Monday, July 30, 2012

No Waynesville, Ohio Tent Revival This Year

I have decided NOT to have tent revival in Waynesville, Ohio this year. I had set aside the week of August 12-17 for revival there but I can not juggle all of the pieces into place.

The property we were able to use last year is an ideal location for tent revival. It worked wonderfully. The problem now is that our current tent will not fit on that lot.

I have asked about other places and good sites have been suggested but nothing seemed right. I have prayed and sought direction from the Lord but could not feel at peace proceeding with the tent revival.

I have had numerous folks ask about it and I know there will be people that are disappointed but the reality is I am disappointed myself. I love tent revival and I loved having one in our hometown. That tent revival last year was a highlight for us.

However putting the tent up is such a huge responsibility. Having it up at the right place and the right time is very important. Having it up at the wrong place and the wrong time could be tragic.

I have ask advice from several good men but ultimately the responsibility is mine.

As bad as I hate not to put it up I do feel a big relief now that I have made the decision. For whatever reason now is not the right time and place.

Perhaps I can set it up next summer in Waynesville. I will certainly be praying about it over the next few months.

We are still planning to put up the tent in New Castle, Indiana for Pastor Brian Hisle. We hope to have tent revival there August 5-10.

We are also scheduled to preach homecoming services for Pastor Randy Brown in Sharonville, Ohio the morning of the 12th and for Pastor David Webb in Hodgenville, Kentucky at noon on the 19th.

Dryden Rd. Campmeeting is August 21-24 and we hope to be there for all of that as well.

Please pass this blog post to any one you know that might have been planning to attend. I would appreciate it very much.

God bless,
