
Thursday, December 9, 2021

Its Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas 2021

Hey Friends,

This is Odie writing to you again. I appreciate several of you reaching out to me in the last few days. Your kind words about my blog post have been very encouraging.

Did you see my Dad's post from yesterday? Click here to see his latest Word For Wednesday. I am really enjoying his Christmas series. I am thankful for the reminder of the real reason that we celebrate Christmas! Christ came to give us hope!

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas 2021

I enjoy decorating my home for Christmas each year. This is my fourth year in my house. It has been fun to add pieces to my Christmas collection.

October is the month that I like to decorate the house. That could not be done. Yes, I am all for decorating for Christmas before Thanksgiving. I know that is a controversial subject among some of you. This time I was not home to decorate until November.

You better believe I started planning my Christmas decorating ideas in October. I was excited to execute my plans as soon as possible. When we arrived home, my parents helped me retrieve the decorations from the attic. Then it was time to make my house feel like Christmas again.

I have been holding off showing you the 2021 version of Christmas at the beach cottage. This year I struggled to pull everything together and make it look good. Right now, I think it is just about done for this year. 

My cousin Lisa helped me finish some of the things that I could not reach. Thanks, Lisa, for coming to my rescue! You are awesome!

Here are the pictures of my 2021 Christmas decorations. I have my large tree in the front part of my house. Also, small trees in both my office and bedroom.

This year I have my snowflake projector light on the front of the house. Lisa and I also decorated my front porch. It looks so good! I am so happy with it!

Yesterday I woke up to a dusting of snow. It was beautiful, and it put me in the Christmas spirit. I liked that the snow was gone by the afternoon.

Thanks for visiting with me today.


  1. Odie, Your Christmas decorations looks just fantastic, very well done indeed. Now I think Your DearDad has a 5' fiberglass stepladder in the barn & You'd better get that ladder put into Your garage for that standing on a chair is a little dangerous I think, could be wrong but that's just my opinion.
    Bottom line here is, I-Love-Y'ALL!~! from here to yonder, YoFrankie.

    Frank Shiflett

    1. Frankie,
      Thank you so much my friend!
      Lisa has since made sure there is a step stool to leave in the garage. She left it there for her and my mother to use when they need it. Thank you for looking out for my helpers!


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