Saturday, March 2, 2013

Revival In Pictures - Ellisville, Mississippi.

We finished up a great week last night in Ellisville, Mississippi. We love these folks so much and they have returned that love in full force this week as they always so. Pastor Kenny Morris and Sis. Joan are two of the most loving people in the world and their church has followed their example very well. We have enjoyed the services and fellowship so much. May God bless them all for all of their kindness to our family.

Pastor Kenny Morris is celebrating a birthday today, March 2. The church brought food and we helped him celebrate after church last night. Happy Birthday Bro. Kenny Morris. We love you very much.

We are only traveling about 120 miles today so we are taking care of some things here in Ellisville and then we will mosey toward White Plains Assembly near Conehatta, Mississippi. We are looking for a great time there again this year.

I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story. God bless you all.


For some reason we did not take a picture of Bro. Morris last night, but I do have one from last Saturday at Berry's 

Kelly Jo holding a shotgun with a 40" barrell!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Coming Soon!

I posted late last night and you can read that post HERE

When we arrived at Richton, Mississippi last week and looked at the screen before church we were almost embarrassed. You think we are preaching in this general area enough? It is nice to be loved and the folks in this Mississippi/Alabama area do love us and have been so good to have us in their churches.

The tent revival they are praying for is our tent revival in October.

If the economy continues to slide downward and the fuel prices continue to fly upward, we may have to begin staying in areas even longer than we do. Evangelists years ago would go in an area, rent furnished rooms and preach in every community and wide spot in the road. They would stay six months or more in one area and then move on some where else.

Who knows what the future holds? God knows for sure and that is good enough for me. All I know is that my calling at this time is to evangelize and God will make the way to do that in some fashion or another.

Bro. Marty Millikin had his best day of the week yesterday and we praise God for it. Thanks for praying for him.


Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Odie Mobile

Odie's current power chair was given to her in the fall of 2008. It was used then and she has used it quite a bit but it is still in good shape. We have had some trouble with charging it but we took care of that last week. We have been looking at smaller, lighter power chairs so that it is more portable. Kelly Jo and I can lift the current one in the Green Machine but it is a chore.

Getting the chair loaded was one of the main reason's we could not keep The General last year. We felt like we were killing ourselves putting the chair in it. The Green Machine is much lower and much easier but still difficult lifting it in or out.

We have been considering some chairs we have seen on the internet but its hard to know without actually seeing one and trying it out. Bro. Mike Smith goes to church here and has a power chair like the ones we had been looking at so we asked him about them. 

He really likes that type of chair and the one he uses has some great features but it is too heavy for us. We want it light enough that KJ can take it apart and easily lift the heaviest part into the car when they are out in town. That would give them so much more flexibility.

Bro. Smith has a few chairs because he used to work on them all the time. He had one that needed batteries and a little work. He worked on it this week, we bought the batteries and he brought it to the church today so Odie could try it out. Odie has not driven anything that steers like a car much so it is going to take some getting use to. I think she is going to be able to do it. It tips a little easier and she can not handle it well yet but I believe the light weight portability will be worth it.

Bro. Smith and his family are going to give the chair to Odie if she can use it and we appreciate it very much. It is a very nice and thoughtful gift. May God bless their family because of their generosity, consideration and kindness.

Revival is going great.We are having great services and visitors every night. Tonight (Thursday) we had some saved and that is always awesome. Bro. Ralph and Sis. Mona Lowery drove all the way over from Tuscaloosa for the service tonight. It was great to see them and to be in service with them.

We have one more night of revival here and we are excited to see what God is going to do. Thanks for praying for us.
