong faith and much joy.

Your son,


Here are links to our posts from the last week.

Here is our view out the front door at HPC in Hodgenville, Kentucky. This building is the back of the fellowship hall.

This is a beautiful out our front window.

We are expecting a super great Mother's Day. I hope you have a wonderful day as well.


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Happy Mother's Day 2017

Hello dear friends, this is Odie reporting in once again. I hope you have had a great week! Check out yesterday's post to get a glimpse into our fantastic week that we had working with our friends at HPC. I am also excited to report that there is progress being made on the house in Ohio! 

Tomorrow in the United States is a special day. The second Sunday in May is set aside to celebrate Mothers. I am blessed to have the best Mother in the whole wide world!  I know you probably think that yours is better than mine. I guess we will agree to disagree. My mother is amazing!!

Easter 2017


Kelly Jo Boggs is the very definition of a truly selfless Mother. She is always putting others in front of herself. She works tirelessly to make sure my Dad and I have everything we need. There is no way possible for me to tell you everything she does for our family and our ministry. Mom is the glue that holds us together! We are blessed beyond measure to have the best. 

Mom is happy to work behind the scenes and not be the person out front. Because of that, she seldom receives the credit she deserves. She is talented in so many areas and I wish I could be half the woman she is. Words fail me to explain to you how much she means to me. 

Mom, I want to tell you publicly again that I love you so very much! Thank you for everything that you do to make my life awesome!! You really go way beyond your duty to help me in every way.

I am crying as I write this trying to put it into words how much you truly mean to me. Thank you for giving me a listening ear, for giving me advice and admonishment when I need it and always knowing how to cheer me up! 

I am also laughing while I think of all the little ways that you can make me laugh and make my days brighter. You are so much fun and I would rather spend time with you than anyone else in the world.

Thank you for being patient with me, your hardheaded daughter. Thank you for always pointing me to God and encouraging me to stay on the right track! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the prayers that you have prayed and encouraging me to believe in God no matter what happens! 

You are incredible and I thank God for giving you to me! He definitely knew the kind of Mother that I would need. I am so glad that He picked you for me. Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for reading! I want to wish everyone of you a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you have a superb day!


Friday, May 12, 2017

This Week In Pictures Week #3 at HPC

This is a picture post but I do have a house update first. We left Hodgenville after a great service Wednesday night and there was quite a bit accomplished Thursday on the house. David Butler finished all he could in preparation for the concrete. Once the plumbing and HVAC is roughed in, he will finish.

Both the plumber and the HVAC guys arrived in the afternoon and began their work. The HVAC guys worked until after 9:00 PM and nearly finished their rough in. He should finish this morning. The plumber is supposed to be back today to finish the plumbing rough in as well.

If all of this comes together, then the concrete should be poured next week and the framing should being as scheduled Tuesday, May 23. The lumber trusses, doors and windows have all been ordered.

Bro. Scott Morris wanted me to mention this on the blog. 
Some of the people that were coming to help frame on May 23rd have been hindered and will not be able to come. We welcome your help that week if you are able to come at all.


Today wraps up the third great week at Hodgenville Pentecostal Church. It has been another full week of activity but also thoroughly enjoyable. Each day of this grand experiment brings new challenges but we have been having fun trying to rise up to meet them.

The HPC folks have treated us so well and we have been blessed by God in the services and in the music and singing sessions. We have one more week and we are anxious to see what God is going to do.

Here are a bunch of pictures from the week.

Thank you for reading.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Little Travel, A Little Progress

We had a great service Wednesday night in Hodgenville and then we left for Ohio a few minutes after 10:00. Last week we had a massive slow down as soon as we drove onto I-65 and we drove 20-30 MPH for about 40 miles. It took us way over 90 minutes to get near the south side of Louisville. That made for a very long night but this week all was clear.

I have a very early morning scheduled with work on the house so I am typing this quickly and then heading for bed. Dad sent pictures yesterday of the gravel being added inside the block and dirt being added to the outside. Here are a couple.

We have two more loads of gravel coming this morning and then the plumber and HVAC guy should start on their part. It is raining cats and dogs right now and the weather guessers are predicting rain all day. Hopefully they can get some of their work completed. We also have a few things to run for the electricity. 

I will have pictures from our whole week tomorrow. Thank you for reading.


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Edify, Encourage and Equip

I wrote a post last week about our schedule while we are here at Hodgenville Pentecostal Church during Music and Ministry Month. In that post I made a statement that has produced some questions. We like questions, especially questions we can actually answer. 😊

Here is the statement I made. Music and Ministry Month " a fantastic way for us to expand on our second tenet of evangelism, which is to edify, encourage and equip the local church."

Some are wondering what in the world that means and where did it come from?

Where Did That Come From?

Let me answer the second question first. That statement came from years of preaching revivals and discovering by trial and error what works for us and does not work for us. Not only what works but figuring out what we are supposed to be accomplishing out here on the road. 

Think of it this way. There is no measuring stick for evangelists. If the electrician does not do his job correctly, you have no lights OR your house could burn down. If the mechanic does not do his job correctly your car will not start.

What is the measuring stick to gauge whether we are doing evangelism correctly? Do we measure by whether or not people clap their hands during the singing, whether or not people say "Amen" during the preaching or even by the size of the offerings?

Do we measure by how many revivals we preach, how many miles we drive or how far in advanced we are booked?

None of those things or a dozen other things give me any satisfaction as to whether I am doing a proper job of evangelism. They are not accurate measurements at all.

So I talked to Pastors and church members. I searched the scriptures and I prayed. I wanted some kind of yardstick we could lay down next to our efforts to see if we were actually doing any good at all.

In order to do that then I needed to figure out what in the world we were supposed to be doing out here in the first place. That is how our three tenants of evangelism came in to being.

They are as follows.

1. In every revival we purpose to encourage the local Pastor.

2. In every revival we purpose to edify, encourage and equip the local church.

3. In every revival we purpose to give the Gospel message to the lost.

You can read our whole philosophy concerning evangelism on our Evangelism page or by clicking HERE. 

These three things give us a measuring stick to be judged by. I sometimes randomly ask Pastors to read what I have proposed to do as evangelists and to lay the yardstick next to us and read the tape without any bias. We need to know if we are productive or not. We need to know where we are falling short. This lists will let us know where to focus our attention in order to improve.

What Does It Mean To Edify, Encourage and Equip?

During Music and Ministry Month at Hodgenville Pentecostal Church we are doing our best to live up to the second tenant and hopefully complete a little of tenant number one along the way too.

But here is tenant number two.

2. In every revival we purpose to edify, encourage and equip the local church.

We have been invited into a great church. The talent level is really good across the board. They have great musicians and singers. They are a worshiping church. It is a tremendous challenge to us to share anything at all that can boost what is already going on.

Hopefully our few weeks in Hodgenville, Kentucky will strengthen the saints at HPC to follow Pastor David Webb's vision, worship the Lord in song and music, rise up to the challenge in our generation and win the lost here for years to come.

If Pastor Webb and the church have been uplifted in their work, if the saints are even more emboldened in the service of the Lord and if the singers and musicians are better equipped to create an atmosphere of worship, then that will be a mark of success in our book. May God grant it as we work toward it!

Thank you for reading today.
