Thursday, September 4, 2014

Revival In Pictures - Bristol, Virginia

We are having a super great time under the Blue and White Gospel Tent in Bristol, Virginia and it just got better Thursday night. My parents arrived Thursday afternoon and were in church with us last night. They are planning to stay for church Friday night as well. It is always a special treat to have them.

One of the family brought a first time visitor with them Thursday night and God reached for her in a very special way. She cried pretty much all way through the preaching and came to the altar asking God to save her. It was wonderful. That is the reason we are here.

We have a few pictures from tent revival here. I will post them below and then we will probably have some more on Monday. Thanks for checking in today.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Night of Tent Revival in Bristol, Virginia

I am at the tent right now watching and listening to the rain. I need times like this. Our lives are noisy and we pack every moment with information and stimulation. When it gets quiet like this I am overwhelmed at the goodness of God even when I do not understand what he is doing. 

How did I get to this point. Where am I going? What is God's plan? What is my next move? Answers? Nope! 

Most of the time I do not have a clue. But in the stillness of the night with the rain dancing on the tent and the memory of what God did in lives right here just a few hour ago, I know He is in control. You know what? That is good enough for me. 

Revival kicked off in high gear Tuesday night in Bristol, Virginia. We had a good crowd and a really good service. Pastor David Horton started the night with some great songs and I tried to run with it from there. 

We are believing that God is going to send us several folks to be saved this week. Would you help us pray?

We are using the generator to provide electricity during service but the business next door is allowing us to use their power for lights over night.  I try to get down there about daylight to turn them off. 

I was a little early Tuesday but it is peaceful under the tent at night. 

These were taken just after sunrise Tuesday. 

The sound system is in place and ready to go. 

We had some special guests under the tent last night. Our dear friends from Ohio Bro. Bob and Sis. Tish Rice. They are Virginia residents now and it was a treat to get to see them. 

We usually have more pictures of the first night but the sky opened up and a few buckets of water poured out just as service was over. Some were rushing to help us get things packed away before it all got soaked and others were trying to get to their cars. So no more pictures. 

Thanks for reading. I think I may have solved the problem of subscribers not receiving an email each day we post. It has been a few weeks since it was working right but it may be back on track. If you are subscribed and you are not receiving an email when we post, please let us know.
