Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving in Hillsboro, Ohio with The Morgan's

Yesterday we ate Thanksgiving dinner with Kelly Jo's family down below Hillsboro, Ohio and what a feast it was! The turkey was delicious! Well everything else was good too but I focused on the Turkey! We laughed and cried and praised God for His goodness to us. It was a very good day. All of Kelly Jo's immediate family were there plus an Aunt and a few cousins. Below are a few pictures from the day and of course... I started with the Turkey....

We attended service at our home church last night and it was good to be home. Bro. Bennie preached and it was like sweet music to our ears. His Thanksgiving message didn't tickle our ears at all but it was a blessing to our hearts. I love it when the preacher deals with the issue at hand whatever that issue might be. I am thankful for a great home church and a great Pastor.

Hope you all had a good day of thankfulness too...
God bless you,


My First plate...

Kelly Jo's brother Danny singing Opera to the extreme delight of her cousin Jackie. It was hilarious!