
Saturday, April 9, 2022

Beware Of The Liquid

Hey Friends,

This is Odie coming to you from the beautiful state of Virginia. We will be in moving around Virginia for our next few meetings. We are looking forward to having a wonderful time here.

Later in this post, I will share a recent funny mishap. Mom gave me permission to tell you this story. It happened during Sunday dinner in Staunton, Virginia, a few weeks. 

Orange Hands
Before telling you the March 2022 story, I need to rewind to December 2018. Do any of you remember my "Orange Hands" embarrassing moment? You can find my original post about it by clicking here. I will give you the shortened version now.

We were eating dinner at a nice restaurant. I grabbed the wrong bottle when I needed my Hand Sanitizer. Instead of the desired Sanitizer, I bathed my hands in my orange water enhancer drops! My hands were dyed orange for a while.

I was thoroughly embarrassed when this happened to me! This incident is something we often talk about and laugh about. Mom jokes with me regularly by telling me that I have used the wrong products again. I will never forget my mistake!

I recently re-read what I wrote about the incident in December 2018. My three points to sum up the moral of the story made me laugh. What I said then is still valid three years later!

1. Make sure that you really have the correct product before pouring it into your hands. 🤦🏽‍♀️
2. Water enhancing drops are good for water but they DO NOT double as Hand Sanitizer.
3. Also, I have not tried this, but I highly doubt Hand Sanitizer doubles as a water enhancer. I do not recommend trying it. 😀

Beware Of The Liquid
Now fast forward to March 2022. It is time to tell you about Mom's mishap. Both incidents gel together nicely and make us laugh!

We were enjoying good Mexican food and fellowship with Pastor Keith and Sis. Gwen May. Our food was served to our table. We were engrossed in conversation and elbow deep in food. 

The waiter refilled our drinks. Mom then needed to add Liquid Stevia to her unsweet tea. Here is a picture of what she meant to add to her drink.

That may have been what she reached for, but she grabbed the Hand Sanitizer bottle. She realized it after squeezing the Sanitizer into the tea. Mom said she thought that it was thicker than usual. 

That was the moment she realized her mistake! I am thankful she did not take a big drink after adding the wrong thing. The waiter quickly brought her a fresh glass of tea. I promptly removed the Sanitizer from the table. We all had a big laugh about the mishap!

Here is the moral of this current story.

1. Make sure you have the correct product before pouring it into tea. 🤦🏽‍♀️
2. Liquid Stevia is meant to make drinks sweet when used correctly. Hand Sanitizer is made to clean hands and surfaces. 
3. Both products are clear in color, but they are absolutely NOT interchangeable!😀
4. Always keep sanitizer and drink enhancers separated! 

Have you had any crazy mishaps like us? We would love to hear from you! Thanks for visiting with me.


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