
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Boggs Memorial Day 2022 Recap

 Hey Friends,

This is Odie reporting in for another Saturday post. Thanks for joining me today.

Last Saturday was my Papaw Eugene's birthday. I wrote him a special post last week. You can find it here.

Monday afternoon, our family gathered to celebrate Memorial Day and Papaw's birthday. We had a fabulous day with family and celebrating Papaw! I am always glad to be home for special holidays with my family!

Today I decided to bring you along to see our day in photos. The majority of our Boggs clan was able to be part of the day. We were also joined by some additional family members. It was good to see everyone and spend some time with them.

Here are some of the pictures I captured and some of my family members. I will pop in occasionally with some dialogue about the images.

Aunt Garnetta Smith and Chloe Jean

Aunt Alice and Lisa

Auntie O and Chloe Jean

Deidre and Arlo

Rhonda and Landell

Charlie loved splashing anybody that he could get.


Odie and Cousin Deb.

Odie and Cousin Caleb.

Cousin Lisa and Odie.

Cemetery time

Happy Birthday, Papaw!

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed the picture of my family! See you next week!



  1. Odie is the Chloe we have been praying 🙏 for??? She is a little doll...Uncle Larry checking in

    1. Uncle Larry,
      Yes that’s Chloe Jean. She’s doing great. She now weighs over 11 lbs. We are so thankful that God has helped her!


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