Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Very Boggs Christmas

Christmas morning we followed our normal Christmas tradition of us three in the BoggsMobile having family time with only the three of us. We read the account of the birth of Christ, visited a while and then Odie opened her presents from us.

Following that, KJo and Odie went back to work preparing for the big Christmas dinner with my family next door at Dodds fellowship hall. Everyone began gathering about 2:00 and we were eating before 3:00.

The theme was international food this year. We had German food from Odie, Italian food from Steve and Karen and Mexican food from KJo. We provided salsa from Acapulco (Of course) and Tamales from Arizona. Sis. Julia Lopez, Sis. Mary Zubia and Sis. Mary Stevens prepared over four dozen Tamales for us while we were there last week and we shared them with our family.

I believe they were the best Tamales I have ever had! ALL of the other food was fabulous too!

We were separated from some of the family this year for various life reasons and we missed each one of them. Two of my nieces live in other states and my sister and her family were visiting one of them. Others had to work. Hopefully, we will all be together soon.

It was a great and satisfying day. I hope that you had a good day too. Please remember to visit us in revival beginning tonight at Dryden Rd. Pentecostal Church in Dayton, Ohio. We plan to be there each night through New Year's Eve. We would love to have you.

Thank you for reading.
