Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts
Showing posts with label schedule. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A New Place Coming Up Soon

We met Pastor Marcos Fabiano here at Bethel Revival Center in 2019. He has been pioneering a Brazillian mission work in Everett since 2016.

Pastor Marcos on the left last night with Pastor Orville Plummer.

He is a great guy and we are excited to see him again this week at revival. He called and told me he would be there and we were excited to hear the great news. It was wonderful to have him and to get to visit with him.

Pastor Marcos contacted me a while back and asked about us preaching for him while we are in Boston and we are so glad to receive the invitation. We love going new places.

By God's grace, we will be singing and preaching for Pastor Marcos Sunday evening July 30 at 6:30. We are expecting a great visitation from the Lord in the service. Please pray for us as God opens new avenues for us to minister.

Thank you for stopping in today. Check back tomorrow. I think I will have a special Wordless Wednesday. See you then.


Thursday, March 23, 2023

The Lord Has Been Mighty Good to Us!

We are receiving questions every day about my breathing and strength so I need to answer publicly. 

The Lord Has Been Mighty Good to Us!

Although my strength is not what I would like it to be, I am stronger than I was even last week. I need to be much stronger to comfortably be able to sing and preach seven times each week, keep the bus going, set up sound and all the rest, not to mention travel between revivals. 

To preach each night requires me to do almost absolutely nothing during the day. If I was having to work on a bus project every day, I would be in a pinch. I believe that more strength will come.

I have ministered every service (5) since Sunday morning without using supplemental oxygen while in the pulpit. Most days my O2 saturation has been good and only dropped a few times for a few minutes.

In full disclosure, I am still using a daily inhaler to help me breathe. I am not sure what happens when I quit taking it. As I get stronger, I will eliminate the inhaler over time and find out.

As I mentioned Monday, I am having some trouble with my hip and leg which seems like sciatica pain. I am calling it my psychotic nerve.😢😁 I would appreciate you helping me pray for relief in that area too.

I have rearranged much of our late spring and early summer schedule. We have removed the tent revivals and deleted some miles and we hope that helps. Shortly after we made those decisions, we received some invitations that were completely unexpected and we have been able to insert some of those meetings.

As I said, God has been good to us and we have no complaints at all. Thank you for praying for us sincerely and fervently over the last few months. May God bless you for pulling me through by prayer. We will never forget it.

Thank you for reading today.


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Our First Schedule Change of The Year

We live and die by the schedule, but there is one constant about that schedule. That constant is change. Life happens and things change. If the pandemic taught us anything, it taught us that change is coming at a moment's notice and we must roll with it.

In 2020, KJo and I were halfway around the world and less than three months into the year, our schedule changed for the year due to COVID.

In 2021, we were one month into the year, when we walked straight into COVID and our schedule changed for the year.

In 2022, our first revival had to cancel before we even left home because of a COVID outbreak. 

Less than three weeks into 2022 COVID broke out during revival and we had to close early, leading to a schedule change.

In 2023, in the first week of the year, a revival scheduled for the end of January had to postpone. Thankfully, COVID had NOTHING to do with it. Hallelujah! 

The Pastor's daughter is having a baby in another part of the country and the scheduled meeting was right in the middle of the excitement.

They thought it was better to reschedule now than for us to get there and they have to cancel at the last minute. I agreed wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, a Pastor had visited a revival in Texas last fall and asked me to keep him in mind if we had any last minute cancellations in the area. Odie reminded me, I sent him a text telling him about the recently opened week and he immediately invited us for revival.

He is excited, his church is excited and we are excited. I will not be surprised if we stumble right into the middle of the will of God that week. I love how God does that.

The dates are January 29-February 2, Sunday-Thursday. We will close Thursday and reserve both Friday and Saturday for travel, because the location change puts the next revival in Mississippi a little further away.

The revival will be at Payne Springs Assembly in Mabank, Texas with Pastor RC Betz. 

It is a new church for us, but we have known Bro. and Sis. Betz since before they were married. We are looking forward to being in revival with them.

If you are out and about, please check our schedule and come be with us in revival. We are always super glad to have visitors!

May God bless you, friends. Thank you for stopping to see us.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

A Glance at December Details

Hello, friends. Thank you for spending a few minutes with us today. It is always good to have you along with us each day. 

There are so many things going on in all of our lives this time of year. A Christmas gathering here, a Christmas play there and a Christmas dinner around the corner. It is almost hard to fit church into the schedule, but we still manage to work in 4-5 services each week.😍

We are going to try to post a Boggs Family Christmas service on YouTube Christmas day. I have been preaching a Christmas message in churches this month and I will probably preach that sermon and sing a few Christmas songs. We will be in church December 25, in addition to spending time with family, so we will try to post it in the morning around 8:00.

Once the Christmas hoopla has subsided, we will begin revival Monday, December 26 at Dryden Rd. Pentecostal Church. Services will begin Monday-Friday at 7:30 and Saturday, December 31 will probably begin around 8:00.

If you are in the Miami Valley/Tri-state area, we would love to have you join us in the revival any night. We would love to see your smiling face. Your presence will be a great encouragement to me personally. 

In fact, if you are free that week and live outside the area, it would be great if you could come. The year-end revival is always a good revival at Dryden. We would love to have you.

There all kinds of hotels in the south Dayton area. The church address is 3201 Dryden Rd, Morain, OH.

When that revival concludes, we hope to begin in London, Kentucky at First Pentecostal January 1-6 and then move to points further south.

May God bless you all this week.


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Disappointing News-Nigeria

We have disappointing news to share today. It looks as if we are not going to be able to go to Nigeria in December as we had planned. We have hoped and planned this trip for over a year and it is heartbreaking not to be able to follow through.

I wrote about the process and deadline in August and you can read the details HERE. The deadline for us has come and gone and we are no closer to a resolution

The problem is with the Visas necessary to travel as USA citizens to Nigeria. It is a complicated and expensive process and is made more complicated by inconsistencies lately at the Nigerian Consulates in the US.

We have always gone through the Nigerian Consulate in Washington DC, but for some reason, only the Nigerian Consulate in NYC can issue Visas since COVID and they have not been issuing Visas since early July.

They say that COVID has nothing to do with the delay. It is kind of refreshing to encounter a problem that is NOT blamed on COVID, but that does not make the situation any better.

The Nigerian embassy recommends applying for a Visa 90 days before the trip and we have always held to that timetable. We are now 60 days from our departure date and they are still not issuing Visas.

Even IF the situation changed today, we would be very reluctant to send our passports to the Nigerian Consulate in NYC less than 30 days from when we need our passports in November and only 60 days from departure. UGH!

I sent Bro. Shobanke a lengthy email 10 days ago explaining everything to him. He called a few days ago and we talked it over. He knows that our heart is to be there with him and his precious people in December and he understands that our hands are tied. There is nothing we can do.

There is one bright side. Since we will not be spending so much on Visas and plane tickets, we should be able to send a better offering than we would have been able to take personally. We will miss our friends terribly and we know they will miss us, but maybe we can be more help this time from a distance.

I know that some of you have been praying about this and I suspect many more of you have been praying than I am aware. I wanted to give you an update so you know how to pray. Thank you.

We will now pray for a better time to visit our adopted homeland and our wonderful friends. We have some idea where we are supposed to prepare to be instead. We will let you know more if/when our plans become solid.

Thank you for spending some time with us today.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Lord Is My Strength!

It began with a Pastor asking us to preach both services on a Sunday near home. Awesome we can do that.

Then another Pastor in the next town up asked for the following Monday-Friday. That would make it Sunday-Friday at two churches not that far apart. Yep, we can do that.

Then the first Pastor called back and asked to change from two services on Sunday to Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning. I said yes without even thinking about the implications of now preaching Friday-Friday. Duh!

On Thursday, our Pastor asked us to preach that night. I did not hesitate to say, "Yes" because he is my Pastor. Now, we were scheduled for Thursday plus eight more days.

At some point in the mix, another church as us to preach the following Sunday night and I said yes without even thinking about it. Duh Again!

After preaching Thursday night at home church and then Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday morning, we did not get home in time to go to home church Sunday night. So we slipped into a church four miles from home and the Pastor asked me to preach that night.

Are you keeping track? Evidently, I was not keeping good track either.😍

At that point, we still had five nights of revival ahead of us and then rest Saturday and preach Sunday night. Except it did not work that way. Sunday morning, our Pastor asked me to preach again so you have to add in the second Sunday morning.

This is how it ended up. 
Eleven days
Twelve services
Twelve sermons
A bunch of singing
Five cities
Five churches 
And one day of not preaching.

That was absolutely normal for us in times past, but way out of reach in my current physical condition. But, by God's grace, we made it and we were able to finish strong. We enjoyed wonderful services and watched God touch His people in amazing ways.

Am I tired? Yes, tired right down in my bones. Yet, I am rejoicing that we were able to do it. KJo worked so hard and Odie sang like an angel and God stood near us at each service. Praise God!!

Thank the Lord for His help, His strength and His power! Hallelujah! We are climbing and gaining and will prevail by His touch! Please keep praying for us.

Thank you for spending a few moments with us. We always appreciate that.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

We Begin!

We had planned a trip to California last year, but I was concentrating more on breathing than I was driving the bus.😁

Today, we begin. By God's grace we will leave Vonore, Tennessee shortly after daylight and drive 1864+ miles to El Mirage, Arizona in the Phoenix area. After a week or so in Phoenix, we plan to venture into California for about four weeks.

We have made trips like this many times in three or four days, but we intend to ease along nice and slow. For the first couple of days, I would like to drive like we did a few times last fall. 

That is, begin early in the morning and drive about 200 miles in three hours. We would follow the three hours of driving with a walk, a meal and then stretch out on the couch for a few minutes. Then drive another 200 miles in three hours and stop by the mid-afternoon.

IF I can do that two days in a row, I will feel good about our progress, slow down a bit and maybe even have a day of no driving. All of that depends on the BoggsMobile running great, but I am pretty confident that it will.

This will be our twentieth trip to preach in California. The BoggsMobile is making its eight trip to the Golden State since we have owned it, although it lived there the first few years of its life.

I wrote four posts in 2019 about our previous 19 trips to California. You can find the fourth post HERE and there are links to the other three at the bottom of it.

We are looking forward to being in the west and seeing many friends. We will not get to stay as long as we would like, but that is the way it falls this time. I suppose that gives us more incentive to go back again!

Please pray for us over the next week IF you will. We always appreciate it. Thank you for reading today.

Edit: We did not get far Tuesday morning before turning around with a small glitch. I will tell you more about it on a later day. It is only a small delay. 🎵He's Got It All In Control🎵


Monday, April 4, 2022

Evangelism Routing and Scheduling Seminar😊

IF you are seeing this on Monday, then our phone signal was too poor to post pictures from the weekend. Never fear, we hope to drive toward the 21st century later today and post The Weekend Dispatch tomorrow.😍

Evangelism Routing and Scheduling Seminar😊
I sure wish someone taught an Evangelism Routing and Scheduling Masters Class at Bible College. Of course, I would have had to go to Bible College to take the course, but someone should teach it.😍

I am incredibly thankful that we have places to preach and people wanting us to minister in their churches. We could be sitting at home with no one calling, no one asking and no place to go! 

We are always amazed and extremely thankful that Pastors keep asking us to preach revival. Without that, we do not need to worry about a schedule at all.

In 1990 I thought if I had four or five churches that wanted revival, life would be perfect. If fifteen or twenty churches wanted revival, I thought I would be on top of the world. Bro. Bill Houston told me then, "Having churches to go to is the easy part, figuring out how to fit them in and keep them all happy is the hard part."

He knew exactly what he was talking about and I was smart enough to know that! Bro. Bill's advice on scheduling was the second piece of advice I had received on the subject. Our Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland gave me the first lesson.

Bro. Bennie said, "Go preach revival wherever you are asked to go. Do not ask God if you should go. If you are called of God, then go when they ask. When you have two or three places wanting you to preach the same week, then start praying to God for direction."

Those two pieces of excellent advice on scheduling were all the training I had. The rest was learned in the school of experience. You might call it a crash course, pun intended. 

-One thousand miles between Friday night after church and Sunday morning a few weeks in a row will teach you things you did not know.

-3200 miles between two Sundays will bring higher edumacation right to your door.

-2150 miles between Wednesday night after church and Saturday evening while pulling a fifth wheel will open your eyes to the hard truth.

-So will four revivals in five weeks in four states in three time zones. IF you are paying attention, you will learn from that.😍

We chased our schedule all over the USA, zigzagging back and forth for years. We were having the time of our life and would not take those years back if we could.

However, in 2008, when gas and diesel crept to the $4 level for the first time, Pastors started saying to us, "Fit us in when you can, we do not want you to have to drive across the country." That is when we began scheduling like we do now.

We make a long drive into an area and then try to keep our next several revivals less than two to four hours apart. That gives us a chance to rest up and we burn less fuel. It has worked wonderfully for fourteen years.

We now drive fifteen to twenty thousand fewer miles each year to revivals than we did from 2003-2007. That is a huge help!

Here is how it looks in the real world. 
-In January, we drove 1043 miles for revival in Livingston, Texas. 
-Then we drove 143 miles to Sweeny, Texas.
-Then 396 miles to Bernice, Louisiana.
-Then 268 miles to Denham Springs, Louisiana.
-Then 237 miles to Sebastopol, Mississippi.
-Then 160 miles to Citronelle, Alabama.
-Then 94 miles to Ellisville, Mississippi.
-Then 109 miles to Wilmer, Alabama.
-And finally 265 miles to Colquitt, Georgia.

Even though there are a couple jumps in that list that were a bit larger than normal, the whole itinerary worked out perfectly.

Two weeks ago we made a 744 mile jump to northern Virginia and started the process all over again. We are excited to see what the Lord has planned for the future.

Does that make sense? As my good friend, Pastor Barry Gautreaux says, I make sense when I say it to myself!

Thank you for dropping in today. After I wrote the Mile Marker above, I found a Mile Marker I wrote in 2013 that touches on scheduling, price of fuel and surviving. You might find it interesting.


Thursday, March 31, 2022

A Scheduling Note

Here we are on the last day of March, 2022. Wow! How is that possible? It is possible one day at a time.😊

Our next revival is very close to where we are at this moment in Romney, West Virginia. Pastor Jed Metzler heard of us from Pastor Bob Jeffreys here at Safe Haven Tabernacle. Pastor Metzler asked last year if we could swing by for a few nights while in the area and we were glad to schedule it.

By God's grace, we will be singing and preaching at Kirby Assembly all weekend beginning Friday night. We are happy to meet the people and try to be an instrument of revival.

Pastor Jeffrey has made us completely welcome to remain parked in Romney for this weekend of revival, but regular readers know that we love to park on the church property when we can. We have not moved yet, but we intend to move the BoggsMobile tomorrow UNLESS I change my mind.

The quickest route between churches by car is about 18 miles and nearly 30 minutes. We drove it in the Jeep Monday morning and quickly realized the car route was not possible in the bus. That is OK. That is why we checked it out.

We considered the road going to the church from the other direction and it will work fine. It will be about 15 miles further, but 33 miles between revivals is fine by us.😍

We will probably need to run the generator at night to provide heat, but we should not have to run it all the time. It will be worth it to be close by and not have to drive back and forth to every service.

KJo and I noticed that cell phone signal is very limited in Kirby. I will try to have Odie's Saturday post and a Sunday post ready to go up, but Monday's Weekend Dispatch May not be possible. If we are missing Morning or if Monday's post is different, hold on, we should be back Tuesday.

Thank you, dear friends, for reading and thank you for praying for us.


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Rolling Into 2022

Yesterday our interrupted winter tour kicked off in earnest. The BoggsMobile started, aired up like it should, the brakes released properly and it ran like a scaled dog. Yay!

Since this is the first day we have run the bus in 2022, I made note of our milage and such for 2021 and cleared the computer for the new year.

The long COVID recovery last year kept our miles at the lowest they have ever been in nearly 22 years of evangelism. Back in the early 90s we traveled in a car and averaged over 60,000 miles each year during that 32 month run of traveling.

We did not have an RV to stay in and we were not booked solid during most of that time. We would often preach a revival in Oklahoma, drive 900 miles home for a week or ten days and then go right back to Oklahoma for revival. It was cheaper to go home than it was to stay in a hotel.

We also did a lot of crisscrossing of the country. Virginia, then Texas, then Tennesse and then Oklahoma. We once left central California and started a revival in central Florida seven days later.

Yep, we were driving a lot of miles each year.

When we hit the road in January of 2003, we were driving a Chevy truck and pulling a fifth wheel. We traveled like that with two different truck and fifth wheel combinations for five years and we averaged 40,000 miles a year pulling a trailer.

By the time we purchased the BoggsMobile in March of 2008, diesel was $4 a gallon and Pastors began to tell me, come when you can. Do not make a 1000 mile trip just for us.

That allowed us to begin to group revivals together better and that reduced our mileage drastically. COVID in 2021 reduced it even more. Although we drove the Jeep a few more ministry miles than usual, we only drove the bus 8846 miles. Wow!

If all goes as planned, we should roll 20,000 ++ miles this year.

Those miles have to begin somewhere and they began today. We traveled 273 miles of our 1000+ mile trip to Livingston, Texas. We will make a bigger dent tomorrow by God's grace.

Early yesterday morning we loaded the sound system, finished up a few last minute things and pulled out of the barn. 

While the holding tanks were emptying, we hooked Dad's truck to the tent trailer and moved that into the barn. That was not without problems. The tongue jack on the tent trailer is electric and hydraulic and the trailer batteries were dead. After about an hour of charging, the jack operated enough to get the trailer moved.

The batteries are old and have served us well. The arctic weather probably finished them off. I will add that to the list of things to do this summer.

It is wonderful to be moving again! Hallelujah!

Thank you for spending a few minutes with us today.


Monday, January 10, 2022

Today In Local News!

Here is the skinny! (I think that is so funny coming from a fat guy!)

IF you pay attention to our schedule and Mile Markers and IF you keep up with where we are and where we are supposed to be, you know something is out of kilter. Since I know that many of you keep track of such things, I need to bring you up to date.

Originally we planned to leave from Taylor Mill last Monday and began moseying toward Gainesville, Texas. Even a blind squirrel gets a nut every now and then! I decided we needed a day of rest after eight days of preaching, so we came home Sunday night to rest Monday.

Monday afternoon, Bro. and Sis. King called from Gainesville to discuss the COVID situation in their church and area. We all decided it would be prudent to reschedule revival down the road and not begin on January 9 as planned.

We had other churches that likely would have been happy for us to move revival to their place on January 9, but we decided to wait until Tuesday to make plans. Late Monday night, KJo and Odie started feeling bad.

Testing for COVID seemed to be in order, even though we thought it unlikely that we had COVID. Kelly Jo and Odie have both been vaccinated and boosted. I had been vaccinated and tested very recently for natural antibodies, of which I had an abundance.

All three of us have had COVID, so surely we have some natural immunities that will help some. 

Plus, we had been very careful. We have been wearing masks in and out of the church and in public and carefully sanitizing our hands. We know that nothing can prevent COVID 100%, especially the Omicron variant apparently, but we were trying our best not to spread things from one church to another.

Odie tested negative. There is also a nasty cold making the rounds in this area. Odie either had that or she had a false negative. Either way, she felt pretty crummy for a couple of days and nights.

KJo also felt crummy for Monday and Tuesday and tested positive on Tuesday. I had a slight headache one day and also tested positive. After six days, I feel a barely noticeable tightness in my chest, but I have no cough, no congestion and no breathing problems.

We are praising God for light cases this time. I deserve nothing from the LORD, but I sure am glad he spared us the horrendous sickness we had last January and for months afterward. Hallelujah!!!

I think we have made it through and according to the latest guidance from the CDC, we are good to go now. Odie stayed secluded as well just to be safe.

We have been in contact with the Pastor of our next revival in Texas. If all is acceptable there midweek, we will try to roll the bus in that direction. It is over 1000 miles there, so the sooner we leave the better.

That is the skinny! Thank you for stopping by.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Careful As I Go One Step At A Time

Do you remember our physical recovery plan? Huh? Do you remember?

I remember. 

The plan when we began our fall tour was to preach partial week revivals during that tour and for most of next year, building my strength a little at a time. It seemed like a great plan.

Most of our revivals in the fall and early winter of 2021 were from midweek service, mostly Wednesday, through Sunday. Most of our revivals in 2022 are scheduled to begin on Sunday and run through Wednesday.

That gives us Thursday, Friday and Saturday each week to rest, recuperate, work on the bus as needed and travel to the next revival, not necessarily in that order.😁

Pastors have been very understanding with that approach and the strength we gained in the fall, gave us full hope that our program for full renewal might work. That left one thing to do. 

Stick with the plan, big boy!

Our schedule for the first of the year was to begin December 31 in northern Kentucky with Pastor Oliver in Taylor Mill and then make our way to Texas for three revivals and proceed from there. All the revivals would be partial weeks with the built-in time I discussed a few paragraphs above.

Then our Pastor, Bro. Bennie Sutherland, told me that he wanted us to preach the revival at our home church between Christmas and New Year. I was super glad to do it and I did not even think for a second not to preach it.

AND I am super glad I did it. We had a very good week of services and I really enjoyed preaching at Dryden and being with our church family. We loved it and we appreciate the opportunity to preach at home.

We had a wonderful time at Dryden and we had a wonderful time at Taylor Mill! I was so blessed to be able to sing and preach and minister with God's wind in my sails. I felt good spiritually and I witnessed God touching people each night. 

We received several personal testimonies from people attending that were helped in the revivals and that is an incredible blessing to us. It is amazing how much God loves people and is willing to help when we call upon Him! 

Dryden streams on Mixlr and Taylor Mill streams on a video platform. Almost every night, we received texts or calls from listeners and viewers that heard the singing and the preaching and were encouraged. Praise God!

Starting the year with nine services in eight days at two different churches whipped me physically. I was more tired than I should have been when we finished and did as much of nothing as I could cram into a day on Monday. 

I am sadly confident that we will have at least a few COVID cancellations this year and we will have plenty of time to rest. Ugh!

In fact, after I typed most of this Mile Marker on Monday, we received news of our first revival postponement of the year. It is perfectly understandable in this new world we live in. I will tell you about it later in the week as we cement out contingency plans.

We will take this year as it comes and we will march forward by God's grace! We and the Microbus are ready to roll. Thank you for going with us!


Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Morning Sanity 12/26/21

Sunday Morning Sanity
“If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.” Corrie Ten Boom

Wow! Thank you miss Ten Boom!

I hope you had a great day yesterday. We begin revival tonight at Dryden Rd. The revival will run through Friday night, we plan to be there through Thursday. We are scheduled to be in Taylor Mill, Kentucky Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Thank you for stopping in.


Tuesday, October 5, 2021

As Thy Days So Shall Thy Strength Be

I mentioned last week, that I had not done very well with our schedule on this stretch. We are trying to ease into our normal road life, but during this space of time, I packed meetings in pretty tight. 

We are busier in this three-week stretch than we need to be. I have done better the rest of the year, but we have to get through this first.

We have now made it about halfway through the over-scheduled patch and I am holding up OK. I was way more tired than I should have been Monday, but no more tired than I expected. I rested as much as I could during the day and pulled through by God's grace.

Honestly, it could be a bit discouraging not to be as strong as I have been and as strong as I need to be, but I can see the hand of God all along the way. He promised in His Word

...As thy days so shall thy strength be... Deuteronomy 33:25

God is true to His Word, friends. Hallelujah!

I do not have as much strength as I would like, but I have enough for each day. I believe that God will continue to provide the strength that I need as I need it.

Thank you all for praying. Please keep it up. God sees, God knows, God hears and God answers!


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

That Does Not Even Look Good On Paper!

I take great comfort in having our schedule in a neat little box with a nice little bow. I like knowing we have places to go and work scheduled for the coming weeks and months. We are very thankful that people want us to sing and preach in their churches. When they quit asking, we will need to find something else to do.

Obviously, in 2020 and 2021, normal schedules have flown out the window for nearly every profession. We have never had to cancel more revivals. Wow! 

During my weeks of sickness and during most of the months of recovery, I was too sick to worry about a schedule. I was glad to schedule a wake up alarm AND then be around to turn it off.

As I began to mend, I was thrilled to know that churches on our schedule still wanted us to come when we could. Hallelujah! Churches that we had cancelled, some of them two years in a row, wanted back on the schedule and that made us smile too.

Now, how do we get going again and ease back into a sprint to the finish line? I came up with a plan after much though and advice from good men.

As you may have noticed IF you have looked at our schedule page, most of our revivals for the rest of the year begin midweek and run through Sunday night. We have purposely scheduled this way to give us a little more travel time between meetings and maybe a bit more rest as well.

In 2022 we will begin revivals on Sunday morning and run through midweek for most meetings. Some meetings will be all week because they are special meetings that always schedule the whole week such as Homecomings.

We normally have revival Sunday morning through Friday night most weeks and we eventually want to get back to that. We are hoping the shortened revivals will help me preserve strength until I am closer to normal durability.

The next twelve days looks more like old times, unfortunately.😍

We will be preaching outdoors under the pavilion here at First Assembly in Richton, MS Wednesday through Friday. We will be off Saturday and then preach Homecoming here Sunday morning. We are anxious to get outside again for revival and the weather looks great!

Sunday afternoon, we will load up, drive the bus to Midway Assembly near St. Stephens, Alabama, set everything up and preach fellowship meeting there Sunday night through Tuesday. Then we will drive a short distance to Thomasville, Alabama and preach there Wednesday and Thursday.

After that, we have two long days of driving and then three days to get to Oklahoma. The Oklahoma drive should be a breeze if I survive the next twelve days.🤣

I can hear my girls saying now, "That does not even look good on paper!" Hehe!

Honestly, we are thrilled that people still want us to come at all. 
We are praising God for that!

Thank you for enjoying the ride with us, friends. We appreciate you.


Monday, August 23, 2021

Weekend Write Up 8/23/21

It has been an action packed weekend. I will not get around to telling you half the story, but here is a glimpse!

If I remember correctly, the weekend does not normally include the Monday before. However, we ended up with a few Monday pictures that did not fit into the camp meeting picture posts, so here they are today.

Now we skip to supper on Friday! Taco Friday!

We had planned to leave for Vermont Saturday and leisurely make our way northeast. That did not happen and here is why. 

I had been asked to preach a funeral and it was hoped that the funeral could be scheduled last week. The funeral home could not have the funeral until Monday morning so we decided to stay over. I will tell you more about that later in the week.

Since we were not leaving Saturday, Bro. Bennie asked me to preach at Dryden Rd. Sunday morning. There was no sense moving the bus so we kept the BoggsMobile parked at the church Saturday. 

Bro. Seth Cowart, an evangelist parked right next to me washed the bus for me Saturday. I could not make him quit, so I grabbed the hose and did some of the spraying and washed the wheels.

I did not get a picture of him washing, but here is one of his little girl helping!

This is Bro. Seth later in the day.

Kelly Jo worked so hard all week long and I told her I owed her a special treat. That spoke Longhorn Steakhouse right down into her spirit! That sounded terrific for me!

It tasted as terrific as it sounded!

The Lord helped us during the service. We enjoyed it very much. I am very thankful for the good altar service.

Sunday afternoon and evening was spent at the visitation for the funeral I am preaching today. Later, I went to the bus to work on funeral sermon preparation and the girls met KJo's parents for a meal and quick visit.

That wraps up our weekend. We hope to be a few miles toward Vermont by the end of the day. Pray for us.

Thank you for stopping by.


Friday, July 16, 2021

A Few Pictures From This Week 7/16/21

Some weeks drag and some weeks zoom by quickly. This has definitely felt like a zoom week for me. Sunday night seems like it was about ten minutes ago, but it is Friday already.😁

KJo has been helping me with some projects in the barn. I am taking it real slow and easy. My body screams at me most days, but we make a little progress each day. Maybe I will tell you more about the project later and show you some pictures.

We were able to go to church at Dryden Tuesday and Thursday and Jo mowed the yard Thursday afternoon. We also ate lunch with KJo's parents one day and visited with my parents at Odie's a couple of times.

We are also still riding our exercise bikes. We try to do it in the morning, but some days it is pushed to evening or even night. We are up to 30 minutes of continuous riding and I clocked over seven miles in 30 minutes for the first time this week.

No pictures of me on any kind of bike. This picture of one of the McCrary twins should tell you why.

I put up a couple of videos this week.

And Odie contributed a few pictures from the week.

Today and Saturday morning we have a little work planned and then we may drive the bus later on Saturday. We are scheduled to be at Pentecostal Faith Church on Cain Avenue in Hamilton (New Miami) on Sunday night and we may drive the bus to give it some exercise.

Thank you for spending a bit of time with us today.
