
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vintage View Vednesday Montana 2006

It is midweek and time for Vintage View Vednesday again. Last week I found and posted pictures from tent revival at Sun Valley Church in Florence, Montana in July of 2012. I loved going through those pictures so much. In searching through the vast archives I also found a bunch of pictures from Montana that predate Mile Markers by a few years.

There is no way I can show them to you all in one post, but I will try to post a few from our trip to Montana in 2006 today. You may remember that our first trip to the northwest took place in late May and early June of 2005. 

We were in revival in Idaho and our next 10 day revival was canceled due to a completely unexpected death. Our next scheduled revival was in central California so we decided to use our two weeks of downtime exploring. First, we went to Yellowstone, Glacier and found the Metzger's church in Florence, Montana.

You can see a gob of pictures and read more about all of those adventures and more by following the links below. We call the whole fiasco, "Our Accidental Vacation".

That "Accidental" vacation caused us to meet the Metzger's and we can not imagine the next 14+ years without them in our lives. We firmly know that it was God that led our steps during that time. It seemed like an incredibly difficult trial for us while it was going on, but it proved to be a fantastic life changing blessing.

We found ourselves going back to Montana and Idaho for revivals the next year in 2006. It was a quick trip so we left our fifth wheel at home, put a rental cap on the bed of the truck and took off for another trip of a lifetime.

Today I will give you some pictures while we were with the Metzger's and maybe later I will share pictures of the actual trip. It was our first time to see Wall Drug, The Badland's, Mt. Rushmore and so many other grand sights.

Vintage View Vednesday, our second time with the Metzger's, first revival at their church and the wonderful gift of friends for life.

Thank you for joining us today. I hope you enjoyed Vintage View Vednesday.



  1. Thoroughly enjoyed these beautiful photos, keep UP the great work & TXS!

    Frankie Shiflett

    1. Thank you! I love looking at the old pictures of our dear friends.



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