Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Funny. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2022

You REALLY Need To See This!

Amazing, tremendous, incredible, stunning, unbelievable, stupendous!

I have been looking for St. Peter, Mary or anyone else from the Bible in the clouds, in reflections, condensation on windows and even ham sandwiches for years. People have made millions by spotting saints in their potato chips, tortillas, bananas, pancakes, Cheetos and other places.

Churches have supplemented their budgets by charging admission to see statues weep or bleed. The faithful will line up for blocks to pay their money to see the statue of the virgin Mary cry!

I have looked, but I have seen no saints, no crosses and no virgin Mary. But we did see and photograph an amazing sight in the Rocky Mountains recently. For real!

This is our chance at millions. So do not look if you are not going to send money to see this phenomenal sight and do not download, screenshot or disseminate our great picture if you are not willing to pay like millions for it.

I promise to use the millions to support missions in Africa, buy fuel for other evangelists, encourage churches, feed the hungry, reach the lost, build KJo a home for retirement and remodel the BoggsMobile. Depending on how many millions this picture rakes in, I may even buy a different BoggsMobile!

Are you ready? Here is the ultimate manifestation in the clouds! Here you go!

The Big Boggs Dog watching over the Rocky Mountains.

Zoomed in for a closeup

This totally untouched picture was taken on July 7, 2022. Think about it. The seventh day of the seventh month in the seventh year after 2015 must mean something, especially since it was the seventh picture I had taken on that adventure. 

Also, it was taken at 3:31 PM. IF you can not see the significance of that, I can not take the time to explain it to you.

AND dogs rhymes with Boggs. The Virgin Mary could never do that!

There you go. I assure you I am going to keep working while the millions roll in.

Thank you.


Thursday, July 7, 2022

Another Stowaway

Do any of you remember when a kickball attached itself to the BoggsMobile in Independence, Iowa and rode 580 miles to Waynesville, Ohio? You can read the whole story and see pictures HERE.

The BoggsMobile must attract round objects. We had another ball try to secretly hitch a ride in California.

As we were preparing to leave Bloomington, California, I drove the bus to the back entrance of the parking lot. It is the only entrance we can use at the church and we examine it carefully before trying to leave. Sometimes we have to ask people to move cars on the street in order to exit. Often, we hook up the car after we are in the street.

I was driving to the exit so I could look things over and there was a small ball in the parking lot as I was turning toward the exit. I straddled it with the front wheels and thought I missed it with the back wheels too.

I walked behind the bus and the ball was nowhere to be found. KJo saw the whole thing and she could not find the ball either. We both lay on the concrete to look under the bus and could not see it.

Then I stretched out on the ground and watched the wheels as KJo was slowly driving the bus and I found the ball. Can you see it?

It is wedged between the passenger side drive axle wheels. How in the world did I run over the ball so that it was placed perfectly between the dual tires?🤣 I could probably never do it again if I tried, but sure enough, there it was!

I have no idea what would have happened IF the ball remained and we drove down the interstate. Maybe it would have fallen out harmlessly or maybe not.

It came out easily and I rolled it by a tree so the kids could find it.

Crisis narrowly averted. AND we exited the parking lot very easily and did not even have to back up to do it. Two good things in less than five minutes!

Thank you for reading today.


Thursday, June 23, 2022


Are there things in life that I wish I had done differently?

However, I must say that I have pretty much lived life with no Egrets.

And I continue with no Egrets today.

Thank you for stopping in.


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Watch Out Odie

Hey Friends,

Surprise, this is Odie on a Thursday. You did not skip two days of your week. My parents have been traveling. They are doing good, but their cell and wifi signal is weak. Dad asked me to write an extra post this week.

Today I want to share a story from my memory bank. Wow, I just realized this story is 20 years old. My memory bank is old.😁 I thought I had already told you this story, but I could not find a record of it on the blog.

I find this story both embarrassing and hilarious. July 2002, It was time for camp at Central Oklahoma Youth Camp. We loaded up a group of young people from Wichita, Kansas and headed to Oklahoma. 

COYC started on Tuesday night. Monday, we toured downtown Oklahoma City. It was a fun filled day. We ate delicious Mexican food, rode a trolley car, took a boat ride on the canal in Bricktown and wrapped it up with a visit to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial.

I was walking using armband crutches on this adventure. I was trying my best to keep up with the rest of the crew. At the memorial, we were walking on a set of ramps. I gave one of my crutches to my Mom to hold. I used a handrail and one crutch to walk. 

I  was able to walk with more speed and confidence. I was thrilled because I could finally keep up with everybody! Then the unexpected happened!! In true Odie fashion, I was not paying attention to my surroundings. The handrail suddenly ended and my face met the concrete. 

I am not a stranger to falling, but this fall shocked me. One moment I was cool. Then I face-planted; all of my coolness and confidence disappeared instantly. Thankfully I was not hurt physically, but my pride was wounded. The outcome could have been a lot worse. Now I just shake my head and laugh at myself!

Here are two things that I learned on that hot July day. 
1. Odie, always watch where you are going!
2. I will never be too cool to fall!
Actually, they are good reminders for every aspect of life.

You can click here to see a few pictures from an earlier visit to the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. Click here to see some photos from COYC 2002.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day. I will see you Saturday for my regular post. 


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Sprayer Saga Continues

I missed a few of Odie's pictures yesterday. At the bottom of this post, you will find her pictures from Saturday.

The Sprayer Saga Continues
If you see me selling Hose Spray Nozzles online OR on the side of the road, you will know why.😍

Several of my friends were laughing at me after this January post. I told about owning five good sprayers, yet driving all the way to Texas without one.

Well, the Sprayer Saga continues, with a twist.

We arrived at East Tennessee Luxury Coach in Tennessee on May 7. Early Monday morning, May 9, I hooked my sprayer to Jeff's hose and cleaned out our plumbing bay a bit. We had been having a black water problem and I wanted to clean it up some before Jeff's guys had to work in there.

I distinctly remember removing it from the hose, but the sprayer went totally AWOL after that.

We noticed it was missing while the BoggsMobile was still in Tennessee. I looked all through the compartment where we store such stuff and through another compartment where such things might end up, even though they do not belong. KJo searched the inside of the bus.

After several searches, we declared it lost. Ouch!

We did not need a sprayer until we arrived out here in Phoenix. The Jeep and the front and back of the bus needed to be cleaned something fierce! While at Lowe's, I bought another one while smacking myself upside the head.

Very early the next morning, I opened up the bay that holds the sound equipment. Can you guess what was laying at the edge of that bay? I am sure you can guess and guess correctly!

Right there in front of my face, was the lost sprayer! 

Nothing water related EVER goes in with the sound equipment. I guess I should say almost never. Ugh!

Here they are together. The new one that we purchased in January is on the left and the BRAND NEW one we bought just now at Lowe's is on the right.

This is getting ridiculous! 😢😍

KJo and I used both of them while washing the Jeep and Bus, just to make it seem like I MIGHT not be wasting money. I reckon I need to invest in this company.

It was 100-105 degrees the first three days we were here. Wow! Evidently, we had a cold front move in Sunday. It has been way down in the mid to upper 90s for three days but it is going back up tomorrow.

If we need to work outside, we do it very early in the morning. We washed the front and back of the bus and the front of the jeep between 5-6 in the morning.

Here is KJo washing the Jeep at 5:30 AM.😍😎

Now, here are Odie's pictures from Saturday as promised.

Thank you for reading today.


Saturday, April 9, 2022

Beware Of The Liquid

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you from the beautiful state of Virginia. We will be in moving around Virginia for our next few meetings. We are looking forward to having a wonderful time here.

Later in this post, I will share a recent funny mishap. Mom gave me permission to tell you this story. It happened during Sunday dinner in Staunton, Virginia, a few weeks. 

Orange Hands
Before telling you the March 2022 story, I need to rewind to December 2018. Do any of you remember my "Orange Hands" embarrassing moment? You can find my original post about it by clicking here. I will give you the shortened version now.

We were eating dinner at a nice restaurant. I grabbed the wrong bottle when I needed my Hand Sanitizer. Instead of the desired Sanitizer, I bathed my hands in my orange water enhancer drops! My hands were dyed orange for a while.

I was thoroughly embarrassed when this happened to me! This incident is something we often talk about and laugh about. Mom jokes with me regularly by telling me that I have used the wrong products again. I will never forget my mistake!

I recently re-read what I wrote about the incident in December 2018. My three points to sum up the moral of the story made me laugh. What I said then is still valid three years later!

1. Make sure that you really have the correct product before pouring it into your hands. 🤦🏽‍♀️
2. Water enhancing drops are good for water but they DO NOT double as Hand Sanitizer.
3. Also, I have not tried this, but I highly doubt Hand Sanitizer doubles as a water enhancer. I do not recommend trying it. 😀

Beware Of The Liquid
Now fast forward to March 2022. It is time to tell you about Mom's mishap. Both incidents gel together nicely and make us laugh!

We were enjoying good Mexican food and fellowship with Pastor Keith and Sis. Gwen May. Our food was served to our table. We were engrossed in conversation and elbow deep in food. 

The waiter refilled our drinks. Mom then needed to add Liquid Stevia to her unsweet tea. Here is a picture of what she meant to add to her drink.

That may have been what she reached for, but she grabbed the Hand Sanitizer bottle. She realized it after squeezing the Sanitizer into the tea. Mom said she thought that it was thicker than usual. 

That was the moment she realized her mistake! I am thankful she did not take a big drink after adding the wrong thing. The waiter quickly brought her a fresh glass of tea. I promptly removed the Sanitizer from the table. We all had a big laugh about the mishap!

Here is the moral of this current story.

1. Make sure you have the correct product before pouring it into tea. 🤦🏽‍♀️
2. Liquid Stevia is meant to make drinks sweet when used correctly. Hand Sanitizer is made to clean hands and surfaces. 
3. Both products are clear in color, but they are absolutely NOT interchangeable!😀
4. Always keep sanitizer and drink enhancers separated! 

Have you had any crazy mishaps like us? We would love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting with me.


Saturday, February 5, 2022

Oh Where Is My Hairbrush

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you. I hope you are having a fantastic weekend! Thanks for stopping by for a visit today.

We are enjoying our time in Louisiana. We are scheduled to be in Louisiana through Wednesday night. Then the BoggsMobile will take us to Mississippi. It feels good to be rolling down the road again.

Recently I was trying to locate my hairbrush. I found myself singing a silly song, "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush." When I realized what I was singing, all I could do was smile and laugh. "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush" is an old song from VeggieTales. Click here to see the song.

I have some funny memories tied to the tune. Let me give you a little back story. Then I will explain why "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush" makes me laugh.

Mom is very impressionable and you can plant songs in her head very quickly. Dad and I like to have fun with Mom, trying to see if we can get random songs stuck in her head. Then other times, we just mention a song lyric in passing during a conversation. The next thing we know, Mom is singing the song!

"Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush" Story

Twenty years ago, Mom could hear just a few words or notes of "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush," and she would be stuck on the song for hours.

All the kids in the church that we pastored in Kansas knew that the song would get stuck in Mom's head. They would all sing it to her! We had a blast teasing Mom with "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush."

My friends from other churches liked to join in on the fun too. One time a friend of mine bought Mom a Larry from Veggies Tales and he sang the song.

Mom was constantly singing, "Oh, Where Is My Hairbrush." She would sing about things that she was searching for. One time I heard," Oh, where is my dish towel." I think of the song and the funny memories daily when I need my hairbrush.

Well, I need to go find my hairbrush and fix my hair. I will close for now. Thanks for reading. I will see you next weekend.


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Signs of Confusion

Friday and Monday we visited the main county office building to take care of some business. This is the same building I went to many times before and during the construction of the house in 2017 and beyond.

The county auditor is there along with the treasurer, the board of elections, the building and zoning office and several more that I have not had any dealings with. It is a beautiful building.

I have told Kelly Jo that a downtown church would look awesome in this style.

Friday I found out what I needed to take care of business and Monday I took in the paperwork. I have always found the staff in each office to be more than helpful with whatever I have needed to know. 

I went into this building in December 2014 right after we purchased the Lazy OD Ranch. A helpful lady in one of the offices searched through records for at least 45 minutes helping me find the information I needed. She acted as excited to find the proper documents as I did.

This is the exact opposite from our dealings the last few years with the IRS. We send in the proper 501c3 reporting forms on time and then receive a letter that we did not send them. We must send them again, even though we have proof we sent them and proof they received them.

One year, we sent the 501c3 reporting forms three times. By then, they were charging late penalties and we had to apply to get the completely invalid penalties removed. 

One year, I talked to a nice IRS lady on the phone who was looking at both copies we sent in and she readily admitted the mistake was on their part and we owed nothing.

I breathed a big sigh of relief until she told me that she had no authority to remove the penalty even though it was obviously fraudulent. I ended up paying a third party to prove we owed nothing.

My experience at the Warren County offices has been completely opposite of that. The employees are competent and at least cordial and most of the time, they are downright friendly.

Now, they can not work miracles and we are still waiting on answers, but going there is always a pleasant experience.

That is why the signs below left me confused. This seems more like the entrance to the IRS.

Can you read the bottom sign? It says Public Entrance. But the sign on top says Do Not Enter.  Which is it? I was as confused as a termite in a yoyo!

Thank you for reading Mile Markers today.


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My Mind Is Dangerous At Night

I am a vivid dreamer. Kelly Jo tells me I need to write novels or movie scripts from some of the ideas that wander through my head when I am trying to sleep. I am often neck-deep in adventure or preaching or driving or flying without any assistance or running for my life or shooting a gun that will not work.

No wonder I wake up so tired some mornings.

A reoccurring dream that I have involves getting up to preach in front of a large crowd and I can not find my scripture text. Recently, I dreamed I was asked to preach the first service of a new camp meeting aimed at the lost in the inner city. The host introduced me very kindly and I went to the pulpit.

I opened my leather notebook to find my Bible and iPad were gone. What in the world? I looked around on the platform at all of the preachers and a few of them were smiling at me. Someone had taken by Bible and notes and the grinning preachers knew it.

Thankfully, someone asked to testify and that gave me a few minutes to gather my thoughts. The trouble was, my thoughts would not gather. At that moment, I was not even sure of my name.

I started sputtering to the congregation that my Bible had been stolen and I woke up! Whew!

That reminded me of a nightmare I had years ago. We were somewhere preaching revival and I got a call from a church that I have never been to before. I did not know anyone from the church and no one knew me, at least I thought no one knew me.

The call was from the head deacon. He was calling to tell me the church wanted me to be their Pastor. I asked him when they wanted me to start and he gave me a date about six weeks off. I told him we would be there.

I never heard another word from him or anyone else in the church for the whole six weeks.

The appointed Sunday morning came and we walked in the door feeling as foolish as we could be. We wondered if they were even expecting us. No one greeted us or welcomed us or said a word to us about being the new Pastor.

After the singing, the deacon got up and introduced me as the new Pastor and told me to come and preach. I walked to the platform, opened my Bible and could not find my scripture.

Here I am, the new Pastor, no one there has ever heard me preach and I can not even find my scripture. I do not know the end of the story. Thankfully, I woke up before they threw me out on my nose.

Be careful sleeping out there. It is a dangerous world.

Thank you for stopping by Mile Markers today.


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Radio Silence

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in with you. Guess what? We have survived another month in 2021. It is now May, It is so crazy how fast this year is flying by. 

The other day I was listening to Singing News Radio on my Alexa. There was a moment of dead air then the news came on. I had to laugh because it reminded me of a funny and embarrassing moment in my life. I decided to share that story with you today. I do not think it is something that I have written about previously.

The Backstory 
First, let me give you a glance into my history. It will help set up this post better for you. From an early age, I have been fascinated by all things radio. My Dad says I was the only little girl that listened to and loved the overnight radio show of the Truckin' Bozo on 700 WLW.

I was the girl trying to win all the giveaways on the Gospel stations. I was also faithful to call the local southern gospel stations, WQRP and WGNZ, to request my current favorite song or whatever happened to be The Isaacs' newest radio song. 

Later, I sent emails to DJs at one of the stations I listened to daily. It was fun building friendships with some of them. When I was 12, Dad took me to an open house at WFCJ. I was able to meet some of my e-mail friends face to face. It is still one of my favorite memories.

My love for radio continued when we moved from Ohio to Kansas. I learned a whole new lineup of radio stations. KSGL was the local southern gospel station in Wichita and I became a faithful listener and caller. The music director of KSGL, John Mills, was also the Morning Show host. 

Soon, John Mills and I were fast friends. Dad also got to know John because Dad, weekly, frequently had to pick up items that I had won from the station.

When I was in high school I sent John an email asking lots of questions about working in radio. I was interested in possibly getting into radio myself after school. He kindly answered all my questions and encouraged me to ask more questions. 

Then he opened an opportunity to me that was amazing. John suggested that I come into the station one morning to watch him work during the morning show.

Radio Silence
Dad took me to the station several mornings to observe. I had so much fun watching John work his magic on the Morning Show. He also allowed me to join him on-air. Then he suggested that we make it a weekly feature for the KSGL Morning Show. 

Wednesday became the "John and Odie Show". We always had so much fun and the listeners seemed to love it! I was there and ready to go by 6:00 AM every Wednesday. It was the highlight of my week.

John was great! He worked and taught me how to do what he did. Can you believe John even trusted me to run things on my own? That may have not been the wisest decision that John ever made, but I had fun behind the controls and behind the mic.

Time is valuable when it comes to radio. Every second of the hour mattered. You had to time the commercials and songs just right. It was challenging and enjoyable to figure the timing and make it come out correctly.

Each station was required to give the station call letters right before the top of the hour. I would give the call letters and flip a switch for the news to come from the satellite feed. John showed me how to do it just right.

Then came a morning that I was doing things on my own. John was downstairs getting other work done, but he was just a call away. I was sailing through doing everything properly and having a great time.

The 6:00 AM hour was wrapping up. I had everything timed out just right, or so I thought. I went live on the air and said, "This is Sunshine 9 KSGL", in my best announcer's voice. I flipped the news switch and I was met with absolute Radio Silence.

I was shocked, confused, panicked and embarrassed all wrapped together. I had no idea where I messed up! John had been listening closely and watching the clock. He knew where I had gotten confused. He came running to my rescue.

I felt like it was an hour of silence, but John was there to bail me out in an instant. Then he enlightened me on where I went wrong. I had not counted down to 7:00 AM like I thought. I had counted down perfectly to 6:59 AM. I was an entire minute off! 

Every second truly did matter! I am still not a fan of Radio Silence.

Thankfully John forgave my mishap and did not end my radio career on the spot. I was still allowed to be behind the control board. I never forgot my blunder and watched the clock very closely. 18+ years later, I am still laughing about my dreaded Radio Silence.

My radio time ended at KSGL when we left Wichita for the road in January 2003. I cried buckets of tears for several days leading up to our final show. I am so grateful that I had an opportunity to "work" in radio for a brief time span. 

I was able to visit John at the station a couple times after we moved. I also called regularly and we would play a little music trivia. " Can Odie Stump John", was the name of a show segment? We had fun testing our southern gospel knowledge.

John Mills now lives in Oklahoma. I still check in with him occasionally. A few days ago we were reminiscing about our great times together. I am so thankful that I got to meet John Mills while we were in Wichita. John is definitely a friend for life!

Thanks, John, for taking a crazy girl under your wing. You helped me and encouraged me more than words can ever express! I will forever treasure our friendship! My days at KSGL are some of my favorite memories while I lived in Wichita!

Somewhere in our archives I know I have a picture of John and me in the KSGL studio. I could not locate it on the blog. I did find a picture of John Mills and his wife Denise from several years ago.

Thanks for tuning in today. That is a wrap for today's post. It was fun for me to go down memory lane for a moment. I hope you got a laugh out of my blunder. See you next Saturday.


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Crazy Covid Dream

Hey Friends,

I hope you are having a fantastic day. If you are a regular reader, thank you for stopping by once again! If this is your first time visiting our site, thank you for spending some time with us!

This is Odie writing today. I love spending a few moments with you each Saturday. We may not get to talk face to face, but I am thankful that we can visit virtually.

Since having Covid, almost eleven weeks ago, I have had almost constant insomnia. I am not of fan of sleepless nights! Just when I think it is over it pops up again. If you can not tell, I value my sleep and I do not function well on little rest.

My sleepless nights have provided me with lots of time to think about ideas for several different blog posts. Most of them do not pan out to be great ideas, once I pondered them more. It is crazy what sounds good to a sleepless mind at 3AM, but does not make sense after little sleep. That is why I choose not to do my writing in the middle of the night.

I do have one funny thing to share that came from my sleep-deprived mind. Crazy dreams have also been happening when I do get some sleep. Usually, I can not remember the dreams once I am awake. Several weeks ago I had a dream that made me laugh hysterically when I woke up! 

I am still laughing today over that particular dream. Sadly I do not remember all the vivid details. All I know is that I was a ballerina! When I woke up my legs were worn out from dancing in my dream.

I honestly have no idea what caused me to have that dream. The girl in the wheelchair had a few moments to experience being a ballerina. Side note, when I dream I am hardly ever confined to my wheelchair. Usually, I can walk normally. I enjoy my dreams when they are good because I get to see myself walking. This is the first time I have seen myself as a ballerina before this time.

The next day when I told Mom about my dream she laughed hilariously just like me. She proceeded to call me ballerina for the next few days. Mom would send me ballerina pictures. It gave us something to smile about. We had fun for a while with my crazy dream.

I could tell the people that communicated with Mom checking on us. I would get texts from people asking me random questions. Here are a few of those questions. Did you take up a new hobby? So I hear that you are a ballerina now? Are you still dancing? 

I told my dear friend about my dream and she laughed with me too. She recently reminded me that next to my name on her phone she added the ballerina slippers emoji. Her laughter lives on every time she reads my contact info.

I can positively say my ballerina dream will never come to fruition, but it is fun to dream! I do believe that one day I will walk in real life. I look forward to that day with great anticipation!

Well, that is all for now. Thanks again for spending some time with me! Have a fabulous weekend.


Sunday, March 21, 2021

View Out The Front Window 3/21/21

Sunday Morning Sanity
Maybe we should turn the COVID vaccination program over to Amazon. They could probably have most of America vaccinated by Saturday. Tuesday if you have Amazon Prime.

No view change at all this week so a view out the window would not do you much good. Ugh!

This was a pretty good view for the first evening of spring yesterday.

Not bad for 7:30 PM! I pray that this is a sign of things to come.

Thank you for stopping in for a kernel of wisdom. Have a great Sunday.


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Okay, Buy Another One!

Have you lost a tool, utensil or another item that you often need? I can tell you how to find it. Hurry out as fast as you can and buy another one just like it. The lost one will come looking for you and knock on your door within days.

I call this tool in the picture below a Hammer Hanger. It goes by different names, but that is the name that stuck with me. I hang my hammer in it while I am working.

I slide my tool belt or regular belt through the slits in the leather and the hammer handle goes into the metal ring. It allows my hammer to be within reach while I am working.

I believe I purchased the one above in late 1993. It had about 3-5 years of daily use and it has been used sporadically since then, sometimes weeks at a time. It spent most of its life sitting on a shelf or in a box, waiting to go to work.

Until it was lost for the last 2 1/2+ years. 

In the spring of 2017, I put it on my belt and went to work on the house. I wore it and used it nearly every day that I worked until the project was finished in August 2018.

As the work was winding down, I lost it. I searched high and low, but I figured it might show up eventually in a box of leftover material or in the barn somewhere. I would mention it once in a while as I was going through tools and such.

I looked diligently for the hammer hanger while working on the project in my tool crib that I mentioned a last week. I did not find it, but I fixed that the next time we went to Home Depot. KJo helped me to remember and I purchased two replacement hammer hangers.

Fast forward to this week. One of Odie's kitchen cabinet drawers malfunctioned. It would not close completely. It almost seemed like something was in the back keeping it from closing. After further inspection, contortion and wrestling by our resident skinny repairman, do you know what KJo found?

Yep, you guessed it.

The long-lost hammer hanger has come back. AND it arrived home less than one week after I bought another one! I should have purchased a replacement two years ago and the old one would have shown up sooner.

I have the receipt for the replacements I bought. I suppose  I could return them, but I would hate for the old one to get the word and run again.

I will keep all three. I almost guarantee you, I will not be able to find one at some point in the future.

Thank you for dropping by Mile Markers today.


Sunday, February 28, 2021

View Out The Front Window 2/28/21

We posted a short video of soundcheck last night.

The view out the front window of the bus was different for a few minutes this week.

Sunday Morning Sanity
Wife: Is it just me or is the cat getting fat?
Husband: No, I think it is just you.

Consider today's blog a public service. Thank you for stopping in.


Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Post From KJo

I told KJo that I need help on Mile Markers this week. I needed her to get a post together and she went right to work. It has been difficult to convince her to write for the blog so her enthusiasm was refreshing.

She came through with flying colors. She actually put several posts together and here they are.

I hope you enjoy this and encourage Kelly Jo to write more.

Mailbox post

Light post

Post-it pad

Fence post

Post office

Battery post

Post Fruity Pebbles

Mobile Command Post

Iron Post Church

Trading Post

Well, what do you think of KJo's post?

Thank you for joining us.
