
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I Am Feeling Good By God's Grace

I think I may have shaken a few of you with my story at the end of yesterday's post. Thank you for your concern. We appreciate you letting us know you are praying for us.

It certainly was not my intention to alarm anyone. I was telling the story as our Sunday happened. I felt great Monday and I am feeling completely fine today with no problems at all.

In the interest of full disclosure, I have contended with some type of reoccurring infection for many years. It always came on fast and hard with all over body aches and a killer fever. The fever is usually weird though. My body temperature soars to over 100 and then drops to 96 and cycles back and forth.

My temperature would swing for maybe 24 hours and then about 12 hours later I would feel like a human again. So the whole thing would last no more than 36 hours. 

These episodes have happened while I was working a public job, pastoring a church and while evangelizing. I have always been able to keep working through them. Kelly Jo and Odie never got sick so we always assumed I was not contagious at all. I affectionately refer to the occasional sickness as "Swamp Fever".

While in revival in Idaho in 2005, the Lord touched me and I was instantly better in the first few hours of an episode of Swamp Fever. Since then I probably have not had 10 episodes and all but one in those 15 years were very minor.

This could have been what was going on Saturday night, but in the days in which we live, it would not have been prudent to walk into a church and take a chance on infecting someone with Covid. We wanted to be in church, we needed to be in church, I hated to cancel a commitment, but the right thing IS the right thing.

If Saturday night was a case of Swamp Fever, it would probably be the mildest case I have ever had. But the Covid test was negative and I am feeling great. We just have to do the best we know right now.

These are crazy times we live in. We traveled a couple hours today and found a place to hide and isolate a couple of days. The main thing in Oklahoma this week is trying to stay cool. Too bad we are a little short on 7,000 and higher mountain peaks with good roads and places to park a bus in cool higher elevations.😰

Thank you for stopping in today.


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