Showing posts with label Anniversarys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anniversarys. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

One Year As Mr. and Mrs. Yeager

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting from my beach cottage in Waynesville, Ohio. It is excellent to have nice weather this week. I love warmth and sunshine.

Last week, one year ago, Mom and I came home to attend the wedding of Mom's niece and my cousin, Kayla. She married Trever Yeager on April 22nd 2023. 

Mom and I were happy to attend their wedding. It was a special day! Here are a couple of flashback pictures for you.


Trever has been an excellent addition to the Morgan family. He has joined right in on our craziness.🤣 Trever, I really appreciate you! Thanks for making Kayla happy!

Below are two pictures from the last time I was with them. These were taken two days before their first anniversary.



Trever and Kayla, I love you both! I hope you had a great anniversary! It has been fun watching life unfold for you this year. I am still cheering for you from the sidelines!

Come back tomorrow for the latest news in their world. This has been a memorable week for Mr. and Mrs. Yeager! Thanks for stopping by today.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Life Gets Real For A Seven Year Old Boy 50 Years Ago Yesterday

It is hard to remember when in life I became aware of certain aspects of the world around me. I am not sure what I knew about tornados early in life but I know exactly the day I learned about their destructive force and that it was a force that was to be respected and even feared.

That day was exactly 50 years ago yesterday, Wednesday, April 3, 1974. 

YouTube Video

It was dark in the afternoon at our house in Waynesville, Ohio. It was frightening. However. it was much worse in several states and perhaps worst of all less than 15 miles away from us as a storm cell with an F5 tornado decimated Xenia, Ohio. 

The tornado was part of the largest supercell known at that time and the most destructive single day of tornado outbreaks for several years after that. It was a horrific day.

When the storm was gone from Xenia 32 residents were killed, over 1000 were injured and hundreds of houses were completely destroyed. Schools were hit directly and the downtown area was devastated. The tributes I have read and watched this week about those who died have touched me deeply. May God bless their families.

If I had not realized the power of the weather by age seven, I knew it that day and the days following. 15 miles is close enough to shake people up and I remember the emotional impact. 

Kids at school had family there or they went to church or shopped or ate in Xenia. The teachers talked about the storm and all of that brought the possibility of trouble much closer than it seemed before.

Of course, there was no internet and the pictures and news spread much slower then but the Xenia tornado was the main topic of conversation for days and weeks.

Near the 25th anniversary of the Xenia tornado, we visited a temporary museum display with hundreds of pictures, videos, newspaper articles and archived news broadcasts. It was moving and nearly overwhelming. One of the most moving parts of the museum was the personal accounts of survivors.

I have always been glad that we took the time to visit that display at the 25 year mark. I had never seen or heard much of what we saw and heard that day in 1999. 

I was kind of taken back Tuesday when I realized that Wednesday was the 50th anniversary of the Xenia tornado. Yes, it does seem like a very long time since I was seven but the last 25 years have passed in a moment or two.

Several states, dozens of towns and cities and thousands of people were directly affected by the storms that day, but the knowledge that emerged from the intensive research that followed the tornados has saved many thousands of lives since that day. It really is an amazing story.

Maybe there really is a silver lining in the dark clouds of life.

Thank you for reading today.


Saturday, February 3, 2024

Quite A Mile Marker #5000!

We first posted mile markers which are descriptions of our travels, revivals and other fun and interesting events on our first website It was difficult for me to post on that platform and our updates were few and far between.

In 2009 we began and called it Mile Markers from day one. This site started as we prepared for our second Nigeria trip as an easy way to update our family and close friends on our African adventures. 

When we returned home, we were having 200 to 300 readers each day and we knew that was much more than family and close friends. 
We decided to continue posting here and eventually rolled into this website. 

We determined to try to put up mile markers here as consistently as we could. In 2010, we posted 243 times. 
2012 we posted 349 times and by 2013 we had averaged at least one post per day for the whole year. 

We have made a concerted effort since then to post something every day and have only fallen short on a few occasions.

Sometimes we have a few hundred readers a day and sometimes a couple thousand. In January, the stats say we had 69,210 visits. That may be higher than normal from people reading updates on my health progress.

As of yesterday, we had received 
3236945 visits in a little over 14 years. That is extremely small when taking in the grand scheme of the Internet, but not too shabby for our little corner of the world. Welcome, we are glad to have you.

We appreciate all the visitors here. We know that we have people who tune in on Saturday to read Odie‘s messages, others who tune in on Friday to see pictures of revival, and others who tune in on Monday to find out what the weekend held.

Some have told me you mostly read on Sunday to find out where the BoggsMobile is that weekend. Lol We appreciate every one of you. 

An unexpected benefit of Mile Markers is the fact that we use it so often to rediscover our own past. I can find out when the oil was changed in the bus or when the last time we were in California or 100 other pieces of information. 

If I need to know where we were in June 2014, I can find out with a couple of clicks. That has proven to be pretty handy and kind of cool.

After we decided to continue posting here in December 2009, I told Kelly Jo we were going to be consistent with this. I did not want to start this and then watch it fall away to nothing until I was embarrassed to ever post anything. 

Therefore, I put my heart and my time into this as I have very few things consistently in my life. If this site was going to reflect our family and our ministry, then I wanted to be faithful and consistent.

I believe today’s announcement is a testimony to faithfulness and consistency.  
As of today we have 5000 published Mile Markers on

I will say it myself. 5000? Wow!!!

How long have you been with us? Have you been with us for 5000 posts? Are you new here? 

Either way, we are glad you are here and we hope we can stick together for 5000 more. 

Thank you for reading today. 


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Odie's Archives

Note From Davy: Kelly Jo and I want to wish a very happy birthday to our beautiful and lovely daughter Odie. Happy, Happy Birthday! We love you much and we are thankful God placed you in our lives. We are blessed, but sorry about your luck!

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie reporting in from Odie reporting from Oklahoma. We are thrilled to be part of the fellowship meeting at Bethany Holiness Church again this year! It is a joy to be with Pastor Toliver and the wonderful congregation of Bethany.

We have three more stops before we leave this state. It is so good to be back in the Tulsa area again. I am excited about seeing many friends during our time here. Remember to check our schedule page to see where we will be in the future. It is the third tab at the top of the page, or click here. Come be in a service with us! 

Happy Anniversary
Today is Mom's parents, Danny and Betty Morgan, anniversary. Happy 56 anniversary, Gran and Papaw! We love you both so much! I wish you were in Oklahoma with us today to celebrate. It was good to see you for a little while last weekend.

38th Birthday
Today is also my birthday. I am thankful for another year! God has blessed me beyond measure in my 38 years of life! I have so much to thank God for! My heart is full of gratitude!

I know 8 friends across the country who have a birthday today. They are from Florida to California and several states in between. Happy birthday to each of my birthday buddies! October 14th is a great day for a birthday!

Click here to see a post from a couple years ago. Each year, I like to look back and remember a little about my birthdays. In the future, I will have to update and repost my birthday memories again. That particular post stopped at year 36. 

Last year, for number 37, we were back here at Bethany's meeting. My friends made me feel so loved! I have now spent four of my birthdays here.

Odie's Archives
My Mamaw, Martha Boggs, brought a bin to my house last year. She had saved some items from my younger days. I love baby clothes, but knowing these were mine is extra cool. I took pictures of some of the things to share with you. 

The first set I wore going home from the hospital at 27 days old and to my first church service the following Sunday! I remember seeing photos marking both of those momentous occasions. Everything was so tiny. I was a preemie baby.


This is another one of my cute baby outfits.

Mamaw said this was one of my Christmas dresses.

A bib from my childhood. If you are new to the blog, my name is Andrea. I go by my nickname, Odie.

This is a very special dress. I remember this one. It is a size 4T. I believe this was a gift from Papaw Bill and Mamaw Darien Houston. There was a store here in Oklahoma that sold Bryan dresses. I had several dresses from that store. I loved all of them! Most of them came from Papaw Bill and Mamaw Darien.

Thanks for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed a look back at some of the things from my childhood archives. See you next week.


Thursday, August 31, 2023

Happy 40 Years of Preaching

Hey Friends,

Happy Thursday, welcome to another post from Odie. I decided to step in and help Dad out with a post. Did you happen to see Dad's post he published on Tuesday? Check it out by clicking here.

This month, Dad marked a huge life milestone for him. He has been preaching for 40 years! Happy 40th preaching anniversary, Dad! 

I wanted to take a moment to publicly say I am so proud of my Father. He is a true man of God and takes his calling seriously. Dad's main focus in life is winning the lost and helping people make it through life! I can wholeheartedly say my Dad does his job well!

I have not been around for the full 40 years, but I have been there for most of them. Through the good days and more challenging days, Dad has pressed on! He is a fighter and an overcomer!

Working right by him for over 20 years of his ministry has been a privilege. I have watched him in action firsthand. The size of the crowd has never bothered Dad. He ministers to 3 people or the masses. I have seen him be an instrument in the hand of God countless times in various methods! I am always amazed!

Dad has probably preached more sermons to me than any other preacher. God has used him to speak to my soul, challenge, teach, and encourage me! I love to hear my Daddy preach the word of God!

I have had the privilege of hearing my Dad preach hundreds of times for many years. I never get tired of hearing him. I absolutely love seeing Dad being used by God. It is an honor to get the front-row seat that I have to see the action!

I have proudly been a preacher's kid (PK) all my life. I have no sad song to sing about the PK's life. It truly has been a blessing and not a burden. Life has not been all roses or without bumps. Guess what, nobody has a trouble-free life. I am so grateful for my life!

Once again, Happy 40 years of preaching, Dad! Thanks for living your life for God! You have shown me how to live a good life by example. You have shown me that we can survive hardships! We can trust God to work things out for us! I have watched you help others just by being genuine and committed to God!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

5 Years And Still Thankful

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from my Ohio Beach Cottage. I am happy to be home for a quick visit. We have a busy weekend and week on the books. Check back in the coming days to see our fun with family and friends. 

June 1st was the 5th anniversary since I officially moved into my Beach Cottage. Here is a picture from that first night.

It does not feel like it has not been that long. I am so grateful for the beautiful place to call my home! In the last 5 years, so much has happened in the world and in my life. It has been a major blessing to have my own safe place!

The entire home is a series of miracles! I do not want to forget God’s provision! The love and support from my family and friends turned a dream into a reality. My heart still overflows with gratitude!

Many of you reading this post played a role in helping us build my home. Thank you one more time from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for you! I still pray for God to bless you abundantly!

This week marked another 5th house anniversary for me. August 17th, 2018. We were joined by many of the incredible people that help us build my home for house tours and dedication. It was a privilege to show off my finished miracle. We had a sweet dedication on my front porch!

That evening was fantastic. We had friends from near and far come to celebrate with us. Lots of prayers, money, blood, sweat, tears and work brought us to that moment. It was an extraordinary day of memories that still warms my heart! 

I encourage you to read this archived blog post here. Dad summed up the wonderful dedication day in an excellent way. Below is just a sampling of photos from that night that are special to me.

I will never forget the love I experienced that day! I am blessed beyond measure! I just wanted to pause for a moment to thank God for His unspeakable gift of my beautiful home!

Thank you for joining me as I stroll down memory lane. Here is a small tour of the front portion of my home. This was recorded during our 2020 online covid revival.

See you next week. 


Saturday, July 1, 2023

A Shout of Praise In Advance

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for another Saturday. Today I have a couple personal things to say before I get to what is on my mind for this post.

Happy Anniversary 
Thursday was my parent's wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary Dad and Mom! 

Thank you for choosing to love each other thru life! Your loyalty to God and each other is amazing! I love you both more than I can say with words! Your lives are an inspiration to me! You have modeled what a marriage and ministry partnership should look like and I am thankful for that.

I have been blessed with a front row seat and I have witnessed how you work together in evangelism. Thank you for allowing me to tag along and be a part of the fun.

Happy Birthday
Monday is the birthday of my beautiful Mama! She is an amazing lady and works so hard to help me and to keep us on the road and going as a family.

Happy Birthday, Mom! I love you so much! You are the most fantastic lady in the world. I want to be just like you when I grow up!

A Shout Of Praise In Advance
I have praise in my heart that is flowing out! God is at work in my life and working for several people I know. I owe Him praise for so many things!

God has brought so many answered prayers back to my remembrance! He deserves more glory and praise for being so good to us! I did not pray alone for many of the prayers that He has answered for me. People around the world were praying for the same needs. I do not care whose prayers reached Heaven. All I know is my God heard every prayer and answered the prayers for His children!

I am here today with a list of things I am waiting to see completed! I am still waiting for the moment that those needs will be met. Today I am encouraged to believe God to do the miraculous at any second!

Until then, I need to shout right now like the miracles are already done! Through the pain, I am going to praise. Nothing can steal my faith, hope and joy. I want to stomp on the devil's head and give him a black eye! He will not be the victor in my life! Christ conquered him for me!

Trust me, I know I will have struggles to overcome every day, But God is for me! I will overcome by the grace of God. It is not always easy to see the good through the bad. While I have a clear mind, I am writing this to remind myself that God is working!

This has been burning in my heart for days! We have been privileged to be in several faith-building services lately. I left those services knowing that God had changed lives and answered prayers! 

I am sitting at my desk with joy in my heart and praise on my lips! A minute ago, I had to pause my typing to throw my hands up in praise! I do not care if my neighbors hear me giving a victory shout!

Let me share what started me on this thought process. Recently a person asked my Mom a question, and I can not get away from it! This gentleman wanted to know if we still see God do miracles. I was not right there, but I could hear the conversation. Mom said yes, God is still doing miracles! He said miracles where man and medicine are not involved? Mom told him that is happening today! 

Inside I was screaming I am a miracle. God has done so much for me! Gratitude was welling up in my heart; I was about to explode. By the time I joined the conversation, that moment had passed. The gentleman had to return to his work. 

Now for two weeks, I have remembered that conversation. I am still rejoicing because God is still doing miracles! Miracle after miracle has flooded my mind. I am taking a moment to praise God today!

I will close by encouraging you to believe God can work in your life too. He is working right now for you! It never hurts to pray one more time for your needs. I also encourage you to praise Him for the answered prayer in advance! He is worthy of all the praise!

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you. May God bless you in a special way this weekend. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Happy Anniversary, KJo Boggs

I know that this next fact is difficult to believe, but it is absolutely true. Kelly Jo was crazy enough to marry me! Yes, she was!

Maybe even more difficult to believe, as she aged and matured and should have gotten smarter, she was crazy enough to keep me. I have been blessed way beyond measure and I am well aware of it.

God At Work
When I say I was lacking in brains as a young man, please do not think that I am speaking metaphorically. I did not have the sense that God gave a goose and thankfully, Kelly Jo was too young or in love to notice.

Not only was I lacking in brains, I had gaping holes in my character as well. I had dedicated my life to God, I had even preached from God's Word, but I had a long way to go to be a man who was going to be a good husband and a good man.

Thank God for grace.
Thank God for God's power and strength. 
Thank God for His guidance and protection.
Thank God for a patient woman that loved fervently and lived faithfully and took me along with her.

Together we made some right decisions early on and a few timely decisions at perilous points along the way. That allowed God access to us when we might have closed Him out otherwise. Again, Praise God for grace.

Wednesday Pre-Anniversary
We went for a pre-anniversary meal yesterday. It was so wonderful to spend a few hours with Kelly Jo, we may go for an actual anniversary meal today.😎

The steak was so good that I wanted to eat the bone. I could not eat it, but I did chew on it a while!😍

I have spent some time this week thanking God for His blessings on KJo and I. It has been an amazing journey thus far and I am expecting more great travel and experiences in the future with this unbelievable lady.

I think we have some more places to go by HIS grace.

Thank you for going with me, KJo. I love you more than a hog loves slop!

Thank you all for joining us today.


Saturday, June 10, 2023

Happy 60th Anniversary Mamaw and Papaw

Hey Friends,

This is Odie popping in for a quick post this Saturday. Today we are in Texas.

We were in youth camp this week in Louisiana. It was great to be there with Pastor Jerry Arnold and everyone involved. We had a great time!

For today's post, I want to wish my grandparents a happy 60th wedding anniversary! Mamaw and Papaw will be celebrating their special day on the 12th. 

We are thrilled that they have reached this diamond milestone! It is definitely an anniversary worth celebrating!

We gathered with approximately 102 family and friends on Memorial Day to celebrate my Papaw's 80th birthday and their 60th anniversary. You can read more about that special day in this post here.

It was one of the rare occasions that the whole family was in the same place at the same time. I am glad it worked out that everyone could attend.

Their love produced 4 children, in-laws, 7 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren. 

 The Boggs Family in May 2023

The Great grandchildren with Nana and Papa Great. 

The Boggs Children with their Parents. 

I love my Mamaw and Papaw more than words can express. They have always shown their love for their family. They have a special way of making us all feel loved! I have never had to question their love and support. They have been there for the good times and the bad. Ready to lend a helping hand or cheer you on. I am proud to be part of the family!

Happy  60th anniversary, Mamaw and Papaw!!

Thank you for spending part of your day with me. I appreciate you taking the time to read. See you next time.


Monday, April 17, 2023

The Weekend Dispatch 4/17/2023

Today is our Weekend Dispatch. Tomorrow we will have a Revival In Pictures post. Most of the weekend pictures will be published tomorrow, but we have a few for you now.

We began revival on Wednesday and closed revival Sunday afternoon. That eliminated our normal travel day on Saturday and the whole weekend was church. KJo took time for grocery shopping Friday and laundry on Saturday. 

We had lunch with Pastor Herman and Sis. Margaret Woods each day and then prepared for church each night. It was a different weekend for us, but not too different.

Speaking of Bro. and Sis. Woods, Sunday was their 57th wedding anniversary. It was wonderful to celebrate with them Sunday after church and at Shoney's. We also celebrated with Bro. Tommy and Sis. Sharon Eason. Their 52nd wedding anniversary is today.

The highlight of the weekend was the Spirit of the Lord helping His people. We are praising God for coming near us and helping us each service. We still love being part of revival.

Another highlight of the weekend was Bro. Jason and Sis. Alicia Eason came to revival and brought their children. We had a super great time visiting with them after church. Evelyn (on the right below) and I discovered our birthdays are only one day apart so we are not conspiring to plan a joint birthday celebration!😍🎂🎊

We also had visits from our long term friends, Danny and Kathy Janson. It is a joy to see them.

That pretty much wraps up our weekend. Thank you for dropping in. Check in tomorrow for lots more pictures.


Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The BoggsMobile - 15 Years and Counting! March 21, 2008-2023

This is a special post for us today. I hope you enjoy it. We would love to hear from you.

The BoggsMobile - 15 Years and Counting!

What is the BoggsMobile? 

The current BoggsMobile is a 1995 Prevost XL delivered to and converted by Featherlite in 1995 in Sanford, Florida and titled as a 1996 Vantare. It was custom built for a family from southern California.

We have owned it fifteen years today! 

It is difficult to believe this week is the fifteen year anniversary of bus ownership for us. The bus now has 410,809 miles on it according to the computer. We have driven it 74,693 miles in the last five years and 226,330 miles since it became our BoggsMobile.

Image result for boggsmobile

We purchased the bus on Friday, March 21, 2008, drove to a Flying J in Tallahassee and stayed in it that night. We parked next to our 5th wheel on Saturday, March 29th and began moving into the bus. 

That was fifteen years ago this week. We have never lived anywhere as a family for fifteen years except for the bus. That makes these last fifteen years pretty special. 

The longest we have lived in a particular house is a little over two years.

We did make it a little longer than two years in our last 5th wheel. We lived in our 2004 Newmar Kountry Star four years.

When we bought the bus we fully expected to be in it for many years. That is one of the main reasons we bought a motorhome built on a bus chassis rather than a conventional recreational vehicle. 

It is really all in the name, "Recreational Vehicle". Conventional trailers, 5th wheels and motorhomes are meant to be used on weekends and 2-4 weeks in the summer. They are not designed to hold up to what we do week after week and year after year.

The first time the BoggsMobile was backed into the barn on the Lazy OD Ranch in December 2014.

A bus is designed and built to run 2-3 million miles of revenue service. The Detroit 60 Series engine in a bus routinely goes 1,000,000 miles before a major overhaul. A good diesel engine in conventional RV would be comparable in that respect. The difference is in the "house" part the motorhome.

A conventional RV has a frame with a box for living quarters built on top of it. The whole outer shell of a bus is part of the frame and the "house" is built within the frame. That is a major difference in comfort, longevity and safety.

I have friends and acquaintances that drove 100,000+ miles in a conventional recreational vehicle and the house part of the motorhome was literally falling apart! The diesel engine was ready to go hundreds of thousands of miles but the box built on top of the chassis had been rattled into pieces.

We researched the differences for about two years as we pulled our 5th wheel down the road. The Kountry Star was a great trailer, definitely the nicest of the three trailers we have owned. It really held up well, doing what we do, but we knew it was only a matter of time before we would be buying another one and then another one, not to mention new trucks. There is no telling how many good trailers and trucks we would have gone through over the last ten years.

The journey toward the current BoggsMobile was a long and convoluted route. We looked at hundreds and hundreds of buses online, dozens and dozens of buses in person and came seriously close to buying four different buses. We came close to buying one in Pennsylvania, one in Georgia, another in Alabama and still another in Tennessee.

We found the BoggsMobile online in Sanford, Florida and a friend saw it advertised in an RV magazine. It definitely caught our interest but the dealer was not willing to work much on the price. We made a low ball offer without seeing it in person, subject to inspection, but they turned us down flatly and quite rudely.

The dealer kept in touch over the next few months, dropping the price about $5,000 each time they called. When they finally descended to the offer we had made months before, I told them we would drive down to look at it.

We arrived to see it for the first time on Monday March 17, 2008. A friend had already driven it for me and my Dad had looked it over and let us know it was very clean and seemed sound. We needed to see it for ourselves.

Image result for boggsmobile and tent trailer

By that time we had looked at many buses and we knew that pictures could be very, very deceiving. We spent a few hours looking it over and driving it and eventually made another offer that included the same money we had offered before plus some things we wanted to be repaired. They counter offered and we accepted it the next day.

By March the 21st they had the repairs completed and we had the money in place to make the deal. We signed the papers and spent about 8-10 hours trying to learn the systems of the bus. I was overwhelmed. It was like drinking from a fire hose. In hindsight we needed about a week of training.

This is where the 95/96 Prevost Vantare that became the BoggsMobile was sitting when we first laid eyes on it in Sanford, Florida at Florida Luxury Coach. This is only 87 miles from where we are parked today in Plant City, Florida.

This is what the interior looked like. 

Now there is a bunk where the table and chairs were on the right, the barrel chairs are gone and the carpet has been replaced by engineered hardwood.

Dad and Mom came up to see us off and put the first 50 gallons of diesel in for us. March 21, 2008 was the first day I had ever seen diesel at $4 per gallon. OUCH!

My head was full of information and my heart was full of fear.

When we drove away from Sanford on March 21, 2008 the computer odometer was showing 184,479 miles. The next day we arrived near Butler, Alabama at the location where Bro. Jerry Turner's new church was being built.

Bro. Shannon McDonald was working on the church and he had volunteered to build Odie's bunk. We left the bus there, hooked onto the 5th wheel at Allentown and drove to Pine Prairie, Louisiana to begin revival for Bro. Barry Gautreaux.

We left Christian Tabernacle Friday night March 28th and got sideswiped in the truck and trailer by a drunk driver within 60 seconds of pulling onto the road. Wow! My nervous condition took a turn for the worse.

We dealt with all that, pulled the trailer to Richton, Mississippi, drove the truck over to Butler, Alabama, picked up the bus and brought it back to Richton. We were scared, beat up, exhausted and ready to break down and cry.

Except we did not have time to cry. We had a limited amount of time to transfer our stuff while we were preaching our first revival for Pastor Scott Morris and Sis. Kim. They probably wondered what in the world they had gotten themselves into!

The rest is history, as they say. Fifteen years later I now know more about buses than I have ever wanted to know and I know almost nothing about buses in the grand scheme of things. If not for Ben Isaacs and Jeff Rowe I might have left the BoggsMobile and the payment book alongside the road years ago!

After all of this time, we still felt like we made the right decision when we chose to make the jump from conventional RV's to the bus. We are happy to call the BoggsMobile home. God has been good to us.

These are a few more pictures of our first day of ownership.

We incorporated Boggs Family Ministries before we purchased the BoggsMobile. While searching for ministry names we seriously considered Road Runner Ministries. It is ironic that the Road Runner was on the bus when we bought it!

And here are a few more pictures of the BoggsMobile. 

Image result for boggsmobile and tent trailer

Image result for boggsmobile and tent trailer

Image result for boggsmobile

Fifteen years and counting in the BoggsMobile! It feels like maybe we should celebrate in some way. Maybe we could celebrate with Sonny's BBQ!
❤️ ❤️ 

Thank you for tuning in today. I hope you enjoyed the post.
