Saturday, November 15, 2014

Friends Plus Fellowship Equals Fun

Hello! Odie writing to you again from California. Our time in this great state is coming to an end soon but we sure have enjoyed ourselves. We plan to enjoy this coming week with Pastor Doug Spencer and everyone at Avenal Assembly and then a Sunday in Arbuckle before moving east. 

We had an excellent time this week at Souls Harbor Holiness Church.  The Lord was there to meet us in each service.  It is always wonderful to be with the Munoz clan and all of our friends there in Fresno!  

I especially like getting to be with the kids met when I was a kid. As Dad has told you I turned 7 during our first trip to California. I made some lifelong friends with kids on that and subsequent trips. Most of those "kids" are now married with little ones of their own. I really enjoy getting to know their children. I now have several new little buddies.

Last Saturday I was able to spend the day with my friend Tammy Ferguson. We had a great day shopping in Fresno and a very good relaxing lunch.  I enjoyed getting to talk face to face, instead of via the phone or text messaging. It was an all around fun day spent with a good friend, shopping, eating and laughing.

I snapped some fun pictures along the way. Thanks, Tammy, for taking time to spend the day with me! I am thankful for the privilege and blessing to call you friend!

Olive Garden was offering endless Pasta. I was able enjoy two helpings without blowing my diet. We ordered the light salad dressing on our salads.  I can hardly tell a difference between light and regular. It is really tasty!



Starbucks was a yummy way to cap the day in town. 

Tammy joined us at church that night in Hanford. It is always a joy to be in service with her.

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Friday, November 14, 2014

Fresno, California - Revival In Pictures

We have had a great week at Souls Harbor in Fresno, California just like we anticipated and expected. It was sad to close revival last night and say goodbye to all of our friends. We have enjoyed our visit so much.

We have lots of pictures taken by all three of us and they are bad mixed up time wise. But I think all five nights are represented with pictures of the Souls Harbor folks and several of the visitors as well. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our friends, food and fellowship.

Before I get to the Revival In Pictures I do have a bit of good news. I took my crashed laptop into a computer repair shop in Hanford that was highly recommended to me. The guy in Arizona that was supposed to retrieve the information I needed some how missed 99% of it. The files said they were there but they were all empty.

The computer guy in Hanford was able to get it all and now we have access again to our mailing database of several hundred addresses. I am so thankful he was able to retrieve the data. We were unable to send out the September newsletter because of the crashed computer and should have had another newsletter this month. Hopefully we will have one in the mail late next week if all goes well.

He also gave me a very good price on a new hard drive for the old laptop as well as some of the latest software and virus protection. Once he has it finished I should be good to go for a few more years. I was afraid I was going to be searching for a new computer but this is much cheaper. I am anxious to see if it works well.

OK, we are off today and Saturday so we may go see something in California or we may just rest. We have not decided yet. We will let you know later and probably have pictures to illustrate our decision.

God bless you for reading.


Pastor Anthony and Sis. Rosemary Munoz

The food was awesome at Sis. Rosemary's house as usual. She is a wonderful cook and a tremendous hostess. Several of the young ladies cooked our daytime meals and they were great too. Not much danger of us going hungry out here on the road.

Kelly Jo and Odie found another green vehicle in Riverdale.