Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Travel Day = Home to Effingham

Monday started early with Kelly Jo running errands and me preparing the barn, bus and trailer for departure. There was a 100% chance of rain in Waynesville for most of the day so we wanted to get as much done as we could before the rain set in.

Although we had a few spells of sprinkles the rain ended up holding off so we had the bus started and pulled out of the barn, the trailer hooked up and the car loaded in the trailer before 1:00 PM. One of the reasons I finished quickly is that Dad came and helped me along with my cousin Gerald Livingston. Dad, Mom, Gerald and several other have helped me so much with stuff that needs to be done the last few weeks and I appreciate it very much. Thank you all for your hard work and unselfish spirit.

Since everything was finished, there was only one thing left to do, one more little ol' trip to Acapulco for some fantastic salsa.

Here is a picture of the inside of the barn just before we rolled the wheels toward Oklahoma. It sure looks big without the bus in there!

We really had a pretty good driving day with only a little rain as we neared Indianapolis. We did have one major slow down where we probably lost 20+ minutes to very slow traffic. I-465 around the south side of Indy was jam packed because of construction on I-65 and an accident.

We stopped at the rest area on I-70 west of Indy for a break and quick walk around.

Since we drove 335 miles in the Green Machine Sunday and it was after 3:00 PM by the time we left yesterday afternoon, a short driving day was in order. Only 275 miles Monday.

We pulled into Flying J in Effingham, Illinois about 40 minutes before dark. The RV parking was nearly full with everything but RVs but we snagged the last one. We could park back with the trucks and we have done it lots of times but I would rather be out front with all the lights and constant traffic. It feels safer to us.

Miami Missionary Tent Company in Miami, Oklahoma has our new tent section ready and we are supposed to pick it up Wednesday morning. They made the tent we have used the last three years and we are now adding a new 22x44 foot middle section. We are excited to pick up this new section and have it ready for City Reach!

We are only a little over 400 miles from Miami so we may move the pick up time to this afternoon. If we get started early and have smooth sailing we can make it by this afternoon. We have to skirt around St. Louis and we have several miles of hills on I-44 in Missouri so we will not be in too big of a hurry that is for sure.

I will try to bring you up to date on everything tomorrow. Thanks for reading.


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