Friday, April 24, 2020

Revival In Pictures Waynesville, OH 5.0

We have had another great week of revival, but it seems that we do not have as many people pictures to show for it. Odie is falling down on her job I suppose. She is in charge of getting around to all the church folks and taking pictures. She has been pretty much staying home all the time!😀

During revival, KJo and I started taking down the fence in front. We will have more on that later.

The evangelist mowing grass again. What in the world is up with that?😏

Bro. Bruce and Sis. Priscilla having church with us in Oklahoma. It is so good to see Bro. Bruce up and going again. Praise God!

Cousin George Boggs enjoying revival while sneaking in a workout! Pretty clever!

We also have a couple of pictures from our new friends in Brazil, Adrianny and Adson Carvalho.

What? More tacos?

Revival pictures from Odie.

Sis. Bobbie McGee- Ellisville, Mississippi 

We had a funeral this week during revival. My Uncle Wayne Livingston passed away last week at 85 years old. Uncle Wayne was married to my mother's sister, Hulda. He was a fine Christian man and it was an honor to take part in his funeral.

The funeral was at the graveside. Some stood by their cars, some stood at a distance around the perimeter, but most sat in chairs near the grave. Since, the crowd was dispersed and not all bunched under the tent, my cousin ask about providing a little sound so that folks could hear.

That wraps up this week's Revival In Pictures. We plan to have church tomorrow night and over the weekend too at 8:00 PM Eastern. I hope you can join us.


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