Thursday, February 15, 2024

Distributing Joy On Purpose

We have some family and friends right now who are facing very difficult circumstances in their lives and in their families. They are experiencing pain, sudden illnesses and/or health challenges that have hit like a train. 

We have been weeping with them and praying for them the last weeks and believing God to bring them through. 

As is often the case, these friends and these family members who are suffering have taken time to purposely pour encouragement and joy into our lives. This is a beautiful thing.

How can someone who is experiencing pain and discouragement, have so much personal joy that they can spread joy to you in the midst of their own pain and discouragement? It must come down to a very personal relationship with the ultimate joy giver, Christ. 

Wow! What an amazing thing to behold. I have watched it transpire over and over and now once again, I am the recipient of their overflowing joy and I am encouraged through it.  

In making these observations and feeling these feelings, I have made a commitment. Even in pain and suffering, I want to be a brother like that.   
I do not want to be so caught up in my dilemma of life, that I neglect to be an instrument of encouragement and joy in the life of someone near me who is facing a situation that does not seem to hold any joy at all. 

We, God’s children, have freely received from the hand of God and from our brothers and sisters. As we freely receive, may God give us grace to freely give.  

I have been given much joy, compassion, encouragement and especially the gift of prayer from my brothers and sisters. I appreciate that so much. I want to be a brother like that.     

Thank you for reading today



  1. Beautiful thoughts, Bro. Davy. May we all grow in this grace and the ability to minister to one another! 🙏❤️ Karen M

  2. May we all be able to attain to this goal! See you down the road.

  3. Friend, You and your wife help spread joy everywhere you go! Thanks for bringing joy to our lives on a regular basis! We love you! See you down the road somewhere!


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