Thursday, January 18, 2024

Feeding Tube, Fear and Faith

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie reporting in with an update on my Dad. We are glad to have him home from the hospital and rehab. Mom is working hard, giving him the best care she can provide. I am trying to assist her wherever I can. 

We had a bit of a scare overnight and into Wednesday with Dad’s feeding tube. It was doing weird things, and we were not sure what the problem was exactly. All we know is it is so easy to become fearful.

We were able to get an appointment with the surgeon who inserted the tube over two weeks ago, and Mom and Dad drove to Hamilton Wednesday morning.

There is a little infection and the tube was a little out of place, but after looking it over he assured Mom and Dad that everything was okay. Dad has now started a little antibiotics through the feeding tube for the infection, and we are hoping for smooth sailing from here on out.

The feeding tube must remain in for at least six weeks whether it is being used or not. Hopefully, it will spend the last few weeks with no use at all.

Of course, that is being optimistic because it is the only source of nourishment at the moment. We are hoping and praying for a complete miracle soon.

Thank you for your continued prayers and concern for Dad and our family! Today, pray for things the infection to go away and the tube feeding to go well. Keep praying for his full swallowing capabilities to return!

Our faith is in the sovereign God! We are holding to the words we have sung thousands of times. Many people have reminded us of this line by text, comment, card or email. He may not come when you want Him, but He'll be there right on time. God is still an On Time God!

Thanks for stopping by to check on us!


  1. Just a few minutes ago, got done praying for you all. Our God is surely an awesome God! Will continue praying for a miracle. He still works miracles! May God’s grace be multiplied in your lives as you walk this path. He knows! He cares! He understands! He is working! Love to you all! 🩷🩷🩷

    1. Esther,
      Thanks for the prayers and encouraging words! We love you!

  2. Appreciate the daily updates. Our hearts are with you! Praying...🙏❤️

    1. Thank you for praying and reading the updates!

  3. We are still praying for you all!


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