Thursday, May 30, 2013

Congrats Class of 2013

A note from Odie

I wanted to take a moment and recognize a some family and friends who graduated this year. Congratulations to all of you!!!!  We are proud of you!!!!

Isaac Boggs graduated from Wanesville High School. Pictured here with his BIG brother Victor.

Courtney Morgan graduated from Southern State Community College.

Jacqueline Coffman finished high school this year!!  We've been cousins all her life, and friends for most of her life. LOL 
Jacqueline sent me this picture of us taken 10 years ago. We still get pictures every time we are together. 


Regan Brooke Morris is one special friend!!!  She also graduated this year!

Luke Chapman graduate also class of 2013. He's pictured here with his younger brother Cooper.

Judson Martin is another friend who completed school this year. 

We have several more friends that graduated high school or college this year. We are so happy for all of you


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday May 28, 2013

We had another great service tonight (Tuesday) under the blue and white Gospel tent. We had two saved Monday night and at least two saved tonight. Praise God for reaching souls for Christ right here in Springville, Indiana. Hallelujah!

The crowds have been good each night with visitors from local churches, visitors from the community and the Tunnel Hill folks. They have been worshiping and praising God and He has been saving and blessing. Praise God for His help.

We have been taking pictures each night and we will post them later in the week. Since our phone signal is nonexistent and our Internet is slow, it is night unto impossible to email very many pictures to the blog. We should have plenty when the time comes.

We kissed a dear with the Green Machine the night before we left home in December. We barely hit the deer and she did not seem damaged at all. The Green Machine was not hurt too bad but the plastic bumper was cracked and two braces behind it were cracked as well.

Bro. Jack and Bro. Tom Jacobs from the Tunnel Hill church are excellent auto body repairmen and work in a local shop. The did some repair work on my tent trailer last year so I saved this job for them this year. Bro. Lakes and I took the bumper off and took it to them.

The Green Machine does not look very happy with it's face torn off.

My Dad and I had taken the bumper off last fall to install the base plate for towing. If I had not taken the bumper off before I do not think I would have tried it on my own. I am not the most mechanical person in the world. But I knew it was just a hand full of screws and it pops right off. It is not really driveable as it is. We will be glad to get it all put back together.

Have a great day.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy 70th Birthday, Dad

I know I use this picture every time I write about my Dad but it is an awesome picture taken on one of the most pleasant and happy days of my life. We were at Carter Caves State Park in Kentucky for a Boggs Family get together. It was miserably hot that day so we went down to the creek.

There is a cave just to the right of this picture and we could feel the cool air from the cave. The water was cold and only a couple of inches deep. We took a 50 piece bucket of KFC and our lawn chairs into the creek and had the best lunch in the history of the world. (Slight exaggeration possible but only very slight.)

We ate fried chicken, drank bottled water, munched on potato chips and threw the chicken bones in the woods. What a day. What a memory. What a picture to capture it all.

But since I always post that picture, here is another one of dad with all of his children and grandchildren except for the number two son and his lovely wife and daughter. (Oops. Odie pointed out that Steve's wife Karen is also not in the picture. Must have been grilling hot dogs.) This was taken today (Monday) in the cemetery in Corwin. This is Dad at his happiest, surrounded by family.

Tomorrow, Tuesday the 28th my Dad will be 70 years old. We are so thankful that God has blessed our family to keep Dad with us until this day. We hope to have him around for many more years to come.

Happy Birthday Dad! I hope you have a wonderful day. I think it is easier to be 1000 miles away on special days like this than it is to be only 3 1/2 hours away like we are today. By God's grace we will see you next week. Until then, please know that we love you and appreciate you so very much. Have a super great day!

Davy, Kelly and Odie

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Night of Tent Revival

We had a great service this morning at the Tunnel Hill Church and a wonderful first night under the tent tonight. The crowd was great tonight including several folks from Africa. There is a Sister that attends the church that is originally from Nigeria and she brought several colleagues from her work.

Some of them are from Lagos and Abeokuta and Ibadan, which are all areas we have visited repeatedly. It was awesome to have them in the service with us. Praise God for His help tonight. We had a young lady saved and a young man filled with the Holy Ghost.

It is late so I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story. Thank you for praying for us.
