Showing posts with label Praise The Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praise The Lord. Show all posts

Friday, February 2, 2024

Sip For Joy

First a reminder
We will have our second revival service from Nigeria on our YouTube channel tonight at 8:00 Eastern. 

Hey Friends,

This is Odie here with a quick Friday check-in. I know I am usually here on Saturday but Dad has a special post tomorrow. Try to remember to check in tomorrow.

I have had an entire week full of fun and I should be home tomorrow. I plan to share more details with you in future posts. It will take me some time to compile everything.

Sip For Joy
Thanks to Mom for giving me this blog idea. Mom sent me a text from Dad's rehab room a few weeks ago. "Read the top of my McDonald's cup."

Sip For Joy
My Mom said it like this: "I never again want to take the things for granted that God gave us abilities for. It is easy to never think about things I do every day until the ability is gone."

We have been made fully aware of these little everyday things that are just seemingly second nature. In a moment, they can be gone. Then you might be thinking, how did I ever accomplish that task. Little things became big things and hard work.

In one moment Dad lost his ability to sip anything. We have witnessed Dad working hard to overcome life's obstacles that were suddenly put in his path! With the prayer of our family and friends God has helped him face the uncertainties one at a time.


11 hours after Mom sent me the picture of her cup, Dad posted this video to our YouTube channel. Friends, this was a "sip for joy!"

Nowadays, I praise God more for all the little tasks I can do! I am blessed and grateful!

Thanks for spending a moment of your day with me!


Thursday, February 1, 2024

I Am On Own

am on my own.

Do not worry, KJo is still here, but the feeding tube is gone. Hallelujah!🙌🏽

I mentioned earlier this week that the original feeding tube had been taken out and a new one put in last Thursday. They had trouble inserting the new one and I do not believe it ever really got into my stomach.

We tried to flush it with water, as we were supposed to do that night but the water would not go in. We left it until the home health nurse came this week and she could not flush it either.

The surgeon had the home health nurse try a couple things on Wednesday morning, but nothing worked. They had us come in Wednesday afternoon to the office in Hamilton.

After consulting with the surgeon and his assistant, they decided to remove it early.YAY!!!

They told us there is a higher risk of infection when it does not stay in six weeks, but I think they concluded the feeding tube remaining in my abdomen without being in the stomach was a high risk of infection as well.😇

So the feeding tube was taken out after four weeks and two days and I am incredibly thankful. It served a great purpose but I am glad it is gone

I now have a hole to my insides about 3/8 of an inch wide with a piece of gauze over it. They said it would heal pretty quickly and we are praying it will heal completely and without any infection.

We have no other option for nourishment without it going in my mouth and down my throat so I am on my own.

I could not swallow water for 17 days or food for 18 or 19 days and it was only two weeks ago when I began swallowing food at all. I am very thankful I am able to eat at this point. It may not be as enjoyable as it once was, but I am so happy that God has helped. Thank you for praying.

Thank you for reading and passing this word on to others as well. May God bless you all.


Monday, January 29, 2024

It Is Time To Eat

The morning of December 29, I had two eggs for breakfast as usual. About 10 minutes before I had a stroke, I ate one hotdog wrapped up in a piece of cheese. Unfortunately,I lost that hotdog so my last meal of any substance was early that morning. 

I could eat or drink nothing after the stroke. 

By January 2, I was feeling the effects of no food. That morning they inserted the feeding tube into my stomach. Very late that night they started me on a continuous flow of food for the next 17 hours.

On January 4 they started pouring in food through the tube every four hours, day and night. We kept that up until they took me into rehab and then Kelly and I eliminated the overnight feeding so I could try to get some rest.

I was able to swallow my first real drink of water on Sunday, January 14. Within days the therapists were encouraging me to experiment with swallowing different textures and types of food.

They explained to me that IF I could eat about 300 calories at a time, I could skip one tube feeding.

Even though every swallow was intentional and sometimes a challenge, my goal became to replace those five meals each day with 300 swallowed calories per meal as quickly as possible.

By last Tuesday I was replacing 2 meals each day and hopeful to make progress to five meals each day by this week.

However, Tuesday evening I began having trouble with the feeding tube and so my eating by mouth program was quickly accelerated.

It has been quite a task to find foods that I can consistently swallow, but with the therapist help and prodding, we quickly began replacing all five tube feedings a day two days later.

By then the tube was causing more trouble so we went back to the surgeon. They told us in the beginning the tube had to stay in six weeks before it could be removed, but we were hoping since the tube was leaking they might permanently remove it.

Even though the tube had been inserted 22 days, they removed the troubled tube and inserted a new one. Ugh! It was pretty painful for a couple days, but I kept eating my calorie intake and have not used the new tube at all.

Kelly has worked diligently to find and prepare a variety of food, trying to help me eat. She does not prepare meals according to what might normally go together. The meals are prepared to reach the caloric threshold with as little trouble swallowing as possible.

That sometimes renders some pretty strange combinations, but I am glad to get the calories in and avoid the tube feedings altogether.

So, it is time to eat. Even though the meals may be soft and strange combinations of types of food, I am glad to be eating by mouth.

The therapist assures me that it will get better and I believe it. She said the best way to work on your swallow is to swallow so that is what I am doing.

I am glad to be making some progress. Thank you for praying.


Friday, January 26, 2024

Healing Is A Process

Healing is a process

There are numerous and varied processes by which the body fights disease, repels invaders and heals itself. Old and sick cells are replaced while the body is mending skin, bones, organs and every part of the body.

Modern scientists and great researchers are still seeking to understand how hormones and enzymes are produced by our bodies to effectively fight for the health of own bodies.

This is no accident of evolution. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Therefore, I say healing is a natural process in the body instigated by supernatural means.

God created the body to heal itself. It is tremendously amazing that our bodies are designed to heal themselves by still little known or wholly unknown processes.

Yet, there are times when the miraculous supersedes the process. Instances when God divinely intervenes in the means by which he designed the body to heal.

We are given descriptions over and again in the Bible when God provided instantaneous shortcuts to complete healing. These are called miracles and they are still available today at God’s divine will in response to fervent prayers of faith in his power and divine intervention.

Hallelujah! I still believe and God‘s people still believe in divine miracles.

What happens when the miracles we seek are not instantly seen in response to our prayers? That is when we continue to believe God. We believe him for the instantaneous miracle AND we believe that the supernatural process he began at creation is still at work through the natural process of healing.

Please remember that God‘s supernatural process of natural healing is constantly at work in our lives.

Let me give you an example.
Two weeks after I entered the hospital a therapist asked about the inside of my arm.

When did that happen?

I said, That happened in the emergency room the first day I was here.

Then she said, Two weeks later, it still looks bad. Given time it will not only look better but it will be better. Your body even now is absorbing that old blood and healing that wound. It is in the process of healing.

She said, Consider the brain stem where the blood clot caused the stroke. That small compact area is inflamed and swollen.

However, the body is working right now to dissipate the swelling and heal that area of your brain stem. It looks bad because it is bad. You see and feel the effects of the trauma in your brain stem, but it is getting better. 

Given time, it will not only look better but feel better and it will be healed. As it heals, the effects all through your body should begin to dissipate and we hope, reverse.

Therefore, my dear friends, while we await the instantaneous miracle we also trust the completion of the supernatural process that God instituted in our natural bodies.

Here is my arm after three weeks.

This is my arm after four weeks.

I do not know if the brain stem heals by the same ratio or in the same time frame, but rest assured it is in the midst of the process of healing. It is operating as designed. It will create new pathways around the affected brain tissue and function and feeling will be partially or completely restored.  

I am waiting and believing for the miraculous and in the meantime I am trusting God‘s already instituted divine process. Hallelujah!!

Thank you.


Thursday, January 25, 2024

Another Step in the Miracle

I had another post ready today but I am pushing it down the line for something important.

Another step in the miracle

Thank you for continuing to pray

Today I am taking up my walker and walking I could not have done this earlier today to save my life I have No Idea what Is next but I am looking for big things!🙌🏽🙌🏽


Monday, January 22, 2024

Facts And Faith

These are the facts.

Strokes in the area of the brain where the stroke hit me are over 70% fatal. The fact is God blessed me to keep me alive from that very first moment.

It is very common to have trouble swallowing after a stroke but uncommon to not be able to swallow at all. I could not get anything down at all for over two weeks. I was told after two weeks that I was very likely looking at 90 days of intensive therapy in order to regain any swallow.

Then it happened. On the 17th day, I was able to swallow water. I was and I am incredibly thankful. The therapists worked. I worked. God worked!

Each swallow is still an effort and I am struggling to swallow different textures so that I can eat, but I am so thankful I can drink water, even though it takes a little extra effort.

At the initial moment of the stroke, when I realized I could not swallow, my thought was, How in the world can I not swallow?

14 days later the overwhelming thought in my mind was, How had I ever swallowed freely? I knew I could, but I could not figure out how to do it. The fact is God gave me a miracle!

Voice, Singing and Preaching
The fact is, my voice is very affected from the stroke. The same nerves, muscles and other parts of my throat that affect my swallowing, also affect my speaking and singing voice. 

Those of you who know me, know that I have used my voice to sing and preach the gospel and make our living most of my adult life. The fact is that would be utterly impossible at the moment. 

However, we do not believe that must remain impossible. They have given me a full retinue of vocal exercises and I am trying to be diligent to regain the ability to sing again. We know that God is able!

Also, it is a fact that my whole right side is greatly affected. It is completely numb like it is asleep. Thankfully I have strength on both sides and that is definitely a plus. 

Therapists are working diligently to teach me to have balance, walk, and to help me have manual dexterity in my right hand. I do have a long ways to go and at times it looks impossible, yet we believe God.

The fact is my eyes are partially affected and even though I seem to see well, I am extremely dizzy at almost every movement. The therapist is also working on that and I am practicing every day and believing God to change that fact as well.

These facts could be emotionally paralyzing but we believe in a God who He is able to do the impossible. Faith in God can overwhelm and change facts. 

That is why we are praising God for the obvious miracles and making the facts known to all of you that believe in God by faith. We believe in him, we have faith in our God who eats the impossible for breakfast!

Please continue praying and believing and there is no telling what God will do.


Thursday, January 18, 2024

Feeding Tube, Fear and Faith

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie reporting in with an update on my Dad. We are glad to have him home from the hospital and rehab. Mom is working hard, giving him the best care she can provide. I am trying to assist her wherever I can. 

We had a bit of a scare overnight and into Wednesday with Dad’s feeding tube. It was doing weird things, and we were not sure what the problem was exactly. All we know is it is so easy to become fearful.

We were able to get an appointment with the surgeon who inserted the tube over two weeks ago, and Mom and Dad drove to Hamilton Wednesday morning.

There is a little infection and the tube was a little out of place, but after looking it over he assured Mom and Dad that everything was okay. Dad has now started a little antibiotics through the feeding tube for the infection, and we are hoping for smooth sailing from here on out.

The feeding tube must remain in for at least six weeks whether it is being used or not. Hopefully, it will spend the last few weeks with no use at all.

Of course, that is being optimistic because it is the only source of nourishment at the moment. We are hoping and praying for a complete miracle soon.

Thank you for your continued prayers and concern for Dad and our family! Today, pray for things the infection to go away and the tube feeding to go well. Keep praying for his full swallowing capabilities to return!

Our faith is in the sovereign God! We are holding to the words we have sung thousands of times. Many people have reminded us of this line by text, comment, card or email. He may not come when you want Him, but He'll be there right on time. God is still an On Time God!

Thanks for stopping by to check on us!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Moving To The Next Stage

 First, we are now at Odie‘s house. After 18 days in the hospital and 11 days in rehab, we left the hospital and arrived at Odie‘s at about 4 PM Monday afternoon. It will take a few days to get settled in here. It looks like a hurricane hit a medical device company/thrift store. We are so thankful that Odie has made this available to us.

For the last 18 days, Davy has not been using his phone. He actually has little desire to see it because of dizziness and challenges with his right hand. However, the amazing encouragement we have received from hundreds of texts, emails and voicemails has been God-given. That means the one-way communication from you has been and will continue to be invaluable to us. The time and energy you have invested in praying for us and for purposely encouraging us during this time, has lifted us much higher than we ever dreamed we could be at this point. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now that we have shifted home, our focus will shift to going back to the rehab for outpatient therapy and to continue to get back to life as we have known it, if that is possible. Of course, we know with God, all things are possible. Events are piling up quicker than we can relay them to you and there are so many things that God has done but on some days it’s hard enough to live and move and do what’s required of us, we are having a hard time keeping you updated, especially personally updated.

Davy’s phone has been silent for 18 days and will probably continue to be as he tries to acclimate to life at home and face the challenges of climbing back up. He simply does not have the strength, stamina or emotional clarity to communicate with everyone one on one. 

Thank you very much for understanding. Please keep reaching out. Kelly and Odie will keep trying to update you. Odie will try to update Mile Markers each day with as much information as we can.

Thank you for praying and we believe God.


Monday, January 15, 2024

1/15 Monday Davy Update

Hey Friends,

This Is Odie here with the Monday report on my Dad. We are continuing to rejoice over Dad's Swallow And Praise from yesterday!

God is a miracle worker! He is healing my Dad one day at a time! Words can not explain my gratitude and praise for our magnificent Lord!

Please share this video with anyone you know who has been praying for our family! We want the world to see a miracle in action!

If all goes well, Dad will complete his in-patient therapy today. He should be home by this evening,

I will let Dad tell you about his current condition later, once he is home. He still has a long way to go to a full recovery. The rest of Dad's miracle is on the way! We will keep praying, trusting, believing and praising!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers! The many comments on the blog and YouTube, texts calls. emails and cards of encouragement have brightened our days! We love our family and friends dearly!


Sunday, January 14, 2024

Swallow And Praise! Davy Update 1/14

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie reporting for this Sunday's post. Yesterday was a two post kind of day. Check both of them out here and here if you missed seeing them. 

They are both worth reading! The morning post was about our precious friend Dorcas in Nigeria. The second one was a Saturday Evening Post. It was an encouraging update from my mother about Dad. We praise God for each movement of forward progress in Dad's recovery.

I was getting ready for church this morning when I received a YouTube notification on my phone. Dad posted a video from the hospital. I immediately opened the video! This is what my eyes and heart saw!

I had a little church right here in my bedroom! He's An On Time God, even on a frigid January day!

Then I had to share the good news with you! Please keep praying for a  complete miracle! God is at work. I know the family of God has been going to war on our behalf! We are so thankful for the grace of God in the last 16 days!


Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Little Good News And A Lot Of Praise!

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking in for a quick minute. This is the second blog post for Saturday. Pleases Click here to read the first post about my dear Nigerian sister Dorcas.

Now, I have a rare treat for the second post of the day. Mom sent me an update on Dad to share. We rarely get to read a post from the mouth of the Kelly Jo Boggs! Take it away, Mom!😇

We have good news that we would like to share with you. You have been praying with us that Davy would regain the function of swallowing. He has had no food or drink in over two weeks now. He has been nourishing from a feeding tube in his stomach for about 10 days, but trust me that is not the same.

He has had speech therapy several times, probably 15 sessions. The therapists have been working diligently to help him retrain his muscles and regain swallowing. It has been slow going, and frankly, discouraging at times. The therapists have been very encouraging and we praise God for each one of them.

Although he is not having a functional swallow,  He has been getting down a drop of water every now and then during therapy. Friday, he was given a barium swallow test. They give you barium to swallow while they x-ray you from the side.
It took him several tries, but he did get a little barium down. Then the therapist put some barium in some applesauce, and he eventually got two small bites of that down. That’s good news, but even better news,  none of it went into his airway. Even when he cannot get it all down in a swallow, it is not going to the wrong place.

The therapist says that shows that he’s getting some mechanics right. We just need to keep training those muscles until they get it.   
 He may be days away, he may be months away, but at least he is on the way. Although he cannot drink, and he cannot eat, he is encouraged. 

Thank you for holding us up in prayer. God will do miracles in response to sincere fervent prayer. We look forward to giving you more good news in the future.

Kelly Jo

Thursday, January 11, 2024

1/11 Thursday Davy Update And Preparation

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting with the 1/11 Thursday Davy Update. Yesterday was a day full of activity. It was preparation day at the beach cottage. 

I have opened my home to my parents for my Dad's home recovery process. I am happy to share my beach cottage with them for as long as they need to stay! God blessed me with an accessible home. Now, I can share my blessing with them.

Aunt Karen and Uncle Steve have been our rocks during the last 13 days! I can not begin to adequately thank them for all they have done to make this as easy for us as they can. 

They organized everything to get my home ready for Dad's arrival. Things were set in place yesterday here at home for his pending release from rehab. 

Yesterday afternoon, the rehab told us that Dad will have therapy all day Monday. Then, he will be sent home that evening, ready or not. It is an insurance decision, and we knew that was a possibility.

Steve and Karen, with the help of one of Dad's nephews, Luke Osborn, Cousin Lisa Isaacs, and the Stansell family from our church at Dryden Road, set up a bed In my second bedroom for my parents to use. They also fetched the recliner from Dad's study upstairs.

We had them bring Dad's exercise bike from upstairs into the garage. I pray Dad will soon feel up to riding his bike again. He loves riding the bike!

Here are a few pictures I snapped during the excitement yesterday. I have not been in much of a picture-taking mood since most of the time we have been at the hospital/ rehab.

Also, Lisa helped me get my desk into my room on Tuesday evening. She also came Wednesday morning to help me give the office an extra cleaning. It was time to officially make it a bedroom for my parents.

Tim and Luke finished clearing the room. 


Bringing in the bed for the new bedroom setup. 

Thank you to Steve and Karen for allowing us to use a bed they own.

Getting the bed in place.

Ready for Mom and Dad.

This is my 21 year old "little" cousin  Luke. Thanks, Bucko, for using part of your day to help us! He will head back to Kentucky for college this weekend. I am going to miss him!

What would we do without Lisa and Karen? I do not want to know the answer to that question. They are extraordinary ladies! We are privileged to have them in our lives!

The helpful crew, Luke, Tim, Rick and Stephanie.

This is Uncle Steve and Rick taking a break after the work was finished. 

So thankful for my precious friend Stephanie. She is always there to help me! 

I feel much more at ease knowing that we are prepared. It was good to spend some time with my family. We worked, laughed, and we prayed for a miracle!

Thanks for stopping by to visit with me today. Please keep the prayers going! God is hearing each prayer! See you tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

1/9 Tuesday Praise Required And Prayer Needed

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you from the beach cottage. Thank you for all of your prayers! We appreciate everyone letting us know you are praying! Keep it up, please!

Most of you are coming for an update on my Dad. Yesterday was another busy day. He has worked so hard in rehab. He is dedicated to doing whatever he can to get better. I am so proud of him!

We must keep our eyes looking up for our help. We know our help comes from the Lord! God is our strength and refuge from the winds of life!

My parents sent me a praise report and prayer requests. Reading this reminds me again that God's blessings on my family are abundant! It is just the tip of the iceberg. I join my Dad in praising God and I want to also intend to join him in prayer. 

Thanks for stopping by to visit us today. I will let Dad wrap up this post. Dad said he tried to do an audio recording to post on YouTube. He could not get it done because his voice was too weak last night.


1/9 Tuesday Praise Required And Prayer Needed 

The miracles we have received and the great favor of God we have been granted the last week or so require us to stop and give glory to God for his goodness to us.

Firstly, we are thankful this stroke happened at home and not in a foreign country or an airplane.

Next, we are thankful the stroke did not happen as I was driving the bus down the road that afternoon.

Thirdly, I am thankful Kelly and my brother Steve were nearby to help me and that I was not alone.

Fourthly, the amazing and miraculous manner in which we came to be covered by medical insurance for this.

Fifthly, something we have not mentioned to this point, the neurologist told us in no uncertain terms that strokes originating in this specific part of the brain are often fatal. It is an unpleasant fact that Kelly Jo and Odie could have planned a funeral last week.

These things are miraculous and we give God glory for each one of them. However, I want to remind you that we have a long way to go to get through this.

In some ways, I am not much better than when they carried me in this place on December 29th. My right leg and right arm are still completely numb and I'm trying to learn how to use them again. I am still dizzy, my eyes are somewhat still jumpy and I have not regained my ability to swallow at this point. I am working with very good therapists and they are guiding me in every way possible. They are hopeful that I will recover my ability to swallow.

So, as you help us continue to praise God for the miracles, please continue praying for the miracles which have begun but are yet out of sight physically.

God has been very good to us and completely faithful to us. We want the world to know that He is our God, and we are thankful to serve him.
We appreciate churches and individuals who have helped us financially during these difficult days. We do not expect that at all but we are grateful for your kindness. If God will let me swallow, it would be worth every dollar that I have to pay times two.

Please pray for Kelly and Odie that they would be strengthened through this. The load on Kelly is substantial and we are finding no tools to cope with some of these things. 

No tools but God. We believe He is enough.

Thank you for being here for us during this time!

Monday, January 8, 2024

1/8 Monday Davy Update

Hey Friends, 

Happy Birthday

First, I want to wish a very special reader a Happy Birthday! A little birdie informed me that our cousin, Glendon Lamb, is celebrating number 89 today. 

Glendon, Happy Birthday from all three of us! We love you! Thank you for keeping up with our blog. I know you are praying hard for us. We appreciate you!

A Word From Odie

This is Odie writing for this Monday's post. I hope you had a good weekend. Thanks for stopping by to check on us today. 

We are still praying, believing, waiting, and trusting in God to heal Dad instantaneously. I can say God is helping us and giving us strength for the journey. God has been so good to us! 

I have a special treat for you; Dad sent an update for all of you. I will end the post with Dad's words below!


1/8 Monday Davy Update

This weekend was a special weekend on the schedule, going way back into the spring of 2022. A  very young lady in Tennessee, Evelyn Eason, discovered we had birthdays near each other in January. 

We conspired then to have a joint birthday party at a Mexican restaurant in the Knoxville area in January of 2024. This Saturday, we were going to meet them in Knoxville on our way through. Of course, most of you know we were nowhere near Tennessee on Saturday because I was on the second day of rehab for a stroke. 

I think it's very safe to say we were not where we wanted to be and we were certainly not where we thought we would be, but we must believe we are in the hands of God and He has it all in control. 

I was in inpatient therapy for three days over the weekend. I wish I could tell you I was getting much better, but the truth is I am mostly learning to adapt and hopefully training my body to more normal function. 

Thank you all for praying for us. I must tell you, we need the help of God.


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Peace In Trusting Even In 2024

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for the first Saturday of the new year. If you have not read our posts for the last week, please go back and catch up with our current life. 

I hope you are having a fabulous 2024! When I wrote my final post for 2023, I was excited to leave that year behind! This new year had to be better than the last! 

Six days in, was I right? The answer is a big fat bold NO!! We are not spending today with friends in Tennessee, as planned for months. Today, we focus on getting Dad well. 

Last Friday, I was preparing things to leave my beach house. We thought the BoggsMobile was headed to Kentucky. My phone rang, stopping my work. I figured it was a momentary pause, but I was clearly mistaken. 

When I answered, I heard Mom alerting me that Dad was extremely ill. She was saying pray and prepare to go to the hospital. If the hospital was even on their minds, this was serious! Many thoughts and emotions were running through my mind. I was speeding around my house as fast as my chair would go. 

I was panicked, terrified of the unknown. Praying, pleading for God to help my Daddy. Then, I was praising all in the same moment. My brain was a jumbled mess, more than usual for me!

All the while,  I could sense God was working! Immediately, it was apparent to me that God had put several things in place for us. Those things are not just small coincidences. God was right with us, even in this shocking time, to all of our family and friends.

He had us in the right place, with the proper people there to help us! I knew God had carried us this far. He will never drop us! My family is safely in His hands.

I am reminding myself multiple times every day to trust Him! He is seeing us through each second of every day. Giving us the strength to face what is happening right then. We are blessed!

I am thankful that there is peace in trusting the Lord in all circumstances! I have had this song on replay in my head since we were in the ER last week. I decided to repost the lyrics today.

Blog archives told me I first shared Peace In Trusting on January 9th 2021. Wow, I did not know what that year held for us! There were definitely long periods of uncertainty for us that year as well. Dad's health problems began at the end of that month. He and I were first diagnosed with COVID  on January 31st.

We found our Peace In Trusting Him through a long COVID fight. Dad has lived to declare the goodness of God to many people since then! Dad has been a living miracle. Without a doubt, I know He will praise God near and far for bringing him through our current battle. I praise God in advance!

I will leave you with the song that has helped me this week. Thanks for joining me for a little bit of your day! I appreciate all of the prayers for our family!

Peace In Trusting 
Written by Sonya Isaacs Yeary, Jimmy Yeary and Becky Isaacs Bowman Makem Smile Music BMI, Sony Tree ATV, Cedar Church Music BMI, RI Bowman Music BMI

Verse 1
God only knows how I've cried
Heartbroken and my hands are tied
But He's been faithful time and time again
And although I don't know how it ends

There's peace in trusting the Lord
Peace when my faith and fear are at war
So I don't have to worry 
He knows what's in store 
And there's peace in trusting the Lord
Yes there's peace in trusting the Lord

Verse 2
If His will should not go my way 
If the answer is not what I prayed
Then I'll trust Him for what I can't see
Cause I know He knows whats best for me   

There's peace in trusting the Lord
There is peace peace peace 
Peace when my faith and fear are at war
So I don't have to worry 
He knows what's in store 
And there's peace in trusting the Lord

There is peace peace peace
In trusting the Lord 

Friday, January 5, 2024

1/5 Friday Davy Update

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in with another Davy Update. We do not have the miracle yet, that we have been praying for. But God is incredible! 

Dad has taught me this nugget of truth my whole life, and I am clinging to it right now. "We have to believe God can work a miracle! We are gonna praise God like He has already answered our prayers. Until He does answer, we must trust Him!" 

We have much to thank God for today! I  write this with praise on my lips! My heart is overflowing!

1/5 Friday Davy Update

Mom and Dad have good news in two areas. First,  the tube feedings have been going very well and Mom has been educated in the process. After a few days of practice, she will be an expert.
Secondly, Dad was moved to the rehab unit on Thursday afternoon. He was moved up one floor but officially dismissed from the hospital and checked into rehab. 

Beginning today, he should have 3 full hours of rehab spread out over the course of a day. It can be pretty intensive but he is hoping to have strength and stamina to charge at it like a bull.

Please pray for Dad during this rehab process. What happens these next several days can determine our future in large part.   We desire the help of the Lord. 

The insurance has approved several days but they will be  involved in the decision making process as they hear reviews from the rehab facility. It is important that they see progress and continue approving the inpatient rehab.

We have been living in a whirlwind of activity. Our family and friends have helped us immensely. I can not adequately say thank you to everyone. May God bless all of you abundantly! 

Thank you for your prayers, friendship and outpouring of love! We can not keep up with timely responses. The voicemails, texts, emails, and comments warm our hearts and make us smile! Stay tuned for more updates as they are available. We will post them here. Feel free to share the blog with others. 

See you tomorrow,

Thursday, January 4, 2024

1/4 Thursday Davy Update

Hey Friends,

This is Odie checking with an update from my parents. Wednesday was another full day of doctors, therapists, nurses and more doctors for my Mom and Dad.

It was also a full day of eating for my Dad. They started him on continuous feeding in his stomach feeding tube at 10:30 pm Tuesday and turned it off at 3:30 pm Wednesday. That is 17 hours of continuous eating. Dad says that’s a record even for him. 😀

Of course, over those 17 hours, they fed him 620 milliliters of food. In comparison, a 20-ounce bottle of Sam’s Choice water is 591 milliliters. He basically drank a 20-ounce bottle of water plus nutrients through his stomach in 17 hours.

His body handled it well, so they are changing over to his choice of feeding. Mom will push it with a syringe every 4 hours and be done with it.

Even better news: swallowing therapy was excellent on Wednesday. He made much more progress toward a full swallow. It will take much more work to get there, but we believe God to work in this area.

They have decided to take advantage of inpatient intensive therapy if they are accepted. There, he will have hours of physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to help him with swallowing.

Perhaps the biggest news of the day is concerning the MRI that Davy had Tuesday. It confirmed the stroke Davy had was involving the medulla part of the brain. That is the brain stem. She said this type of stroke is generally either fatal or mostly recoverable. Since it was not fatal, we hope it is mostly recoverable.

Mom and Dad say thank you for your tremendous encouragement and for your faithful prayers. The family of God is at war for us once again! We are overwhelmed by your love!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!