
Monday, July 31, 2017

Weekend Woundup and Weview #31

I have pictures for the Weekend Woundup and Weview and not much time for anything else. Maybe I can at least give you a summary and tell you more about the major weekend projects in posts later this week.

Friday was the day the block walls went up in Odie's closet which will double as a safe room for her during storms. These guys worked very hard and very long.

I will have lots more pictures of that with a full description another day.

We put regular fiberglass batt insulation in a few walls to help with sound proofing between some rooms. Steve and Kelly Jo were a big help with that and did the most of it themselves.

Odie took some pictures of Deidre and Ben's wedding shower next door at Dodds fellowship hall Friday evening. Those pictures are posted a little further down. After the shower several folks helped us clean up and get ready for drywall first thing the next morning.

Since the block was finished it was time for the last pocket door frame to be installed. Dad and I took care of that.

Here are the pictures Odie took of the wedding shower.

Saturday morning several men from Kentucky and Indiana came to hang the drywall in the house.

While they were working hard inside, my Dad was working hard outside.

Kelly Jo was fascinated by the stilts

We had a few visitors Saturday as well.

Bro. Jimmie Radcliffe made it in Saturday afternoon and it was wonderful to see him again. He has been gone way too long!

Saturday evening a bunch of folks jumped in to clean the house once the drywall was up. I was "kilt" and sat outside in the shade so I do not even know who all was working. I know that Kelly Jo, Steve, Karen, Deidre and Lisa were all involved.

Sunday morning we were with Pastor Wade Hicks and his church in West Harrison, Indiana. We walked smack dab into the middle of the presence of God there Sunday and it was wonderful to feel and behold!

Sunday night we were in Brooks, Kentucky with Pastor Phillip Webb. We went to hear Pastor David Webb preach and we had a great time with all of them too.

Thank you for reading today. I will have more information later.


Sunday, July 30, 2017

View From the Front Window July 28, 2017

First things first, today is the birthday of a very special person in our lives. Today is my Mother's birthday.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Mother Dear!

Here are the links from our posts this last week.

I am excited to show the tremendous view for this week. Several guys from Kentucky came to hang the drywall Saturday. This is Odie in her bedroom! 

What a view!!!

I will have more about that whole process later this week.

I hope you have a tremendous Sunday.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Friends For A Lifetime

Hey Friends, 

This is Odie checking in on another Saturday. We have had a very good week here on the home front. Both Tuesday and Thursday night we were in wonderful services at our home church. I love it when God comes down and blesses Dryden Road Pentecostal church in a very special way. It was great to be home and experience the move of God with them! 

For this post I wanted to rewind a few weeks. Earlier this month, I was able to spend several hours with two of my favorite people. These ladies are some of my dearest and closest friends. I am blessed to have them in my life! 

Odie, Deidre Boggs and Lisa Isaacs

Red Lobster was on the menu for the evening. It was absolutely delicious. I am hungry again just looking at these pictures. 

Also I thought I would give you a little peek into our process of trying to get a good picture. Let's just say we were laughing a lot, Oh the memories!

When we are together, no matter what we are doing, it is always a blast. When I get with Deidre and Lisa there is always laughter, maybe a few tears, possibly an impromptu prayer meeting and usually good food is involved somewhere in the mix. Our good times together often become blog material.

Life most of the time has all three of us going in different directions. It is nice when our schedules align enough for some girl time. Things will change even more in October when Deidre gets married. We are trying to savor every moment we get to be together.

I am privileged to have Deidre and "Mama Lisa" in my corner. I know no matter where I am or when it is, I can make a phone call or send a text message and these girls will be praying for me. They will do everything they can to help me through life. We will stick together through the good times and the bad! They will always be my friends for a lifetime!

Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
