Monday, June 6, 2011

First Service of Tent Revival

Wow! We enjoyed a great first service of tent revival Sunday afternoon. It was hot but not intolerably hot. The Hilldale folks were ready to have church along with a few from other churches. We didn't have any from the community under the tent that I could see but I saw several listening in their yards or as they walked by. We are expecting the Lord to draw them into the altar before the week is out.

I know this is three posts in a row about tent revival but I am just a wee bit excited to be back under the tent. I felt the Lord so near as we sang, worshipped, prayed and preached. The congregation responded so well in the altars as the preachers prayed for each one that came. Please keep praying for us and the meeting. I'll try not to post every day all summer long about tent revival but I am not making any promises.

God bless,


Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress came to help us kick off tent revival. If I remember correctly, Bro. Larry helped me put up my first tent in Wichita several years ago.

Bro. Kurt and Sis. Angie McCrorey were here to help as well.

Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin blessed the service tremendously.

Sis. Conner took the rest of these pictures.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Tent Goes Up!

We had plenty of help Saturday from the folks from Hilldale Holiness Church and the tent went up without a hitch. This was the first time for me to set up this particular tent so I am glad it went up so well. It should be easier each time. I appreciate Pastor Conner and each of his men that came and worked together. Bro Jimmy Millikin came and worked too. We are so excited about getting started!

Below are some pictures of the tent going up! Sis. Stephanie Connor took the first nine pictures. Odie & KJ took the rest.
Here is yesterday's post with more information about our tent revivals.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Summer of Tent Revivals Begins

Over the last several months I have mentioned on the blog several times about our Summer of Tent Revivals coming up. Well, we are about to begin. As you read this post today, Saturday, June 4, 2011, we will be raising the tent for the first revival of the season at Hilldale Holiness Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am preparing this post ahead of time because I am sure the next few days will be chocked full of activity. 

We plan to kick off the first service on Sunday, June 5th at 2:30 in the afternoon. Pastor Nathan Conner and his church have been busy canvassing the neighborhood, praying and making other preparations for this outreach.  I believe that God is preparing the hearts of the people in that area for a move of God as well. Wow! There is no telling what God will do next week in Tulsa.

We will be joined in our first three tent revivals by Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Shauna Millikin.  When I began to plan these meetings two years ago, I asked the Millikins to pray about participating.  They graciously consented to do so and they will be assisting our family in singing congregationals, special songs, playing music, preaching and praying in the altars.  I know they will be a great addition and blessing to these revivals and we are overjoyed to have them with us.

I am very excited about each of these tent revivals this summer.  I know that God will meet with us as we reach out to communities across our nation. My vision for these meetings is for the lost to be converted, the sick to be healed and the saints to be encouraged as they are saturated with a fresh outpouring of the Holy Ghost.  Each night I plan to place heavy emphasis on the power of the Word and the moving of God’s Spirit. I know that God will move among us.

The month of June we plan to be in:
Tulsa, Oklahoma-Hilldale Holiness Church June 5-10.
Miami, Oklahoma-Faith Pentecostal Church June 19-24.
Weir, Kansas-Faith Tabernacle June 26-July 1.
Please make plans to attend one or more nights if you possibly can. By mid July we plan to be in Kentucky then on to Virginia and then back to my hometown of Waynesville, Ohio. I will post exact dates and locations later.

We have been praying and preparing for these particular meetings for two years. The churches that will be participating have been praying as well.  I have ask each church to make a push in the weeks leading up to tent revival, knock on doors, pass out flyers and tracts, advertise on radio or in the newspaper, cover their neighborhood in prayer and generally prepare for a genuine revival.  I believe that God will honor this effort and give us revival.

The logistics and expense of all the extra equipment, transportation, set up and tear down seems a little overwhelming at times. We have the cargo trailer, tent, platforms, chairs, extra PA equipment, lights and several things I have forgotten that must be transported and put it place each week. It would be much easier and cheaper to pull up to a different church every week and preach revival as we normally do. But we feel that God has directed us into these tent revivals and He has never pointed us where He did not provide us with the means, wisdom and strength to do it. The potential harvest of souls will be worth every mile we drive and every dollar we spend.

Several months ago I listed several things for folks to pray about concerning these meetings.  Those requests are still every bit as valid as they were then. Here is that list again.

Please help us pray about a few key areas concerning these tent revivals. Pray that:
1. God would saturate each revival with His presence.
2. Men and women would be gloriously saved from sin.
3. God would miraculously heal the sick and encourage the saints.
4. God would protect us and each person that attends or works in the meetings and all of the equipment.
5. The weather would be good each week with little rain, low winds, moderate temperatures and no storms.
6. God would supply the necessary finance to conduct the meetings, for us to bless the Millikin's and other workers, buy the equipment and pay all the expenses and meet all of our normal obligations.

Thanks for your prayers. I lay all of this out because I know that many folks read these posts every week that are interested in seeing God's work progress. That is exactly what we are trying to do.

Hope to have up pictures of a Tent Revival soon. God bless you.


Friday, June 3, 2011

Keystone Lake, West of Tulsa, Oklahoma

I mentioned earlier that Pastor Joseph Snow and the Hale Station Church parked us in a campground at Keystone Lake last week. It was a great place to park and we enjoyed it very much. It is unusual in my experience for a state park to have big level spots with 50 amp electric service but Oklahoma appears to be above average in that department. It sure was quiet at night and the lake was very nice.

Since we had Friday off and Odie was gone to Ohio, Kelly Jo and I did as little as possible all day long. We concluded the glorious day with an evening sitting by the BoggsMobile watching the sun go down.  Now I realized the sun goes down "nearly" every day but since we are either in church or getting ready for church "nearly" every day, we do not get to see the event very often.  Even more rare is the day when we are off, the sun is going down, Odie is away and we actually have the gumption to drag the chairs out and watch the sunset.

So for the first time since last August in Montana (That I can remember) out came the chairs, the sun went down and we watched it all! We even broke out a bag of charcoal we have been carrying around for over two years and grilled some hot dogs. Throw in some cheese, bread, ketchup and mustard and we had a pretty good little snack. I know a steak would have been better but that would have required some advanced planning and that is something we refuse to do on a rare day off. Out with the plan and away with the schedule on a day off.  That is a rule we try to live by!

It was beautiful and relaxing. We need to do that more often. 

God Bless,

BoggsMobile Saturday morning before we headed to Wichita

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pastor E. Ade Shobanke

Bro. Shobanke Ministering At Hale Station Pentecostal Church
May 24, 2011

Bro. Shobanke and Davy

We were blessed to visit with Pastor E. Ade Shobanke from Nigeria for a few hours on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. We picked him up at the Tulsa airport on Tuesday and he was in church with us at Hale Station that night.

God used Bro. Shobanke during the service and I think everybody there was blessed. I know that God ministered to our family in a very special way. It was so good to see him especially since we had not seen Bro. Shobanke since our last trip to Nigeria in December 2009.

For new readers, Bro. Shobanke pastors a church in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, Africa. He is a man of faith that God has used mightily in Nigeria for many years. He tries to come to the states every year and he is always a blessing in each church he visits.

You can read more about Bro. Shobanke by going to the Missions-Nigeria page on the tab above. We thank God for such a friend.

God Bless,


Pastor Snow visiting with Bro. Shobanke after Church

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Double Big Daddy - Ron's Hamburgers & Chili

When we arrived in Tulsa last week we met the Snow's at the campground at Keystone Lake and parked the BoggsMobile. The next stop? You guessed it! The next stop was Ron's Hamburgers and Chili. In fact, one of my favorite Ron's is the one in Sand Springs and that is where we went. Bro. Snow had the cheeseburger and sausage covered in chili and I had the Double Big Daddy! Of course regular readers already knew what I ordered. lol

The picture below is of Bro. Snow's feast and the next is mine. The discriminating eye will notice, no doubt, that the second and third pictures are not of the same Double Big Daddy. You see, this is not McDonald's, Wendy's or Burger King. If you have seen one Big Mac or Whopper you have seen them all, but no two Double Big Daddys are alike. lol

The second Double Big Daddy is the one I ate when Kelly Jo and I went back on Friday.  What a way to start AND end a work week!

The last picture is included just for my Mother.  I want her to know that I am still cleaning my plate exactly as she taught me over 40 years ago.  There is no telling how many starving children in China that I have helped by cleaning my plate!

I am suppose to be back in Tulsa next week.  You all want more Ron's pictures or have you seen enough?

God bless,

This Picture is for you, Mama Bear!