Saturday, November 13, 2010

Theresa (Boggs) Osborn

This is my little sister, Theresa Boggs Osborn. 

A few years ago we played a horribly hilarious trick on her in November. We sent out Odie's Newsletter to our mailing list but we mailed a FAKE newsletter to my sister Theresa. In her FAKE newsletter we included a picture of her that had been doctored just a tiny bit. Well honestly it had been Photo-Shopped quite a bit. Odie had widened her nose by about 50%! I also included her phone number and asked all the readers to call her and wish her Happy Birthday.

Keep in mind that NOBODY received the newsletter with her Photo-Shopped picture except my sister but she thought EVERYBODY in the world received it... Especially when people she didn't know started calling her and telling her they had seen the newsletter and wishing her Happy Birthday. Of course these folks were in on the joke and I hoped the phone calls would convince Theresa the pictures were every where.  It worked wonderfully!

She was terribly embarrassed of the picture but never suspected for a moment that we did that on purpose.  She thought it might have happened accidentally in the publishing process.  She even asked her husband if her nose was really that big. It was so funny!

We eventually had to tell her it was all a joke and then we had a big laugh together. I figure I owe her a favor so here are some good pictures of my beautiful sister on her birthday.  Happy Birthday Theresa!  We love you very much!

Davy, Kelly and Odie

Theresa with her husband Jay and below is Theresa with her daughter Lauren

Friday, November 12, 2010

Granite Rock Pile!

There is a very interesting place along I-10 between Tucson and the New Mexico state line. As you are traveling along the landscape is mostly desert looking with scrub bushes, sand, cactus and small rocks. Suddenly everything changes. The landscape becomes filled with all sizes of boulders stacked up in all kinds of precarious positions. The change is abrupt and complete. It stays that way a few miles and then changes back to the way it was. It's like God dumped a pile of rocks, balanced a few huge ones impossibly on small ones and left it for us to admire and figure out. It is fascinating and beautiful!

There is a rest area in the middle of this stretch called Texas Canyon. That's where most of these pictures were taken. The rest of the pictures were taken out the windshield a little farther east on I-10 as the sun was going down behind us. It was a gorgeous evening.

We drove hard today (Thursday) after a long stop this morning for an oil change. We are parked at a Flying J for some sleep. I'll post this first thing Friday morning.

God bless,

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Desert Cove Assembly

Pastor Jimmy Munoz & Bro. Jorge Stevens

We always have a grand time at Desert Cove Assembly in ElMirage, Arizona. This year was no exception. The Lord gave us great altar services and we are very thankful for that. In these last days we must have a move of God's Spirit in our lives, our families and our churches. I am so grateful that God continues to move among us like He does.

We made our first trip to Desert Cove in the fall of 2002. At that time we were still living in Wichita, Kansas and pastoring a church. We had met a few of these families at Fairland Campmeeting in Fouke, Arkansa and Faith Tabernacle Campmeeting in Weir, Kansas. In out first visit here we fell in love with the folks and made friends for life. It is amazing how one choice, one visit can affect your life so much. This church and their friendship has had a great impact on our lives. We thank God for them and many other churches across the USA.

We closed revival last night and we are on our way to Keller, Texas. It is about 1075 miles from here to there. I guess we are on the road again!
