
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Pray For Bro. and Sis. Landress

Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in from Ohio. I hope you are having a good Tuesday. 

My parents are doing well. I am thrilled they are getting some needed Rest and Relaxation! This means you are stuck with my updates more than usual. 

Dad does have several posts scheduled. There will be a Word For Wednesday tomorrow from him. He may decide to pop in from time to time. Yesterday's post from Dad was great. He shared an interesting video. Did you know a ladder can walk? Check it out here.

Today I come to you with a heavy but thankful heart. Our dear friends, Bro. Larry and Sis. Rosemary Landress needs prayer! Many of you are probably already joining us in praying for them.

Bro. and Sis. Landress are missionaries to Mexico. Providing good Spanish Bibles for their ministry and other missionaries is a big part of their ministry, Holiness In Mexico.

Friday Morning, they were driving in Texas to pick up Bibles. When their vehicle and box trailer was struck by a delivery truck. All reports let us know that it was a horrible accident! It is a miracle they survived! I thank God for preserving their lives!

Bro. Larry and Sis Rosemary both experienced horrible injuries. They have had extensive surgeries to repair their injuries. The road to recovery ahead of them is long!

Here are a few things I am praying for right now. God, please give them both a full, speedy and smooth recovery. Also, I pray for guidance and wisdom for the doctors involved. I pray for all the Landress family that are there on the front lines with them right now.

When we received news of this accident on Friday. It was a fresh reminder of how quickly life can change. I praise God for being there with each of us at all times!

We can not understand when or why bad things happen to those we love. I am resting in the truth that Dad echoes here a lot "God Is In Control! 

Thanks for visiting with me today.


  1. Praying for Bro and Sis Landress 🙏

    1. Uncle Larry,
      Thank you!! The prayers are working!


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