Saturday, September 8, 2018

My Friend Heather Poe Hale

Hey Friends,

Happy Saturday, this is Odie reporting in from  the BoggsMobile. I am looking forward to being with Pastor Dwain Galiher and family and all of our friends at Junction Hill Pentecostal Church in West Plains, Missouri. Revival will start Monday and it is scheduled through Sunday morning. I am believing God to meet us there. 

Revival ended last night at Trinity Pentecostal Church. We  had a great time in Central City, Kentucky. It always wonderful to be with Pastor Alan and Sis. Tammy Harris. God met us during revival from the first service He was there to move in each individual life. It was a special feeling!

Recently in London, Kentucky I was able to see my friend Heather. We have been friends a long time. I was so excited to visit with her again. Our visits made me reminisce about old times. 

I do not remember exactly when I met Heather Poe. We were little girls that played together in a group of friends. We were pen pals later too. I would see her on my numerous visits to Bond, Kentucky. 

As we grew up our friendship remained. We survived teenage years, braces, high school and all the things that came along during that season of life. I remember talking about senior pictures and graduation and thinking we had made it. I wish I had pictures from the archives of those days. 

Life has progressed and sadly sometimes it is a couple of years between our paths crossing. We have stayed in contact all along. It always great to see her and catch up. 

Heather had a name change several years when God blessed her with a great husband. Now it Is Heather and Carl Hale. 

God heard many prayers and blessed their home with three wonderful children. It is hard for me to remember their family before children. Lacie, Kacie, and Dallon have been my special buddies since we met. 

Last week they were arguing over who could be president of the “Odie Fan Club”. They crack me up. I love getting to see them. They are growing up so much. It was great to see them praying in the altars during the revival. 

My buddies let me know that they pray for my healing. They assured me that they know I will walk! Their strong faith was encouraging to me! My prayer has been this week, “God, give me faith like a child”. Oh, that I could pray and just rest assured that all will come to pass.

One night we were talking about what will happen when my miracle happens. Heather said, "Kids, it will probably be on national news when Odie walks." The girls said, “Mom it will be on KLOVE!” I  laughed so hard! I guess if it makes it to KLOVE radio then it is really big news!

Heather, thank you for being my friend! Thank you for allowing me to be buddies with your precious children! I love your little family. 

Once again I have just been reminded of the blessing of a forever friendship. As a girl when Heather and I were playmates, I did not understand the gift of a friend for life. Life gets busy and friends come and go, but I have learned to value a friend that is with you for a long time. I am blessed with friends! I want to appreciate all of them!

Thank you for visiting with me today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. 


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